1. Using Hot Rod Server

The Infinispan Server distribution contains a server module that implements Infinispan’s custom binary protocol called Hot Rod. The protocol was designed to enable faster client/server interactions compared to other existing text based protocols and to allow clients to make more intelligent decisions with regards to load balancing, failover and even data location operations.

To connect to Infinispan over this highly efficient Hot Rod protocol you can either use one of the clients described in this chapter, or use higher level tools such as Hibernate OGM.

1.1. Hot Rod Java clients

Use Java clients to access data through a Infinispan Hot Rod server.

Infinispan provides a reference Hot Rod Java client implementation.

Visit the Hot Rod clients page on infinispan.org to download the Java client and find client implementations in other languages.

1.1.1. Programmatically Configuring Hot Rod Java Clients

Use the ConfigurationBuilder class to generate immutable configuration objects that you can pass to RemoteCacheManager.

For example, create a client instance with the Java fluent API as follows:

org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration.ConfigurationBuilder cb
      = new org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration.ConfigurationBuilder();
cb.marshaller(new org.infinispan.commons.marshall.ProtoStreamMarshaller())
RemoteCacheManager rmc = new RemoteCacheManager(cb.build());

1.1.2. Configuring Hot Rod Java Client Property Files

Add hotrod-client.properties to your classpath so that the client passes configuration to RemoteCacheManager.

To use hotrod-client.properties somewhere other than your classpath, do:

ConfigurationBuilder b = new ConfigurationBuilder();
Properties p = new Properties();
try(Reader r = new FileReader("/path/to/hotrod-client.properties")) {
RemoteCacheManager rcm = new RemoteCacheManager(b.build());
Example hotrod-client.properties
# Hot Rod client configuration
infinispan.client.hotrod.server_list =
infinispan.client.hotrod.marshaller = org.infinispan.commons.marshall.ProtoStreamMarshaller
infinispan.client.hotrod.async_executor_factory = org.infinispan.client.hotrod.impl.async.DefaultAsyncExecutorFactory
infinispan.client.hotrod.default_executor_factory.pool_size = 1
infinispan.client.hotrod.hash_function_impl.2 = org.infinispan.client.hotrod.impl.consistenthash.ConsistentHashV2
infinispan.client.hotrod.tcp_no_delay = true
infinispan.client.hotrod.tcp_keep_alive = false
infinispan.client.hotrod.request_balancing_strategy = org.infinispan.client.hotrod.impl.transport.tcp.RoundRobinBalancingStrategy
infinispan.client.hotrod.key_size_estimate = 64
infinispan.client.hotrod.value_size_estimate = 512
infinispan.client.hotrod.force_return_values = false

## Connection pooling configuration
maxActive = -1
maxIdle = -1
whenExhaustedAction = 1
minIdle = 1

Substitute Java system properties to replace values at runtime, for example:

infinispan.client.hotrod.server_list = ${server_list}

The preceding example expands the value of the infinispan.client.hotrod.server_list property to the value of the server_list Java system property, which comes from system property named jboss.bind.address.management or defaults to

1.1.3. Authentication

If the server has set up authentication, you need to configure your client accordingly. Depending on the mechs enabled on the server, the client must provide the required information.


DIGEST-MD5 is the recommended approach for simple username/password authentication scenarios. If you are using the default realm on the server ("ApplicationRealm"), all you need to do is provide your credentials as follows:

Hot Rod client configuration with DIGEST-MD5 authentication
ConfigurationBuilder clientBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
remoteCacheManager = new RemoteCacheManager(clientBuilder.build());
RemoteCache<String, String> cache = remoteCacheManager.getCache("secured");

The PLAIN mechanism is not really recommended unless the connection is also encrypted, as anyone can sniff the clear-text password being sent along the wire.

Hot Rod client configuration with DIGEST-MD5 authentication
ConfigurationBuilder clientBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
remoteCacheManager = new RemoteCacheManager(clientBuilder.build());
RemoteCache<String, String> cache = remoteCacheManager.getCache("secured");

The EXTERNAL mechanism is special in that it doesn’t explicitly provide credentials but uses the client certificate as identity. In order for this to work, in addition to the TrustStore (to validate the server certificate) you need to provide a KeyStore (to supply the client certificate).

Hot Rod client configuration with EXTERNAL authentication (client cert)
ConfigurationBuilder clientBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
            // TrustStore is a KeyStore which contains part of the server certificate chain (e.g. the CA Root public cert)
            // KeyStore containing this client's own certificate
remoteCacheManager = new RemoteCacheManager(clientBuilder.build());
RemoteCache<String, String> cache = remoteCacheManager.getCache("secured");

For more details, read the Encryption section below.

GSSAPI (Kerberos)

GSSAPI/Kerberos requires a much more complex setup, but it is used heavily in enterprises with centralized authentication servers. To successfully authenticate with Kerberos, you need to create a LoginContext. This will obtain a Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) which will be used as a token to authenticate with the service.

You will need to define a login module in a login configuration file:

GssExample {
    com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required client=TRUE;

If you are using the IBM JDK, the above becomes:

GssExample {
    com.ibm.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required client=TRUE;

You will also need to set the following system properties:



The krb5.conf file is dependent on your environment and needs to point to your KDC. Ensure that you can authenticate via Kerberos using kinit.

Next up, configure your client as follows:

Hot Rod client GSSAPI configuration
LoginContext lc = new LoginContext("GssExample", new BasicCallbackHandler("krb_user", "krb_password".toCharArray()));
Subject clientSubject = lc.getSubject();

ConfigurationBuilder clientBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
            .callbackHandler(new BasicCallbackHandler());
remoteCacheManager = new RemoteCacheManager(clientBuilder.build());
RemoteCache<String, String> cache = remoteCacheManager.getCache("secured");

For brevity we used the same callback handler both for obtaining the client subject and for handling authentication in the SASL GSSAPI mech, however different callbacks will actually be invoked: NameCallback and PasswordCallback are needed to construct the client subject, while the AuthorizeCallback will be called during the SASL authentication.

Custom CallbackHandlers

In all of the above examples, the Hot Rod client is setting up a default CallbackHandler for you that supplies the provided credentials to the SASL mechanism. For advanced scenarios it may be necessary to provide your own custom CallbackHandler:

Hot Rod client configuration with authentication via callback
public class MyCallbackHandler implements CallbackHandler {
   final private String username;
   final private char[] password;
   final private String realm;

   public MyCallbackHandler(String username, String realm, char[] password) {
      this.username = username;
      this.password = password;
      this.realm = realm;

   public void handle(Callback[] callbacks) throws IOException, UnsupportedCallbackException {
      for (Callback callback : callbacks) {
         if (callback instanceof NameCallback) {
            NameCallback nameCallback = (NameCallback) callback;
         } else if (callback instanceof PasswordCallback) {
            PasswordCallback passwordCallback = (PasswordCallback) callback;
         } else if (callback instanceof AuthorizeCallback) {
            AuthorizeCallback authorizeCallback = (AuthorizeCallback) callback;
         } else if (callback instanceof RealmCallback) {
            RealmCallback realmCallback = (RealmCallback) callback;
         } else {
            throw new UnsupportedCallbackException(callback);

ConfigurationBuilder clientBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
            .callbackHandler(new MyCallbackHandler("myuser", "ApplicationRealm", "qwer1234!".toCharArray()));
remoteCacheManager = new RemoteCacheManager(clientBuilder.build());
RemoteCache<String, String> cache = remoteCacheManager.getCache("secured");

The actual type of callbacks that your CallbackHandler will need to be able to handle are mech-specific, so the above is just a simple example.

1.1.4. Encryption

Encryption uses TLS/SSL, so it requires setting up an appropriate server certificate chain. Generally, a certificate chain looks like the following:

cert chain
Figure 1. Certificate chain

In the above example there is one certificate authority "CA" which has issued a certificate for "HotRodServer". In order for a client to trust the server, it needs at least a portion of the above chain (usually, just the public certificate for "CA"). This certificate needs to placed in a keystore and used as a TrustStore on the client and used as shown below:

Hot Rod client configuration with TLS (server cert)
ConfigurationBuilder clientBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
            // TrustStore is a KeyStore which contains part of the server certificate chain (e.g. the CA Root public cert)
RemoteCache<String, String> cache = remoteCacheManager.getCache("secured");

The server may have been configured with TLS/SNI support (Server Name Indication). This means that the server is presenting multiple identities (probably bound to separate cache containers). The client can specify which identity to connect to by specifying its name:

Hot Rod client configuration with SNI (server cert)
ConfigurationBuilder clientBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
            // TrustStore is a KeyStore which contains part of the server certificate chain (e.g. the CA Root public cert)
RemoteCache<String, String> cache = remoteCacheManager.getCache("secured");
Client certificates

With the above configurations the client trusts the server. For increased security, a server administrator may have set up the server to require the client to offer a valid certificate for mutual trust. This kind of configuration requires the client to present its own certificate, usually issued by the same certificate authority as the server. This certificate must be stored in a keystore and used as follows:

Hot Rod client configuration with TLS (server and client cert)
ConfigurationBuilder clientBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
            // TrustStore is a KeyStore which contains part of the server certificate chain (e.g. the CA Root public cert)
            // KeyStore containing this client's own certificate
RemoteCache<String, String> cache = remoteCacheManager.getCache("secured");

Please read the KeyTool documentation for more details on KeyStores. Additionally, the KeyStore Explorer is a great GUI tool for easily managing KeyStores.

1.1.5. Basic API

Below is a sample code snippet on how the client API can be used to store or retrieve information from a Hot Rod server using the Java Hot Rod client. It assumes that a Hot Rod server has been started bound to the default location (localhost:11222)

//API entry point, by default it connects to localhost:11222
CacheContainer cacheContainer = new RemoteCacheManager();

//obtain a handle to the remote default cache
Cache<String, String> cache = cacheContainer.getCache();

//now add something to the cache and make sure it is there
cache.put("car", "ferrari");
assert cache.get("car").equals("ferrari");

//remove the data
assert !cache.containsKey("car") : "Value must have been removed!";

The client API maps the local API: RemoteCacheManager corresponds to DefaultCacheManager (both implement CacheContainer ). This common API facilitates an easy migration from local calls to remote calls through Hot Rod: all one needs to do is switch between DefaultCacheManager and RemoteCacheManager - which is further simplified by the common CacheContainer interface that both inherit.

1.1.6. RemoteCache(.keySet|.entrySet|.values)

The collection methods keySet, entrySet and values are backed by the remote cache. That is that every method is called back into the RemoteCache. This is useful as it allows for the various keys, entries or values to be retrieved lazily, and not requiring them all be stored in the client memory at once if the user does not want. These collections adhere to the Map specification being that add and addAll are not supported but all other methods are supported.

One thing to note is the Iterator.remove and Set.remove or Collection.remove methods require more than 1 round trip to the server to operate. You can check out the RemoteCache Javadoc to see more details about these and the other methods.

Iterator Usage

The iterator method of these collections uses retrieveEntries internally, which is described below. If you notice retrieveEntries takes an argument for the batch size. There is no way to provide this to the iterator. As such the batch size can be configured via system property infinispan.client.hotrod.batch_size or through the ConfigurationBuilder when configuring the RemoteCacheManager.

Also the retrieveEntries iterator returned is Closeable as such the iterators from keySet, entrySet and values return an AutoCloseable variant. Therefore you should always close these `Iterator`s when you are done with them.

try (CloseableIterator<Entry<K, V>> iterator = remoteCache.entrySet().iterator) {

What if I want a deep copy and not a backing collection?

Previous version of RemoteCache allowed for the retrieval of a deep copy of the keySet. This is still possible with the new backing map, you just have to copy the contents yourself. Also you can do this with entrySet and values, which we didn’t support before.

Set<K> keysCopy = remoteCache.keySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toSet());

Please use extreme cautiong with this as a large number of keys can and will cause OutOfMemoryError in the client.

Set keys = remoteCache.keySet();

1.1.7. Remote Iterator

Alternatively, if memory is a concern (different batch size) or you wish to do server side filtering or conversion), use the remote iterator api to retrieve entries from the server. With this method you can limit the entries that are retrieved or even returned a converted value if you dont' need all properties of your entry.

// Retrieve all entries in batches of 1000
int batchSize = 1000;
try (CloseableIterator<Entry<Object, Object>> iterator = remoteCache.retrieveEntries(null, batchSize)) {
     while(iterator.hasNext()) {
        // Do something

// Filter by segment
Set<Integer> segments = ...
try (CloseableIterator<Entry<Object, Object>> iterator = remoteCache.retrieveEntries(null, segments, batchSize)) {
     while(iterator.hasNext()) {
        // Do something

// Filter by custom filter
try (CloseableIterator<Entry<Object, Object>> iterator = remoteCache.retrieveEntries("myFilterConverterFactory", segments, batchSize)) {
     while(iterator.hasNext()) {
        // Do something

In order to use custom filters, it’s necessary to deploy them first in the server. Follow the steps:

import java.io.Serializable;

import org.infinispan.filter.AbstractKeyValueFilterConverter;
import org.infinispan.filter.KeyValueFilterConverter;
import org.infinispan.filter.KeyValueFilterConverterFactory;
import org.infinispan.filter.NamedFactory;
import org.infinispan.metadata.Metadata;

@NamedFactory(name = "myFilterConverterFactory")
public class MyKeyValueFilterConverterFactory implements KeyValueFilterConverterFactory {

   public KeyValueFilterConverter<String, SampleEntity1, SampleEntity2> getFilterConverter() {
      return new MyKeyValueFilterConverter();
   // Filter implementation. Should be serializable or externalizable for DIST caches
   static class MyKeyValueFilterConverter extends AbstractKeyValueFilterConverter<String, SampleEntity1, SampleEntity2> implements Serializable {
      public SampleEntity2 filterAndConvert(String key, SampleEntity1 entity, Metadata metadata) {
         // returning null will case the entry to be filtered out
         // return SampleEntity2 will convert from the cache type SampleEntity1

      public MediaType format() {
         // returns the MediaType that data should be presented to this converter.
         // When ommitted, the server will use "application/x-java-object".
         // Returning null will cause the filter/converter to be done in the storage format.
  • Create a jar with a META-INF/services/org.infinispan.filter.KeyValueFilterConverterFactory file and within it, write the fully qualified class name of the filter factory class implementation.

  • Optional: If the filter uses custom key/value classes, these must be included in the JAR so that the filter can correctly unmarshall key and/or value instances.

  • Deploy the JAR file in the Infinispan Server.

1.1.8. Versioned API

A RemoteCacheManager provides instances of RemoteCache interface that represents a handle to the named or default cache on the remote cluster. API wise, it extends the Cache interface to which it also adds some new methods, including the so called versioned API. Please find below some examples of this API link:#server_hotrod_failover[but to understand the motivation behind it, make sure you read this section.

The code snippet bellow depicts the usage of these versioned methods:

// To use the versioned API, remote classes are specifically needed
RemoteCacheManager remoteCacheManager = new RemoteCacheManager();
RemoteCache<String, String> cache = remoteCacheManager.getCache();

remoteCache.put("car", "ferrari");
RemoteCache.VersionedValue valueBinary = remoteCache.getVersioned("car");

// removal only takes place only if the version has not been changed
// in between. (a new version is associated with 'car' key on each change)
assert remoteCache.remove("car", valueBinary.getVersion());
assert !cache.containsKey("car");

In a similar way, for replace:

remoteCache.put("car", "ferrari");
RemoteCache.VersionedValue valueBinary = remoteCache.getVersioned("car");
assert remoteCache.replace("car", "lamborghini", valueBinary.getVersion());

For more details on versioned operations refer to RemoteCache 's javadoc.

1.1.9. Streaming API

When sending / receiving large objects, it might make sense to stream them between the client and the server. The Streaming API implements methods similar to the Hot Rod Basic API and Hot Rod Versioned API described above but, instead of taking the value as a parameter, they return instances of InputStream and OutputStream. The following example shows how one would write a potentially large object:

RemoteStreamingCache<String> streamingCache = remoteCache.streaming();
OutputStream os = streamingCache.put("a_large_object");

Reading such an object through streaming:

RemoteStreamingCache<String> streamingCache = remoteCache.streaming();
InputStream is = streamingCache.get("a_large_object");
for(int b = is.read(); b >= 0; b = is.read()) {
The streaming API does not apply marshalling/unmarshalling to the values. For this reason you cannot access the same entries using both the streaming and non-streaming API at the same time, unless you provide your own marshaller to detect this situation.

The InputStream returned by the RemoteStreamingCache.get(K key) method implements the VersionedMetadata interface, so you can retrieve version and expiration information:

RemoteStreamingCache<String> streamingCache = remoteCache.streaming();
InputStream is = streamingCache.get("a_large_object");
int version = ((VersionedMetadata) is).getVersion();
for(int b = is.read(); b >= 0; b = is.read()) {
Conditional write methods (putIfAbsent, replace) only perform the actual condition check once the value has been completely sent to the server (i.e. when the close() method has been invoked on the OutputStream.

1.1.10. Creating Event Listeners

Java Hot Rod clients can register listeners to receive cache-entry level events. Cache entry created, modified and removed events are supported.

Creating a client listener is very similar to embedded listeners, except that different annotations and event classes are used. Here’s an example of a client listener that prints out each event received:

import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.annotation.*;
import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.event.*;

public class EventPrintListener {

   public void handleCreatedEvent(ClientCacheEntryCreatedEvent e) {

   public void handleModifiedEvent(ClientCacheEntryModifiedEvent e) {

   public void handleRemovedEvent(ClientCacheEntryRemovedEvent e) {


ClientCacheEntryCreatedEvent and ClientCacheEntryModifiedEvent instances provide information on the affected key, and the version of the entry. This version can be used to invoke conditional operations on the server, such as replaceWithVersion or removeWithVersion.

ClientCacheEntryRemovedEvent events are only sent when the remove operation succeeds. In other words, if a remove operation is invoked but no entry is found or no entry should be removed, no event is generated. Users interested in removed events, even when no entry was removed, can develop event customization logic to generate such events. More information can be found in the customizing client events section.

All ClientCacheEntryCreatedEvent, ClientCacheEntryModifiedEvent and ClientCacheEntryRemovedEvent event instances also provide a boolean isCommandRetried() method that will return true if the write command that caused this had to be retried again due to a topology change. This could be a sign that this event has been duplicated or another event was dropped and replaced (eg: ClientCacheEntryModifiedEvent replaced ClientCacheEntryCreatedEvent).

Once the client listener implementation has been created, it needs to be registered with the server. To do so, execute:

RemoteCache<?, ?> cache = ...
cache.addClientListener(new EventPrintListener());

1.1.11. Removing Event Listeners

When an client event listener is not needed any more, it can be removed:

EventPrintListener listener = ...

1.1.12. Filtering Events

In order to avoid inundating clients with events, users can provide filtering functionality to limit the number of events fired by the server for a particular client listener. To enable filtering, a cache event filter factory needs to be created that produces filter instances:

import org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.filter.CacheEventFilterFactory;
import org.infinispan.filter.NamedFactory;

@NamedFactory(name = "static-filter")
class StaticCacheEventFilterFactory implements CacheEventFilterFactory {
   public CacheEventFilterFactory<Integer, String> getFilter(Object[] params) {
      return new StaticCacheEventFilter();

// Serializable, Externalizable or marshallable with Infinispan Externalizers
// needed when running in a cluster
class StaticCacheEventFilter implements CacheEventFilter<Integer, String>, Serializable {
   public boolean accept(Integer key, String oldValue, Metadata oldMetadata,
         String newValue, Metadata newMetadata, EventType eventType) {
      if (key.equals(1)) // static key
         return true;

      return false;

The cache event filter factory instance defined above creates filter instances which statically filter out all entries except the one whose key is 1.

To be able to register a listener with this cache event filter factory, the factory has to be given a unique name, and the Hot Rod server needs to be plugged with the name and the cache event filter factory instance. Plugging the Infinispan Server with a custom filter involves the following steps:

  1. Create a JAR file with the filter implementation within it.

  2. Optional: If the cache uses custom key/value classes, these must be included in the JAR so that the callbacks can be executed with the correctly unmarshalled key and/or value instances. If the client listener has useRawData enabled, this is not necessary since the callback key/value instances will be provided in binary format.

  3. Create a META-INF/services/org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.filter.CacheEventFilterFactory file within the JAR file and within it, write the fully qualified class name of the filter class implementation.

  4. Deploy the JAR file in the Infinispan Server.

On top of that, the client listener needs to be linked with this cache event filter factory by adding the factory’s name to the @ClientListener annotation:

@ClientListener(filterFactoryName = "static-filter")
public class EventPrintListener { ... }

And, register the listener with the server:

RemoteCache<?, ?> cache = ...
cache.addClientListener(new EventPrintListener());

Dynamic filter instances that filter based on parameters provided when the listener is registered are also possible. Filters use the parameters received by the filter factories to enable this option. For example:

import org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.filter.CacheEventFilterFactory;
import org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.filter.CacheEventFilter;

class DynamicCacheEventFilterFactory implements CacheEventFilterFactory {
   public CacheEventFilter<Integer, String> getFilter(Object[] params) {
      return new DynamicCacheEventFilter(params);

// Serializable, Externalizable or marshallable with Infinispan Externalizers
// needed when running in a cluster
class DynamicCacheEventFilter implements CacheEventFilter<Integer, String>, Serializable {
   final Object[] params;

   DynamicCacheEventFilter(Object[] params) {
      this.params = params;

   public boolean accept(Integer key, String oldValue, Metadata oldMetadata,
         String newValue, Metadata newMetadata, EventType eventType) {
      if (key.equals(params[0])) // dynamic key
         return true;

      return false;

The dynamic parameters required to do the filtering are provided when the listener is registered:

RemoteCache<?, ?> cache = ...
cache.addClientListener(new EventPrintListener(), new Object[]{1}, null);
Filter instances have to marshallable when they are deployed in a cluster so that the filtering can happen right where the event is generated, even if the even is generated in a different node to where the listener is registered. To make them marshallable, either make them extend Serializable, Externalizable, or provide a custom Externalizer for them.
Skipping Notifications

Include the SKIP_LISTENER_NOTIFICATION flag when calling remote API methods to perform operations without getting event notifications from the server. For example, to prevent listener notifications when creating or modifying values, set the flag as follows:

remoteCache.withFlags(Flag.SKIP_LISTENER_NOTIFICATION).put(1, "one");

1.1.13. Customizing Events

The events generated by default contain just enough information to make the event relevant but they avoid cramming too much information in order to reduce the cost of sending them. Optionally, the information shipped in the events can be customised in order to contain more information, such as values, or to contain even less information. This customization is done with CacheEventConverter instances generated by a CacheEventConverterFactory:

import org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.filter.CacheEventConverterFactory;
import org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.filter.CacheEventConverter;
import org.infinispan.filter.NamedFactory;

@NamedFactory(name = "static-converter")
class StaticConverterFactory implements CacheEventConverterFactory {
   final CacheEventConverter<Integer, String, CustomEvent> staticConverter = new StaticCacheEventConverter();
   public CacheEventConverter<Integer, String, CustomEvent> getConverter(final Object[] params) {
      return staticConverter;

// Serializable, Externalizable or marshallable with Infinispan Externalizers
// needed when running in a cluster
class StaticCacheEventConverter implements CacheEventConverter<Integer, String, CustomEvent>, Serializable {
   public CustomEvent convert(Integer key, String oldValue, Metadata oldMetadata, String newValue, Metadata newMetadata, EventType eventType) {
      return new CustomEvent(key, newValue);

// Needs to be Serializable, Externalizable or marshallable with Infinispan Externalizers
// regardless of cluster or local caches
static class CustomEvent implements Serializable {
   final Integer key;
   final String value;
   CustomEvent(Integer key, String value) {
      this.key = key;
      this.value = value;

In the example above, the converter generates a new custom event which includes the value as well as the key in the event. This will result in bigger event payloads compared with default events, but if combined with filtering, it can reduce its network bandwidth cost.

The target type of the converter must be either Serializable or Externalizable. In this particular case of converters, providing an Externalizer will not work by default since the default Hot Rod client marshaller does not support them.

Handling custom events requires a slightly different client listener implementation to the one demonstrated previously. To be more precise, it needs to handle ClientCacheEntryCustomEvent instances:

import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.annotation.*;
import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.event.*;

public class CustomEventPrintListener {

   public void handleCustomEvent(ClientCacheEntryCustomEvent<CustomEvent> e) {


The ClientCacheEntryCustomEvent received in the callback exposes the custom event via getEventData method, and the getType method provides information on whether the event generated was as a result of cache entry creation, modification or removal.

Similar to filtering, to be able to register a listener with this converter factory, the factory has to be given a unique name, and the Hot Rod server needs to be plugged with the name and the cache event converter factory instance. Plugging the Infinispan Server with an event converter involves the following steps:

  1. Create a JAR file with the converter implementation within it.

  2. Optional: If the cache uses custom key/value classes, these must be included in the JAR so that the callbacks can be executed with the correctly unmarshalled key and/or value instances. If the client listener has useRawData enabled, this is not necessary since the callback key/value instances will be provided in binary format.

  3. Create a META-INF/services/org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.filter.CacheEventConverterFactory file within the JAR file and within it, write the fully qualified class name of the converter class implementation.

  4. Deploy the JAR file in the Infinispan Server.

On top of that, the client listener needs to be linked with this converter factory by adding the factory’s name to the @ClientListener annotation:

@ClientListener(converterFactoryName = "static-converter")
public class CustomEventPrintListener { ... }

And, register the listener with the server:

RemoteCache<?, ?> cache = ...
cache.addClientListener(new CustomEventPrintListener());

Dynamic converter instances that convert based on parameters provided when the listener is registered are also possible. Converters use the parameters received by the converter factories to enable this option. For example:

import org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.filter.CacheEventConverterFactory;
import org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.filter.CacheEventConverter;

@NamedFactory(name = "dynamic-converter")
class DynamicCacheEventConverterFactory implements CacheEventConverterFactory {
   public CacheEventConverter<Integer, String, CustomEvent> getConverter(final Object[] params) {
      return new DynamicCacheEventConverter(params);

// Serializable, Externalizable or marshallable with Infinispan Externalizers needed when running in a cluster
class DynamicCacheEventConverter implements CacheEventConverter<Integer, String, CustomEvent>, Serializable {
   final Object[] params;

   DynamicCacheEventConverter(Object[] params) {
      this.params = params;

   public CustomEvent convert(Integer key, String oldValue, Metadata oldMetadata,
         String newValue, Metadata newMetadata, EventType eventType) {
      // If the key matches a key given via parameter, only send the key information
      if (params[0].equals(key))
         return new CustomEvent(key, null);

      return new CustomEvent(key, newValue);

The dynamic parameters required to do the conversion are provided when the listener is registered:

RemoteCache<?, ?> cache = ...
cache.addClientListener(new EventPrintListener(), null, new Object[]{1});
Converter instances have to marshallable when they are deployed in a cluster, so that the conversion can happen right where the event is generated, even if the even is generated in a different node to where the listener is registered. To make them marshallable, either make them extend Serializable, Externalizable, or provide a custom Externalizer for them.

1.1.14. Filter and Custom Events

If you want to do both event filtering and customization, it’s easier to implement org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.filter.CacheEventFilterConverter which allows both filter and customization to happen in a single step. For convenience, it’s recommended to extend org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.filter.AbstractCacheEventFilterConverter instead of implementing org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.filter.CacheEventFilterConverter directly. For example:

import org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.filter.CacheEventConverterFactory;
import org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.filter.CacheEventConverter;

@NamedFactory(name = "dynamic-filter-converter")
class DynamicCacheEventFilterConverterFactory implements CacheEventFilterConverterFactory {
   public CacheEventFilterConverter<Integer, String, CustomEvent> getFilterConverter(final Object[] params) {
      return new DynamicCacheEventFilterConverter(params);

// Serializable, Externalizable or marshallable with Infinispan Externalizers needed when running in a cluster
class DynamicCacheEventFilterConverter extends AbstractCacheEventFilterConverter<Integer, String, CustomEvent>, Serializable {
   final Object[] params;

   DynamicCacheEventFilterConverter(Object[] params) {
      this.params = params;

   public CustomEvent filterAndConvert(Integer key, String oldValue, Metadata oldMetadata,
         String newValue, Metadata newMetadata, EventType eventType) {
      // If the key matches a key given via parameter, only send the key information
      if (params[0].equals(key))
         return new CustomEvent(key, null);

      return new CustomEvent(key, newValue);

Similar to filters and converters, to be able to register a listener with this combined filter/converter factory, the factory has to be given a unique name via the @NamedFactory annotation, and the Hot Rod server needs to be plugged with the name and the cache event converter factory instance. Plugging the Infinispan Server with an event converter involves the following steps:

  1. Create a JAR file with the converter implementation within it.

  2. Optional: If the cache uses custom key/value classes, these must be included in the JAR so that the callbacks can be executed with the correctly unmarshalled key and/or value instances. If the client listener has useRawData enabled, this is not necessary since the callback key/value instances will be provided in binary format.

  3. Create a META-INF/services/org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.filter.CacheEventFilterConverterFactory file within the JAR file and within it, write the fully qualified class name of the converter class implementation.

  4. Deploy the JAR file in the Infinispan Server.

From a client perspective, to be able to use the combined filter and converter class, the client listener must define the same filter factory and converter factory names, e.g.:

@ClientListener(filterFactoryName = "dynamic-filter-converter", converterFactoryName = "dynamic-filter-converter")
public class CustomEventPrintListener { ... }

The dynamic parameters required in the example above are provided when the listener is registered via either filter or converter parameters. If filter parameters are non-empty, those are used, otherwise, the converter parameters:

RemoteCache<?, ?> cache = ...
cache.addClientListener(new CustomEventPrintListener(), new Object[]{1}, null);

1.1.15. Event Marshalling

Hot Rod servers can store data in different formats, but in spite of that, Java Hot Rod client users can still develop CacheEventConverter or CacheEventFilter instances that work on typed objects. By default, filters and converter will use data as POJO (application/x-java-object) but it is possible to override the desired format by overriding the method format() from the filter/converter. If the format returns null, the filter/converter will receive data as it’s stored.

As indicated in the Marshalling Data section, Hot Rod Java clients can be configured to use a different org.infinispan.commons.marshall.Marshaller instance. If doing this and deploying CacheEventConverter or CacheEventFilter instances, to be able to present filters/converter with Java Objects rather than marshalled content, the server needs to be able to convert between objects and the binary format produced by the marshaller.

To deploy a Marshaller instance server-side, follow a similar method to the one used to deploy CacheEventConverter or CacheEventFilter instances:

  1. Create a JAR file with the converter implementation within it.

  2. Create a META-INF/services/org.infinispan.commons.marshall.Marshaller file within the JAR file and within it, write the fully qualified class name of the marshaller class implementation.

  3. Deploy the JAR file in the Infinispan Server.

Note that the Marshaller could be deployed in either a separate jar, or in the same jar as the CacheEventConverter and/or CacheEventFilter instances.

Deploying Protostream Marshallers

If a cache stores Protobuf content, as it happens when using ProtoStream marshaller in the Hot Rod client, it’s not necessary to deploy a custom marshaller since the format is already support by the server: there are transcoders from Protobuf format to most common formats like JSON and POJO.

When using filters/converters with those caches, and it’s desirable to use filter/converters with Java Objects rather binary Protobuf data, it’s necessary to configure the extra ProtoStream marshallers so that the server can unmarshall the data before filtering/converting. To do so, you must configure the required SerializationContextInitializer(s) as part of the server’s configuration.

1.1.16. Listener State Handling

Client listener annotation has an optional includeCurrentState attribute that specifies whether state will be sent to the client when the listener is added or when there’s a failover of the listener.

By default, includeCurrentState is false, but if set to true and a client listener is added in a cache already containing data, the server iterates over the cache contents and sends an event for each entry to the client as a ClientCacheEntryCreated (or custom event if configured). This allows clients to build some local data structures based on the existing content. Once the content has been iterated over, events are received as normal, as cache updates are received. If the cache is clustered, the entire cluster wide contents are iterated over.

includeCurrentState also controls whether state is received when the node where the client event listener is registered fails and it’s moved to a different node. The next section discusses this topic in depth.

1.1.17. Listener Failure Handling

When a Hot Rod client registers a client listener, it does so in a single node in a cluster. If that node fails, the Java Hot Rod client detects that transparently and fails over all listeners registered in the node that failed to another node.

During this fail over the client might miss some events. To avoid missing these events, the client listener annotation contains an optional parameter called includeCurrentState which if set to true, when the failover happens, the cache contents can iterated over and ClientCacheEntryCreated events (or custom events if configured) are generated. By default, includeCurrentState is set to false.

Java Hot Rod clients can be made aware of such fail over event by adding a callback to handle it:

public void handleFailover(ClientCacheFailoverEvent e) {

This is very useful in use cases where the client has cached some data, and as a result of the fail over, taking in account that some events could be missed, it could decide to clear any locally cached data when the fail over event is received, with the knowledge that after the fail over event, it will receive events for the contents of the entire cache.

1.1.18. Near Caching

The Java Hot Rod client can be optionally configured with a near cache, which means that the Hot Rod client can keep a local cache that stores recently used data. Enabling near caching can significantly improve the performance of read operations get and getVersioned since data can potentially be located locally within the Hot Rod client instead of having to go remote.

To enable near caching, the user must set the near cache mode to INVALIDATED. By doing that near cache is populated upon retrievals from the server via calls to get or getVersioned operations. When near cached entries are updated or removed server-side, the cached near cache entries are invalidated. If a key is requested after it’s been invalidated, it’ll have to be re-fetched from the server.

You should not use maxIdle expiration with near caches, as near-cache reads will not propagate the last access change to the server and to the other clients.

When near cache is enabled, its size must be configured by defining the maximum number of entries to keep in the near cache. When the maximum is reached, near-cached entries are evicted. If providing 0 or a negative value, it is assumed that the near cache is unbounded.

Users should be careful when configuring near cache to be unbounded since it shifts the responsibility to keep the near cache’s size within the boundaries of the client JVM to the user.

The Hot Rod client’s near cache mode is configured using the NearCacheMode enumeration and calling:

import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration.ConfigurationBuilder;
import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration.NearCacheMode;

// Unbounded invalidated near cache
ConfigurationBuilder unbounded = new ConfigurationBuilder();

// Bounded invalidated near cache
ConfigurationBuilder bounded = new ConfigurationBuilder();

Since the configuration is shared by all caches obtained from a single RemoteCacheManager, you may not want to enable near-caching for all of them. You can use the cacheNamePattern configuration attribute to define a regular expression which matches the names of the caches for which you want near-caching. Caches whose name don’t match the regular expression, will not have near-caching enabled.

// Bounded invalidated near cache with pattern matching
ConfigurationBuilder bounded = new ConfigurationBuilder();
  .cacheNamePattern("near.*"); // enable near-cache only for caches whose name starts with 'near'
Near caches work the same way for local caches as they do for clustered caches, but in a clustered cache scenario, if the server node sending the near cache notifications to the Hot Rod client goes down, the Hot Rod client transparently fails over to another node in the cluster, clearing the near cache along the way.

1.1.19. Unsupported methods

Some of the Cache methods are not being supported by the RemoteCache . Calling one of these methods results in an UnsupportedOperationException being thrown. Most of these methods do not make sense on the remote cache (e.g. listener management operations), or correspond to methods that are not supported by local cache as well (e.g. containsValue). Another set of unsupported operations are some of the atomic operations inherited from ConcurrentMap :

boolean remove(Object key, Object value);
boolean replace(Object key, Object value);
boolean replace(Object key, Object oldValue, Object value);

RemoteCache offers alternative versioned methods for these atomic operations, that are also network friendly, by not sending the whole value object over the network, but a version identifier. See the section on versioned API.

Each one of these unsupported operation is documented in the RemoteCache javadoc.

1.1.20. Return values

There is a set of methods that alter a cached entry and return the previous existing value, e.g.:

V remove(Object key);
V put(K key, V value);

By default on RemoteCache, these operations return null even if such a previous value exists. This approach reduces the amount of data sent over the network. However, if these return values are needed they can be enforced on a per invocation basis using flags:

cache.put("aKey", "initialValue");
assert null == cache.put("aKey", "aValue");
assert "aValue".equals(cache.withFlags(Flag.FORCE_RETURN_VALUE).put("aKey",

This default behavior can can be changed through force-return-value=true configuration parameter (see configuration section bellow).

2. Hot Rod Transactions

You can configure and use Hot Rod clients in JTA Transactions.

To participate in a transaction, the Hot Rod client requires the TransactionManager with which it interacts and whether it participates in the transaction through the Synchronization or XAResource interface.

Transactions are optimistic in that clients acquire write locks on entries during the prepare phase. To avoid data inconsistency, be sure to read about Detecting Conflicts with Transactions.

2.1. Configuring the Server

Caches in the server must also be transactional for clients to participate in JTA Transactions.

The following server configuration is required, otherwise transactions rollback only:

  • Isolation level must be REPEATABLE_READ.

  • Locking mode must be PESSIMISTIC. In a future release, OPTIMISTIC locking mode will be supported.

  • Transaction mode should be NON_XA or NON_DURABLE_XA. Hot Rod transactions cannot use FULL_XA because it degrades performance.

Hot Rod transactions have their own recovery mechanism.

2.2. Configuring Hot Rod Clients

When you create the RemoteCacheManager, you can set the default TransactionManager and TransactionMode that the RemoteCache uses.

The RemoteCacheManager lets you create only one configuration for transactional caches, as in the following example:

org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration.ConfigurationBuilder cb = new org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration.ConfigurationBuilder();
//other client configuration parameters
cb.transaction().timeout(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
RemoteCacheManager rmc = new RemoteCacheManager(cb.build());

The preceding configuration applies to all instances of a remote cache. If you need to apply different configurations to remote cache instances, you can override the RemoteCache configuration. See Overriding RemoteCacheManager Configuration.

See ConfigurationBuilder Javadoc for documentation on configuration parameters.

You can also configure the Java Hot Rod client with a properties file, as in the following example:

infinispan.client.hotrod.transaction.transaction_manager_lookup = org.infinispan.client.hotrod.transaction.lookup.GenericTransactionManagerLookup
infinispan.client.hotrod.transaction.transaction_mode = NON_XA
infinispan.client.hotrod.transaction.timeout = 60000

2.2.1. TransactionManagerLookup Interface

TransactionManagerLookup provides an entry point to fetch a TransactionManager.

Available implementations of TransactionManagerLookup:


A lookup class that locates TransactionManagers running in Java EE application servers. Defaults to the RemoteTransactionManager if it cannot find a TransactionManager.

In most cases, GenericTransactionManagerLookup is suitable. However, you can implement the TransactionManagerLookup interface if you need to integrate a custom TransactionManager.


A basic, and volatile, TransactionManager if no other implementation is available. Note that this implementation has significant limitations when handling concurrent transactions and recovery.

2.2.2. Transaction Modes

TransactionMode controls how a RemoteCache interacts with the TransactionManager.

Configure transaction modes on both the Infinispan server and your client application. If clients attempt to perform transactional operations on non-transactional caches, runtime exceptions can occur.

Transaction modes are the same in both the Infinispan configuration and client settings. Use the following modes with your client, see the Infinispan configuration schema for the server:


The RemoteCache does not interact with the TransactionManager. This is the default mode and is non-transactional.


The RemoteCache interacts with the TransactionManager via Synchronization.


The RemoteCache interacts with the TransactionManager via XAResource. Recovery capabilities are disabled.


The RemoteCache interacts with the TransactionManager via XAResource. Recovery capabilities are enabled. Invoke the XaResource.recover() method to retrieve transactions to recover.

2.3. Overriding Configuration for Cache Instances

Because RemoteCacheManager does not support different configurations for each cache instance. However, RemoteCacheManager includes the getCache(String) method that returns the RemoteCache instances and lets you override some configuration parameters, as follows:

getCache(String cacheName, TransactionMode transactionMode)

Returns a RemoteCache and overrides the configured TransactionMode.

getCache(String cacheName, boolean forceReturnValue, TransactionMode transactionMode)

Same as previous, but can also force return values for write operations.

getCache(String cacheName, TransactionManager transactionManager)

Returns a RemoteCache and overrides the configured TransactionManager.

getCache(String cacheName, boolean forceReturnValue, TransactionManager transactionManager)

Same as previous, but can also force return values for write operations.

getCache(String cacheName, TransactionMode transactionMode, TransactionManager transactionManager)

Returns a RemoteCache and overrides the configured TransactionManager and TransactionMode. Uses the configured values, if transactionManager or transactionMode is null.

getCache(String cacheName, boolean forceReturnValue, TransactionMode transactionMode, TransactionManager transactionManager)

Same as previous, but can also force return values for write operations.

The getCache(String) method returns RemoteCache instances regardless of whether they are transaction or not. RemoteCache includes a getTransactionManager() method that returns the TransactionManager that the cache uses. If the RemoteCache is not transactional, the method returns null.

2.4. Detecting Conflicts with Transactions

Transactions use the initial values of keys to detect conflicts. For example, "k" has a value of "v" when a transaction begins. During the prepare phase, the transaction fetches "k" from the server to read the value. If the value has changed, the transaction rolls back to avoid a conflict.

Transactions use versions to detect changes instead of checking value equality.

The forceReturnValue parameter controls write operations to the RemoteCache and helps avoid conflicts. It has the following values:

  • If true, the TransactionManager fetches the most recent value from the server before performing write operations. However, the forceReturnValue parameter applies only to write operations that access the key for the first time.

  • If false, the TransactionManager does not fetch the most recent value from the server before performing write operations. Because this setting

This parameter does not affect conditional write operations such as replace or putIfAbsent because they require the most recent value.

The following transactions provide an example where the forceReturnValue parameter can prevent conflicting write operations:

Transaction 1 (TX1)
RemoteCache<String, String> cache = ...
TransactionManager tm = ...

cache.put("k", "v1");
Transaction 2 (TX2)
RemoteCache<String, String> cache = ...
TransactionManager tm = ...

cache.put("k", "v2");

In this example, TX1 and TX2 are executed in parallel. The initial value of "k" is "v".

  • If forceReturnValue = true, the cache.put() operation fetches the value for "k" from the server in both TX1 and TX2. The transaction that acquires the lock for "k" first then commits. The other transaction rolls back during the commit phase because the transaction can detect that "k" has a value other than "v".

  • If forceReturnValue = false, the cache.put() operation does not fetch the value for "k" from the server and returns null. Both TX1 and TX2 can successfully commit, which results in a conflict. This occurs because neither transaction can detect that the initial value of "k" changed.

The following transactions include cache.get() operations to read the value for "k" before doing the cache.put() operations:

Transaction 1 (TX1)
RemoteCache<String, String> cache = ...
TransactionManager tm = ...

cache.put("k", "v1");
Transaction 2 (TX2)
RemoteCache<String, String> cache = ...
TransactionManager tm = ...

cache.put("k", "v2");

In the preceding examples, TX1 and TX2 both read the key so the forceReturnValue parameter does not take effect. One transaction commits, the other rolls back. However, the cache.get() operation requires an additional server request. If you do not need the return value for the cache.put() operation that server request is inefficient.

2.5. Using the Configured Transaction Manager and Transaction Mode

The following example shows how to use the TransactionManager and TransactionMode that you configure in the RemoteCacheManager:

//Configure the transaction manager and transaction mode.
org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration.ConfigurationBuilder cb = new org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration.ConfigurationBuilder();

RemoteCacheManager rcm = new RemoteCacheManager(cb.build());

//The my-cache instance uses the RemoteCacheManager configuration.
RemoteCache<String, String> cache = rcm.getCache("my-cache");

//Return the transaction manager that the cache uses.
TransactionManager tm = cache.getTransactionManager();

//Perform a simple transaction.
cache.put("k1", "v1");
System.out.println("K1 value is " + cache.get("k1"));

2.6. Overriding the Transaction Manager

The following example shows how to override TransactionManager with the getCache method:

//Configure the transaction manager and transaction mode.
org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration.ConfigurationBuilder cb = new org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration.ConfigurationBuilder();

RemoteCacheManager rcm = new RemoteCacheManager(cb.build());

//Define a custom TransactionManager.
TransactionManager myCustomTM = ...

//Override the TransactionManager for the my-cache instance. Use the default configuration if null is returned.
RemoteCache<String, String> cache = rcm.getCache("my-cache", null, myCustomTM);

//Perform a simple transaction.
cache.put("k1", "v1");
System.out.println("K1 value is " + cache.get("k1"));

2.7. Overriding the Transaction Mode

The following example shows how to override TransactionMode with the getCache method:

//Configure the transaction manager and transaction mode.
org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration.ConfigurationBuilder cb = new org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration.ConfigurationBuilder();

RemoteCacheManager rcm = new RemoteCacheManager(cb.build());

//Override the transaction mode for the my-cache instance.
RemoteCache<String, String> cache = rcm.getCache("my-cache", TransactionMode.NON_DURABLE_XA, null);

//Return the transaction manager that the cache uses.
TransactionManager tm = cache.getTransactionManager();

//Perform a simple transaction.
cache.put("k1", "v1");
System.out.println("K1 value is " + cache.get("k1"));

2.7.1. Client Intelligence

Client intelligence refers to mechanisms the HotRod protocol provides for clients to locate and send requests to Infinispan servers.

Basic intelligence

Clients do not store any information about Infinispan clusters or key hash values.


Clients receive and store information about Infinispan clusters. Clients maintain an internal mapping of the cluster topology that changes whenever servers join or leave clusters.

To receive a cluster topology, clients need the address (IP:HOST) of at least one Hot Rod server at startup. After the client connects to the server, Infinispan transmits the topology to the client. When servers join or leave the cluster, Infinispan transmits an updated topology to the client.


Clients are topology-aware and store consistent hash values for keys.

For example, take a put(k,v) operation. The client calculates the hash value for the key so it can locate the exact server on which the data resides. Clients can then connect directly to the owner to dispatch the operation.

The benefit of distribution-aware intelligence is that Infinispan servers do not need to look up values based on key hashes, which uses less resources on the server side. Another benefit is that servers respond to client requests more quickly because it skips additional network roundtrips.

2.7.2. Request Balancing

Clients that use topology-aware intelligence use request balancing for all requests. The default balancing strategy is round-robin, so topology-aware clients always send requests to servers in round-robin order.

For example, s1, s2, s3 are servers in a Infinispan cluster. Clients perform request balancing as follows:

CacheContainer cacheContainer = new RemoteCacheManager();
Cache<String, String> cache = cacheContainer.getCache();

//client sends put request to s1
cache.put("key1", "aValue");
//client sends put request to s2
cache.put("key2", "aValue");
//client sends get request to s3
String value = cache.get("key1");
//client dispatches to s1 again
//and so on...

Clients that use distribution-aware intelligence use request balancing only for failed requests. When requests fail, distribution-aware clients retry the request on the next available server.

Custom balancing policies

You can implement FailoverRequestBalancingStrategy and specify your class in your hotrod-client.properties configuration.

2.7.3. Persistent connections

In order to avoid creating a TCP connection on each request (which is a costly operation), the client keeps a pool of persistent connections to all the available servers and it reuses these connections whenever it is possible. The validity of the connections is checked using an async thread that iterates over the connections in the pool and sends a HotRod ping command to the server. By using this connection validation process the client is being proactive: there’s a hight chance for broken connections to be found while being idle in the pool and no on actual request from the application.

The number of connections per server, total number of connections, how long should a connection be kept idle in the pool before being closed - all these (and more) can be configured. Please refer to the javadoc of RemoteCacheManager for a list of all possible configuration elements.

2.7.4. Marshalling data

The Hot Rod client allows one to plug in a custom marshaller for transforming user objects into byte arrays and the other way around. This transformation is needed because of Hot Rod’s binary nature - it doesn’t know about objects.

The marshaller can be plugged through the "marshaller" configuration element (see Configuration section): the value should be the fully qualified name of a class implementing the Marshaller interface. This is a optional parameter, if not specified it defaults to the ProtoStreamMarshaller

WARNING: If developing your own custom marshaller, take care of potential injection attacks.

To avoid such attacks, make the marshaller verify that any class names read, before instantiating it, is amongst the expected/allowed class names.

The client configuration can be enhanced with a list of regular expressions for classes that are allowed to be read.

WARNING: These checks are opt-in, so if not configured, any class can be read.

In the example below, only classes with fully qualified names containing Person or Employee would be allowed:

import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration.ConfigurationBuilder;

ConfigurationBuilder configBuilder = ...
configBuilder.addJavaSerialWhiteList(".*Person.*", ".*Employee.*");

Since version 10.0, the default marshaller for the client is the Protobuf based ProtoStreamMarshaller. Keeping your objects stored in protobuf format has the benefit of being able to consume them with compatible clients written in different languages. To aid with the configuration of the marshaller’s SerializationContext, we have extended the client configuration to allow for SerializationContextInitializer(s) to be provided by the user and applied on RemoteCacheManager startup.

SerializationContextInitailizers can be configured as follows:

  • Via a comma-separated list of SerializationContextInitializer implementation’s in hotrod-client.properties

  • Programmatically:

ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
      .addContextInitializers(new LibraryInitializerImpl(), new AnotherExampleSciImpl())
RemoteCacheManager rcm = new RemoteCacheManager(builder);

2.7.5. Reading data in different data formats

By default, every Hot Rod client operation will use the configured marshaller when reading and writing from the server for both keys and values. See Marshalling Data. Using the DataFormat API, it’s possible to decorate remote caches so that all operations can happen with a custom data format.

Using different marshallers for Key and Values

Marshallers for Keys and Values can be overridden at run time. For example, to bypass all serialization in the Hot Rod client and read the byte[] as they are stored in the server:

// Existing Remote cache instance
RemoteCache<String, Pojo> remoteCache = ...

// IdentityMarshaller is a no-op marshaller
DataFormat rawKeyAndValues = DataFormat.builder().keyMarshaller(IdentityMarshaller.INSTANCE).valueMarshaller(IdentityMarshaller.INSTANCE).build();

// Will create a new instance of RemoteCache with the supplied DataFormat
RemoteCache<byte[], byte[]> rawResultsCache = remoteCache.withDataFormat(rawKeyAndValues);
Reading data in different formats

Apart from defining custom key and value marshallers, it’s also possible to request/send data in different formats specified by a org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.MediaType:

// Existing remote cache using ProtostreamMarshaller
RemoteCache<String, Pojo> protobufCache = ...

// Request values returned as JSON, using the UTF8StringMarshaller that converts between UTF-8 to String:
DataFormat jsonString = DataFormat.builder().valueType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).valueMarshaller(new UTF8StringMarshaller().build();

RemoteCache<String, String> jsonStrCache = remoteCache.withDataFormat(jsonString);

// Alternativelly, it's possible to request JSON values but marshalled/unmarshalled with a custom value marshaller that returns `org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode` objects:
DataFormat jsonNode = DataFormat.builder().valueType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).valueMarshaller(new CustomJacksonMarshaller().build();

RemoteCache<String, JsonNode> jsonNodeCache = remoteCache.withDataFormat(jsonNode);
The data conversions happen in the server, and if it doesn’t support converting from the storage format to the request format and vice versa, an error will be returned.
Using different marshallers and formats for the key, with .keyMarshaller() and .keyType() may interfere with the client intelligence routing mechanism, causing it contact the server that is not the owner of the key during Hot Rod operations. This will not result in errors but can result in extra hops inside the cluster to execute the operation. If performance is critical, make sure to use the keys in the format stored by the server.

2.7.6. Statistics

Various server usage statistics can be obtained through the RemoteCache .stats() method. This returns a ServerStatistics object - please refer to javadoc for details on the available statistics.

2.7.7. Multi-Get Operations

The Java Hot Rod client does not provide multi-get functionality out of the box but clients can build it themselves with the given APIs.

2.7.8. Failover capabilities

Hot Rod clients' capabilities to keep up with topology changes helps with request balancing and more importantly, with the ability to failover operations if one or several of the servers fail.

Some of the conditional operations mentioned above, including putIfAbsent, replace with and without version, and conditional remove have strict method return guarantees, as well as those operations where returning the previous value is forced.

In spite of failures, these methods return values need to be guaranteed, and in order to do so, it’s necessary that these methods are not applied partially in the cluster in the event of failure. For example, imagine a replace() operation called in a server for key=k1 with Flag.FORCE_RETURN_VALUE, whose current value is A and the replace wants to set it to B. If the replace fails, it could happen that some servers contain B and others contain A, and during the failover, the original replace() could end up returning B, if the replace failovers to a node where B is set, or could end up returning A.

To avoid this kind of situations, whenever Java Hot Rod client users want to use conditional operations, or operations whose previous value is required, it’s important that the cache is configured to be transactional in order to avoid incorrect conditional operations or return values.

2.7.9. Site Cluster Failover

On top of the in-cluster failover, Hot Rod clients are also able to failover to different clusters, which could be represented as an independent site.

The way site cluster failover works is that if all the main cluster nodes are not available, the client checks to see if any other clusters have been defined in which cases it tries to failover to the alternative cluster. If the failover succeeds, the client will remain connected to the alternative cluster until this becomes unavailable, in which case it’ll try any other clusters defined, and ultimately, it’ll try the original server settings.

To configure a cluster in the Hot Rod client, one host/port pair details must be provided for each of the clusters configured. For example:

org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration.ConfigurationBuilder cb
      = new org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration.ConfigurationBuilder();
cb.addCluster().addClusterNode("remote-cluster-host", 11222);
RemoteCacheManager rmc = new RemoteCacheManager(cb.build());
Remember that regardless of the cluster definitions, the initial server(s) configuration must be provided unless the initial servers can be resolved using the default server host and port details.

2.7.10. Manual Site Cluster Switch

As well as supporting automatic site cluster failover, Java Hot Rod clients can also switch between site clusters manually by calling RemoteCacheManager’s switchToCluster(clusterName) and switchToDefaultCluster().

Using switchToCluster(clusterName), users can force a client to switch to one of the clusters pre-defined in the Hot Rod client configuration. To switch to the initial servers defined in the client configuration, call switchToDefaultCluster().

2.7.11. Monitoring the Hot Rod client

The Hot Rod client can be monitored and managed via JMX. By enabling statistics, an MBean will be registered for the RemoteCacheManager as well as for each RemoteCache obtained through it. Through these MBeans it is possible to obtain statistics about remote and near-cache hits/misses and connection pool usage.

2.7.12. Concurrent Updates

Data structures, such as Infinispan Cache , that are accessed and modified concurrently can suffer from data consistency issues unless there’re mechanisms to guarantee data correctness. Infinispan Cache, since it implements ConcurrentMap , provides operations such as conditional replace , putIfAbsent , and conditional remove to its clients in order to guarantee data correctness. It even allows clients to operate against cache instances within JTA transactions, hence providing the necessary data consistency guarantees.

However, when it comes to Hot Rod protocol backed servers, clients do not yet have the ability to start remote transactions but they can call instead versioned operations to mimic the conditional methods provided by the embedded Infinispan cache instance API. Let’s look at a real example to understand how it works.

Data Consistency Problem

Imagine you have two ATMs that connect using Hot Rod to a bank where an account’s balance is stored. Two closely followed operations to retrieve the latest balance could return 500 CHF (swiss francs) as shown below:

server modules 6
Figure 2. Concurrent readers

Next a customer connects to the first ATM and requests 400 CHF to be retrieved. Based on the last value read, the ATM could calculate what the new balance is, which is 100 CHF, and request a put with this new value. Let’s imagine now that around the same time another customer connects to the ATM and requests 200 CHF to be retrieved. Let’s assume that the ATM thinks it has the latest balance and based on its calculations it sets the new balance to 300 CHF:

Concurrent updates

Obviously, this would be wrong. Two concurrent updates have resulted in an incorrect account balance. The second update should not have been allowed since the balance the second ATM had was incorrect. Even if the ATM would have retrieved the balance before calculating the new balance, someone could have updated between the new balance being retrieved and the update. Before finding out how to solve this issue in a client-server scenario with Hot Rod, let’s look at how this is solved when Infinispan clients run in peer-to-peer mode where clients and Infinispan live within the same JVM.

Embedded-mode Solution

If the ATM and the Infinispan instance storing the bank account lived in the same JVM, the ATM could use the conditional replace API referred at the beginning of this article. So, it could send the previous known value to verify whether it has changed since it was last read. By doing so, the first operation could double check that the balance is still 500 CHF when it was to update to 100 CHF. Now, when the second operation comes, the current balance would not be 500 CHF any more and hence the conditional replace call would fail, hence avoiding data consistency issues:

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Figure 3. P2P solution
Client-Server Solution

In theory, Hot Rod could use the same p2p solution but sending the previous value would be not practical. In this example, the previous value is just an integer but the value could be a lot bigger and hence forcing clients to send it to the server would be rather wasteful. Instead, Hot Rod offers versioned operations to deal with this situation.

Basically, together with each key/value pair, Hot Rod stores a version number which uniquely identifies each modification. So, using an operation called getVersioned or getWithVersion, clients can retrieve not only the value associated with a key, but also the current version. So, if we look at the previous example once again, the ATMs could call getVersioned and get the balance’s version:

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Figure 4. Get versioned

When the ATMs wanted to modify the balance, instead of just calling put, they could call replaceIfUnmodified operation passing the latest version number of which the clients are aware of. The operation will only succeed if the version passed matches the version in the server. So, the first modification by the ATM would be allowed since the client passes 1 as version and the server side version for the balance is also 1. On the other hand, the second ATM would not be able to make the modification because after the first ATMs modification the version would have been incremented to 2, and now the passed version (1) and the server side version (2) would not match:

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Figure 5. Replace if versions match