Interface ConfigurationChildBuilder

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractConfigurationChildBuilder, AbstractSecurityConfigurationChildBuilder, AuthenticationConfigurationBuilder, ClusterConfigurationBuilder, ConfigurationBuilder, ConnectionPoolConfigurationBuilder, ExecutorFactoryConfigurationBuilder, NearCacheConfigurationBuilder, SecurityConfigurationBuilder, ServerConfigurationBuilder, SslConfigurationBuilder, StatisticsConfigurationBuilder, TransactionConfigurationBuilder

public interface ConfigurationChildBuilder
Tristan Tarrant
  • Method Details

    • addServer

      Adds a new remote server
    • addCluster

      ClusterConfigurationBuilder addCluster(String clusterName)
      Adds a new remote server cluster
    • addServers

      ConfigurationBuilder addServers(String servers)
      Adds a list of remote servers in the form: host1[:port][;host2[:port]]...
    • asyncExecutorFactory

      ExecutorFactoryConfigurationBuilder asyncExecutorFactory()
      Configuration for the executor service used for asynchronous work on the Transport, including asynchronous marshalling and Cache 'async operations' such as Cache.putAsync().
    • balancingStrategy

      ConfigurationBuilder balancingStrategy(String balancingStrategy)
      For replicated (vs distributed) Hot Rod server clusters, the client balances requests to the servers according to this strategy.
    • balancingStrategy

      ConfigurationBuilder balancingStrategy(Supplier<FailoverRequestBalancingStrategy> balancingStrategyFactory)
      For replicated (vs distributed) Hot Rod server clusters, the client balances requests to the servers according to this strategy.
    • balancingStrategy

      ConfigurationBuilder balancingStrategy(Class<? extends FailoverRequestBalancingStrategy> balancingStrategy)
      For replicated (vs distributed) Hot Rod server clusters, the client balances requests to the servers according to this strategy.
    • classLoader

      @Deprecated ConfigurationBuilder classLoader(ClassLoader classLoader)
      since 9.0. To be removed in 12.0. If you need to load configuration resources from other locations, you will need to do so yourself and use the appropriate configuration methods (e.g. SslConfigurationBuilder.sslContext(
      Specifies the ClassLoader used to find certain resources used by configuration when specified by name (e.g. certificate stores). Infinispan will search through the classloader which loaded this class, the system classloader and the TCCL classloader.
    • clientIntelligence

      ConfigurationBuilder clientIntelligence(ClientIntelligence clientIntelligence)
      Specifies the level of "intelligence" the client should have
    • connectionPool

      Configures the connection pool
    • connectionTimeout

      ConfigurationBuilder connectionTimeout(int connectionTimeout)
      This property defines the maximum socket connect timeout in milliseconds before giving up connecting to the server.
    • consistentHashImpl

      ConfigurationBuilder consistentHashImpl(int version, Class<? extends org.infinispan.client.hotrod.impl.consistenthash.ConsistentHash> consistentHashClass)
      Defines the ConsistentHash implementation to use for the specified version. By default, ConsistentHashV2 is used for version 1 and ConsistentHashV2 is used for version 2.
    • consistentHashImpl

      ConfigurationBuilder consistentHashImpl(int version, String consistentHashClass)
      Defines the ConsistentHash implementation to use for the specified version. By default, ConsistentHashV2 is used for version 1 and ConsistentHashV2 is used for version 2.
    • forceReturnValues

      ConfigurationBuilder forceReturnValues(boolean forceReturnValues)
      Whether or not to implicitly FORCE_RETURN_VALUE for all calls.
    • keySizeEstimate

      @Deprecated ConfigurationBuilder keySizeEstimate(int keySizeEstimate)
      Since 12.0, does nothing and will be removed in 15.0
    • marshaller

      ConfigurationBuilder marshaller(String marshaller)
      Allows you to specify a custom Marshaller implementation to serialize and deserialize user objects. This method is mutually exclusive with marshaller(Marshaller).
    • marshaller

      ConfigurationBuilder marshaller(Class<? extends Marshaller> marshaller)
      Allows you to specify a custom Marshaller implementation to serialize and deserialize user objects. This method is mutually exclusive with marshaller(Marshaller).
    • marshaller

      ConfigurationBuilder marshaller(Marshaller marshaller)
      Allows you to specify an instance of Marshaller to serialize and deserialize user objects. This method is mutually exclusive with marshaller(Class).
    • addContextInitializer

      ConfigurationBuilder addContextInitializer(String contextInitializer)
      Supply a SerializationContextInitializer implementation to register classes with the ProtoStreamMarshaller's SerializationContext.
    • addContextInitializer

      ConfigurationBuilder addContextInitializer(org.infinispan.protostream.SerializationContextInitializer contextInitializer)
      Supply a SerializationContextInitializer implementation to register classes with the ProtoStreamMarshaller's SerializationContext.
    • addContextInitializers

      ConfigurationBuilder addContextInitializers(org.infinispan.protostream.SerializationContextInitializer... contextInitializers)
      Convenience method to supply multiple SerializationContextInitializer implementations.
    • protocolVersion

      @Deprecated ConfigurationBuilder protocolVersion(String protocolVersion)
      since 9.0. To be removed in 12.0. Use version(ProtocolVersion) instead.
      This property defines the protocol version that this client should use. Defaults to the latest protocol version supported by this client.
    • version

      ConfigurationBuilder version(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion)
      This property defines the protocol version that this client should use. Defaults to the latest protocol version supported by this client.
    • socketTimeout

      ConfigurationBuilder socketTimeout(int socketTimeout)
      This property defines the maximum socket read timeout in milliseconds before giving up waiting for bytes from the server. Defaults to 60000 (1 minute)
    • security

      Security Configuration
    • tcpNoDelay

      ConfigurationBuilder tcpNoDelay(boolean tcpNoDelay)
      Affects TCP NODELAY on the TCP stack. Defaults to enabled
    • tcpKeepAlive

      ConfigurationBuilder tcpKeepAlive(boolean keepAlive)
      Affects TCP KEEPALIVE on the TCP stack. Defaults to disable
    • uri

      Configures this builder using the specified URI.
    • uri

      Configures this builder using the specified URI.
    • valueSizeEstimate

      @Deprecated ConfigurationBuilder valueSizeEstimate(int valueSizeEstimate)
      Since 12.0, does nothing and will be removed in 15.0
    • maxRetries

      ConfigurationBuilder maxRetries(int maxRetries)
      It sets the maximum number of retries for each request. A valid value should be greater or equals than 0 (zero). Zero means no retry will made in case of a network failure. It defaults to 10.
    • addJavaSerialAllowList

      ConfigurationBuilder addJavaSerialAllowList(String... regEx)
      List of regular expressions for classes that can be deserialized using standard Java deserialization when reading data that might have been stored with a different endpoint, e.g. REST.
    • addJavaSerialWhiteList

      @Deprecated ConfigurationBuilder addJavaSerialWhiteList(String... regEx)
      Use addJavaSerialAllowList(String...) instead. To be removed in 14.0.
    • batchSize

      ConfigurationBuilder batchSize(int batchSize)
      Sets the batch size of internal iterators (ie. keySet().iterator(). Defaults to 10_000
      batchSize - the batch size to set
      this configuration builder with the batch size set
    • statistics

      Configures client-side statistics.
    • transaction

      Transaction configuration
    • remoteCache

      Per-cache configuration
      name - the name of the cache to which specific configuration should be applied. You may use wildcard globbing (e.g. cache-*) which will apply to any cache that matches.
      the RemoteCacheConfigurationBuilder for the cache
    • transactionTimeout

      ConfigurationBuilder transactionTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
      Sets the transaction's timeout.

      This timeout is used by the server to rollback unrecoverable transaction when they are idle for this amount of time.

      An unrecoverable transaction are transaction enlisted as Synchronization (TransactionMode.NON_XA) or XAResource without recovery enabled (TransactionMode.NON_DURABLE_XA).

      For XAResource, this value is overwritten by XAResource.setTransactionTimeout(int).

      It defaults to 1 minute.

    • transportFactory

      ConfigurationBuilder transportFactory(TransportFactory transportFactory)
      Set the TransportFactory. It defaults to DefaultTransportFactory
      transportFactory - an instance of TransportFactory
    • withProperties

      ConfigurationBuilder withProperties(Properties properties)
      Configures this builder using the specified properties. See ConfigurationBuilder for a list.
    • build

      Configuration build()
      Builds a configuration object