Class IntSets


public class IntSets extends Object
Static utility class for creating various IntSet objects.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static IntSet
    concurrentCopyFrom(IntSet intSet, int maxExclusive)
    Returns a copy of the given set that supports concurrent operations.
    static IntSet
    concurrentSet(int maxExclusive)
    Returns a concurrent mutable IntSet that can store values in the range of 0..maxExclusive-1
    static IntSet
    from(byte[] bytes)
    static IntSet
    Returns an IntSet based on the ints in the iterator.
    static IntSet
    from(Set<Integer> integerSet)
    Returns an IntSet based on the provided Set.
    static IntSet
    Returns an immutable IntSet containing no values
    static IntSet
    immutableRangeSet(int endExclusive)
    Returns an immutable IntSet containing all values from 0 to endExclusive - 1.
    static IntSet
    immutableSet(int value)
    Returns an immutable IntSet containing a single value
    static IntSet
    Returns an immutable IntSet that wraps the given IntSet to prevent modifications.
    static IntSet
    Returns an IntSet that contains all ints from the given Set that is mutable.
    static IntSet
    Returns a mutable IntSet with no values set.
    static IntSet
    mutableEmptySet(int maxExclusive)
    Returns an IntSet that contains no values but is initialized to hold ints equal to the maxExclusive -1 or smaller.
    static IntSet
    mutableFrom(Set<Integer> integerSet)
    Returns an IntSet that is mutable that contains all of the values from the given set.
    static IntSet
    mutableSet(int value)
    Returns a mutable set with the initial value set.
    static IntSet
    mutableSet(int value1, int value2)
    Returns a mutable IntSet that begins with the initialized values
  • Method Details

    • immutableEmptySet

      public static IntSet immutableEmptySet()
      Returns an immutable IntSet containing no values
      IntSet with no values
    • immutableSet

      public static IntSet immutableSet(int value)
      Returns an immutable IntSet containing a single value
      value - the value to be set on the IntSet
      IntSet with just the 1 value
    • immutableSet

      public static IntSet immutableSet(IntSet set)
      Returns an immutable IntSet that wraps the given IntSet to prevent modifications.
      set - set to wrap
      immutable IntSet
    • immutableRangeSet

      public static IntSet immutableRangeSet(int endExclusive)
      Returns an immutable IntSet containing all values from 0 to endExclusive - 1.
      endExclusive - the exclusive upper bound
      IntSet with the values in the given range available
    • from

      public static IntSet from(Set<Integer> integerSet)
      Returns an IntSet based on the provided Set. This method tries to return or create the most performant IntSet based on the Set provided. If the Set is already an IntSet it will just return that. The returned IntSet may or may not be immutable, so no guarantees are provided from that respect.
      integerSet - IntSet to create from
      the IntSet that is equivalent to the Set
    • from

      public static IntSet from(byte[] bytes)
    • from

      public static IntSet from(PrimitiveIterator.OfInt iterator)
      Returns an IntSet based on the ints in the iterator. This method will try to return the most performant IntSet based on what ints are provided if any. The returned IntSet may or may not be immutable, so no guarantees are provided from that respect.
      iterator - values set in the returned set
      IntSet with all the values set that the iterator had
    • mutableFrom

      public static IntSet mutableFrom(Set<Integer> integerSet)
      Returns an IntSet that is mutable that contains all of the values from the given set. If this provided Set is already an IntSet and mutable it will return the same object.
      integerSet - set to use values from
      IntSet that is mutable with the values set
    • mutableCopyFrom

      public static IntSet mutableCopyFrom(Set<Integer> mutableSet)
      Returns an IntSet that contains all ints from the given Set that is mutable. Updates to the original Set or the returned IntSet are not reflected in the other.
      mutableSet - set to copy from
      IntSet with the values set
    • mutableEmptySet

      public static IntSet mutableEmptySet(int maxExclusive)
      Returns an IntSet that contains no values but is initialized to hold ints equal to the maxExclusive -1 or smaller.
      maxExclusive - largest int expected in set
      IntSet with no values set
    • mutableEmptySet

      public static IntSet mutableEmptySet()
      Returns a mutable IntSet with no values set. Note this mutable set is initialized given a default size. If you wish to not have less initialization over, please use mutableEmptySet(int) providing a 0 or similar.
      IntSet with no values set
    • mutableSet

      public static IntSet mutableSet(int value)
      Returns a mutable set with the initial value set. This set is optimized to insert values less than this. Values added that are larger may require additional operations.
      value - the value to set
      IntSet with the value set
    • mutableSet

      public static IntSet mutableSet(int value1, int value2)
      Returns a mutable IntSet that begins with the initialized values
      value1 -
      value2 -
    • concurrentSet

      public static IntSet concurrentSet(int maxExclusive)
      Returns a concurrent mutable IntSet that can store values in the range of 0..maxExclusive-1
      maxExclusive - the maximum value - 1 that can be inserted into the set
      concurrent set
    • concurrentCopyFrom

      public static IntSet concurrentCopyFrom(IntSet intSet, int maxExclusive)
      Returns a copy of the given set that supports concurrent operations. The returned set will contain all of the ints the provided set contained. The returned mutable IntSet can store values in the range of 0..maxExclusive-1
      intSet - set to copy from
      maxExclusive - the maximum value - 1 that can be inserted into the set
      concurrent copy