Interface InitializationContext

All Known Implementing Classes:

@ThreadSafe public interface InitializationContext
Aggregates the initialisation state needed by either a CacheLoader or a CacheWriter.
Mircea Markus
  • Method Details

    • getConfiguration

      <T extends StoreConfiguration> T getConfiguration()
    • getCache

      Cache getCache()
    • getKeyPartitioner

      KeyPartitioner getKeyPartitioner()
      The configured partitioner that can be used to determine which segment a given key belongs to. This is useful when a store is segmented (ie. implements SegmentedAdvancedLoadWriteStore).
      partitioner that can provide what segment a key maps to
    • getTimeService

      org.infinispan.commons.time.TimeService getTimeService()
    • getByteBufferFactory

      ByteBufferFactory getByteBufferFactory()
      To be used for building ByteBuffer objects.
    • getExecutor

      since 11.0 - Please use getBlockingManager() ()} or getNonBlockingExecutor() instead
      Returns the preferred executor to be used by stores if needed. Stores normally shouldn't need this unless they *must* perform some blocking code asynchronously.
      the executor to be used with stores
    • getNonBlockingExecutor

      Executor getNonBlockingExecutor()
      Returns an executor for non-blocking tasks. Users must guarantee that the tasks they submit to this executor do not block the thread in which the executor runs. Doing so can cause Infinispan to handle operations more slowly, reducing performance, because threads are limited to the number of cores and are used extensively.
      an executor that can submit non-blocking tasks.
    • getBlockingManager

      org.infinispan.util.concurrent.BlockingManager getBlockingManager()
      Returns a manager that is designed to execute tasks that might block. This manager ensures that only the blocking code is run on a blocking thread and any stage continues on a non-blocking thread.
      a manager that should be used to execute blocking operations.
    • getNonBlockingManager

      org.infinispan.util.concurrent.NonBlockingManager getNonBlockingManager()
      Returns a manager that is designed to help with non blocking operations.
      a manager that can be used to help with offloading non blocking work.
    • getMarshallableEntryFactory

      <K, V> MarshallableEntryFactory<K,V> getMarshallableEntryFactory()
      Should be used to build all MarshallableEntry objects.
    • getPersistenceMarshaller

      PersistenceMarshaller getPersistenceMarshaller()
      Returns the persistence marshaller which should be used to marshall/unmarshall all stored bytes.
    • getGlobalConfiguration

      GlobalConfiguration getGlobalConfiguration()
      Returns the global configuration