Infinispan implements the Spring SPI to offer high-performance, in-memory caching capabilities for Spring applications. You can use Infinispan as a Spring Cache provider and with the Spring Sessions API.

1. Using Infinispan as a Spring Cache provider

Add Infinispan dependencies to your application and use Spring Cache annotations to store data in embedded or remote caches.

1.1. Setting up Spring caching with Infinispan

Add the Infinispan dependencies to your Spring application project. If you use remote caches in a Infinispan Server deployment, you should also configure your Hot Rod client properties.

  1. Add Infinispan and the Spring integration module to your pom.xml.

    • Remote caches: infinispan-spring5-remote

    • Embedded caches: infinispan-spring5-embedded

      Spring Boot users can add the infinispan-spring-boot-starter-embedded instead of the infinispan-spring5-embedded artifact.

  2. Configure your Hot Rod client to connect to your Infinispan Server deployment in the file.

    infinispan.client.hotrod.server_list =

Spring Cache dependencies

Remote caches
Embedded caches

1.2. Using Infinispan as a Spring Cache provider

Add the @EnableCaching annotation to one of your configuration classes and then add the @Cacheable and @CacheEvict annotations to use remote or embedded caches.

  • Add the Infinispan dependencies to your application project.

  • Create the required remote caches and configure Hot Rod client properties if you use a Infinispan Server deployment.

  1. Enable cache annotations in your application context in one of the following ways:

    <beans xmlns=""
            <cache:annotation-driven />
    @EnableCaching @Configuration
    public class Config {
  2. Annotate methods with @Cacheable to cache return values.

    To reference entries in the cache directly, you must include the key attribute.

  3. Annotate methods with @CacheEvict to remove old entries from the cache.

1.3. Spring Cache annotations

The @Cacheable and @CacheEvict annotations add cache capabilities to methods.


Stores return values in a cache.


Controls cache size by removing old entries.


Taking Book objects as an example, if you want to cache each instance after loading it from a database with a method such as BookDao#findBook(Integer bookId), you could add the @Cacheable annotation as follows:

@Cacheable(value = "books", key = "#bookId")
public Book findBook(Integer bookId) {...}

With the preceding example, when findBook(Integer bookId) returns a Book instance it gets stored in the cache named books.


With the @CacheEvict annotation, you can specify if you want to evict the entire books cache or only the entries that match a specific #bookId.

Entire cache eviction

Annotate the deleteAllBookEntries() method with @CacheEvict and add the allEntries parameter as follows:

@CacheEvict (value="books", key = "#bookId", allEntries = true)
public void deleteAllBookEntries() {...}
Entry based eviction

Annotate the deleteBook(Integer bookId) method with @CacheEvict and specify the key associated to the entry as follows:

@CacheEvict (value="books", key = "#bookId")
public void deleteBook(Integer bookId) {...}

1.4. Configuring timeouts for cache operations

The Infinispan Spring Cache provider defaults to blocking behaviour when performing read and write operations. Cache operations are synchronous and do not time out.

If necessary you can configure a maximum time to wait for operations to complete before they time out.

  • Configure the following timeout properties in the context XML for your application on either SpringEmbeddedCacheManagerFactoryBean or SpringRemoteCacheManagerFactoryBean.

    For remote caches, you can also add these properties to the file.

Property Description

Specifies the time, in milliseconds, to wait for read operations to complete. The default is 0 which means unlimited wait time.


Specifies the time, in milliseconds, to wait for write operations to complete. The default is 0 which means unlimited wait time.

The following example shows the timeout properties in the context XML for SpringRemoteCacheManagerFactoryBean:

<bean id="springRemoteCacheManagerConfiguredUsingConfigurationProperties"
    <property name="configurationProperties">
           <prop key="">500</prop>
           <prop key="infinispan.spring.operation.write.timeout">700</prop>

2. Externalizing sessions with Spring Session

Store session data for Spring applications in Infinispan caches and independently of the container.

2.1. Externalizing Sessions with Spring Session

Use the Spring Session API to externalize session data to Infinispan.

  1. Add dependencies to your pom.xml.

    • Embedded caches: infinispan-spring5-embedded

    • Remote caches: infinispan-spring5-remote

      The following example is for remote caches:

  2. Specify the appropriate FactoryBean to expose a CacheManager instance.

    • Embedded caches: SpringEmbeddedCacheManagerFactoryBean

    • Remote caches: SpringRemoteCacheManagerFactoryBean

  3. Enable Spring Session with the appropriate annotation.

    • Embedded caches: @EnableInfinispanEmbeddedHttpSession

    • Remote caches: @EnableInfinispanRemoteHttpSession

      These annotations have optional parameters:

      • maxInactiveIntervalInSeconds sets session expiration time in seconds. The default is 1800.

      • cacheName specifies the name of the cache that stores sessions. The default is sessions.

The following example shows a complete, annotation-based configuration:

public class Config {

   public SpringEmbeddedCacheManagerFactoryBean springCacheManager() {
      return new SpringEmbeddedCacheManagerFactoryBean();

   //An optional configuration bean responsible for replacing the default
   //cookie that obtains configuration.
   //For more information refer to the Spring Session documentation.
   public HttpSessionIdResolver httpSessionIdResolver() {
       return HeaderHttpSessionIdResolver.xAuthToken();