Uses of Package

Packages that use org.infinispan.commons.api
This is the core of Infinispan, a distributed, transactional, highly scalable data grid platform.
This package contains the KeyAffinityService interfaces which allow user code to determine mapping of keys onto nodes
Hot Rod client API.
Commons API package
Provides Infinispan-specific input and output streams, buffers and related utilities.
Factories are internal components used to create other components based on a cache's configuration.
Global configuration state.
Cache manager API.
A CacheLoader (not CacheWriter) that polls other nodes in the cluster for state.
The Persistence SPI.
Transports handle the low-level networking, used by the remoting components.
A transport implementation based on JGroups.
REST Server bootstrap and Netty bridge classes.
Security API.
Spring Infinispan - An implementation of Spring's Cache SPI based on JBoss Infinispan.
Thread-safe containers and other concurrency-related utilities, designed to supplement JDK concurrency utilities and containers.