Class CommandAckCollector


public class CommandAckCollector extends Object
An acknowledge collector for Triangle algorithm used in non-transactional caches for write operations.

Acknowledges are used between the owners and the originator. They signal the completion of a write operation. The operation can complete successfully or not.

The acknowledges are valid on the same cache topology id. So, each acknowledge is tagged with the command topology id. Acknowledges from previous topology id are discarded.

The acknowledges from the primary owner carry the return value of the operation.

Pedro Ruivo
  • Constructor Details

    • CommandAckCollector

      public CommandAckCollector()
  • Method Details

    • start

      public void start()
    • create

      public <T> org.infinispan.interceptors.distribution.Collector<T> create(long id, Collection<Address> backupOwners, int topologyId)
      Creates a collector for a single key write operation.
      id - the id from CommandInvocationId.
      backupOwners - the backup owners of the key.
      topologyId - the current topology id.
    • createBiased

      public org.infinispan.interceptors.distribution.BiasedCollector createBiased(long id, int topologyId)
    • createMultiTargetCollector

      public CommandAckCollector.MultiTargetCollector createMultiTargetCollector(long id, int primaries, int topologyId)
    • createSegmentBasedCollector

      public <T> org.infinispan.interceptors.distribution.Collector<T> createSegmentBasedCollector(long id, Map<Address,Collection<Integer>> backups, int topologyId)
      Creates a collector for PutMapCommand.
      id - the id from CommandInvocationId.getId().
      backups - a map between a backup owner and its segments affected.
      topologyId - the current topology id.
    • multiKeyBackupAck

      public void multiKeyBackupAck(long id, Address from, int segment, int topologyId)
      Acknowledges a PutMapCommand completion in the backup owner.
      id - the id from CommandInvocationId.getId().
      from - the backup owner.
      segment - the segments affected and acknowledged.
      topologyId - the topology id.
    • backupAck

      public void backupAck(long id, Address from, int topologyId)
      Acknowledges a write operation completion in the backup owner.
      id - the id from CommandInvocationId.getId().
      from - the backup owner.
      topologyId - the topology id.
    • completeExceptionally

      public void completeExceptionally(long id, Throwable throwable, int topologyId)
      Acknowledges an exception during the operation execution.

      The collector is completed without waiting any further acknowledges.

      id - the id from CommandInvocationId.getId().
      throwable - the Throwable.
      topologyId - the topology id.
    • getPendingCommands

      public List<Long> getPendingCommands()
      the pending ids from CommandInvocationId.getId() (testing purposes only)
    • hasPendingBackupAcks

      public boolean hasPendingBackupAcks(long id)
      id - the id from CommandInvocationId.getId().
      true if there are acknowledges pending from the backup owners, false otherwise. (testing purposes only)
    • onMembersChange

      public void onMembersChange(Collection<Address> members)
      Notifies a change in member list.
      members - the new cluster members.