JMX Components
Name | Description |
Activation | Component that handles activating entries that have been passivated to a CacheStore by loading them into memory. |
AsyncXSiteStatistics | Statistics for Asynchronous cross-site replication |
Cache | Component that represents an individual cache instance. |
Cache | Component that represents an individual cache instance. |
Cache | Component that represents an individual cache instance. |
Cache | Component that represents an individual cache instance. |
CacheContainerStats | General cache container statistics such as timings, hit/miss ratio, etc. for a single node. |
CacheLoader | Component that handles loading entries from a CacheStore into memory. |
CacheManager | Component that acts as a manager, factory and container for caches in the system. |
CacheStore | Component that handles storing of entries to a CacheStore from memory. |
ClusterCacheStats | General cluster statistics such as timings, hit/miss ratio, etc. for a cache. |
ClusterContainerStats | General container statistics aggregated across the cluster. |
Configuration | Runtime cache configuration attributes |
DistributionManager | Component that handles distribution of content across a cluster |
GlobalSecurityManager | Controls global ACL caches |
GlobalXSiteAdminOperations | Exposes tooling for handling backing up data to remote sites. |
Invalidation | Component responsible for invalidating entries on remote caches when entries are written to locally. |
JmxStatsCommandInterceptor | |
LocalContainerStats | General statistic of local container. |
LocalTopologyManager | Controls the cache membership and state transfer |
LockManager | Manager that handles MVCC locks for entries |
ManageableExecutorService | |
Passivation | Component that handles passivating entries to a CacheStore on eviction. |
ProtobufMetadataManager | Component that acts as a manager and persistent container for Protocol Buffers schema definitions in the scope of a CacheManger. |
RecoveryAdmin | Exposes tooling for handling transaction recovery. |
RemoteCacheClientStatisticsMXBean | RemoteCache client-side statistics (such as number of connections) |
RemoteCacheManagerMXBean | RemoteCacheManager client-side statistics and operations |
RollingUpgradeManager | Handles the migration of data when upgrading between versions. |
RpcManager | Manages all remote calls to remote cache instances in the cluster. |
StateTransferManager | Component that handles state transfer |
Statistics | General statistics such as timings, hit/miss ratio, and so on. |
Statistics | General statistics such as timings, hit/miss ratio, etc. |
Statistics | Statistics for index based query |
Transactions | Component that manages the cache's participation in JTA transactions. |
Transport | Transport component manages read and write operations to/from server. |
WorkerExecutor | |
XSiteAdmin | Exposes tooling for handling backing up data to remote sites. |
Component that handles activating entries that have been passivated to a CacheStore by loading them into memory.
Attributes Name Description Type Writable Activations Number of activation events java.lang.String false StatisticsEnabled Enables or disables the gathering of statistics by this component boolean true Operations Name Description Signature resetStatistics Resets statistics gathered by this component void resetStatistics()
Statistics for Asynchronous cross-site replication
Attributes Name Description Type Writable NumberOfConflicts The total number of conflicts between local and remote sites. long false NumberOfConflictsLocalWins The number of conflicts where the merge policy discards the remote update. long false NumberOfConflictsMerged Number of conflicts where the merge policy created a new entry. long false NumberOfConflictsRemoteWins The number of conflicts where the merge policy applies the remote update. long false NumberOfDiscards The number of updates from remote sites discarded (duplicate or old update). long false NumberOfTombstones Number of tombstones stored int false QueueSize Number of keys that need to be sent to remote site(s) int false StatisticsEnabled Enables or disables the gathering of statistics by this component boolean true TombstoneCleanupTaskCurrentDelay Current delay in milliseconds between tombstone cleanup tasks long false TombstoneCleanupTaskRunning Is tombstone cleanup task running? boolean false Operations Name Description Signature resetStatistics Resets statistics gathered by this component void resetStatistics()
Component that represents an individual cache instance.
Attributes Name Description Type Writable CacheName Returns the cache name java.lang.String false CacheStatus Returns the cache status java.lang.String false ConfigurationAsProperties Returns the cache configuration in form of properties java.util.Properties false Version Returns the version of Infinispan java.lang.String false Operations Name Description Signature clear Clears the cache void clear() start Starts the cache. void start() stop Stops the cache. void stop()
Component that represents an individual cache instance.
Attributes Name Description Type Writable CacheAvailability Returns the cache availability java.lang.String true CacheName Returns the cache name java.lang.String false CacheStatus Returns the cache status java.lang.String false ConfigurationAsProperties Returns the cache configuration in form of properties java.util.Properties false RebalancingEnabled Returns whether cache rebalancing is enabled boolean true Version Returns the version of Infinispan java.lang.String false Operations Name Description Signature clearOperation Clears the cache void clearOperation() shutdown Shuts down the cache across the cluster void shutdown() start Starts the cache. void start() stop Stops the cache. void stop()
Component that represents an individual cache instance.
Attributes Name Description Type Writable CacheName Returns the cache name java.lang.String false CacheStatus Returns the cache status java.lang.String false ConfigurationAsProperties Returns the cache configuration in form of properties java.util.Properties false Version Returns the version of Infinispan java.lang.String false Operations Name Description Signature clear Clears the cache void clear() shutdown Shuts down the cache across the cluster void shutdown() start Starts the cache. void start() stop Stops the cache. void stop()
Component that represents an individual cache instance.
Attributes Name Description Type Writable CacheAvailability Returns the cache availability java.lang.String true RebalancingEnabled Returns whether cache rebalancing is enabled boolean true
General cache container statistics such as timings, hit/miss ratio, etc. for a single node.
Attributes Name Description Type Writable AverageReadTime Cache container total average number of milliseconds for all read operation in this cache container long false AverageReadTimeNanos Cache container total average number of nanoseconds for all read operation in this cache container long false AverageRemoveTime Cache container total average number of milliseconds for all remove operation in this cache container long false AverageRemoveTimeNanos Cache container total average number of nanoseconds for all remove operation in this cache container long false AverageWriteTime Cache container average number of milliseconds for all write operation in this cache container long false AverageWriteTimeNanos Cache container average number of nanoseconds for all write operation in this cache container long false CurrentNumberOfEntriesInMemory Cache container total number of entries currently in-memory for all caches in this cache container int false DataMemoryUsed Amount in bytes of memory used in a given cache container for entries with eviction long false Evictions Cache container total number of cache eviction operations long false HitRatio Cache container total percentage hit/(hit+miss) ratio for this cache double false Hits Cache container total number of cache attribute hits long false Misses Cache container total number of cache attribute misses long false NumberOfEntries Cache container total number of entries currently in all caches from this cache container int false OffHeapMemoryUsed Amount in bytes of off-heap memory used by this cache container long false ReadWriteRatio Cache container read/writes ratio in all caches from this cache container double false RemoveHits Cache container total number of cache removal hits long false RemoveMisses Cache container total number of cache removals where keys were not found long false RequiredMinimumNumberOfNodes Required minimum number of nodes to hold current cache data int false StatisticsEnabled Enables or disables the gathering of statistics by this component boolean true Stores Cache container total number of cache put operations long false TimeSinceReset Number of seconds since the cache container statistics were last reset long false TimeSinceStart Number of seconds since cache started long false
Component that handles loading entries from a CacheStore into memory.
Attributes Name Description Type Writable CacheLoaderLoads Number of entries loaded from cache store long false CacheLoaderMisses Number of entries that did not exist in cache store long false Stores Returns a collection of cache loader types which are configured and enabled java.util.Collection false Operations Name Description Signature disableStore Disable all stores of a given type, where type is a fully qualified class name of the cache loader to disable void disableStore(java.lang.String storeType)
Component that acts as a manager, factory and container for caches in the system.
Attributes Name Description Type Writable CacheManagerStatus The status of the cache manager instance. java.lang.String false ClusterMembers List of members in the cluster java.lang.String false ClusterMembersPhysicalAddresses List of members in the cluster java.lang.String false ClusterName Cluster name java.lang.String false ClusterSize Size of the cluster in number of nodes int false Coordinator Indicates whether this node is coordinator boolean false CoordinatorAddress The logical address of the cluster's coordinator java.lang.String false CreatedCacheCount The total number of created caches, including the default cache. java.lang.String false DefinedCacheConfigurationNames The defined cache configuration names. java.lang.String false DefinedCacheCount The total number of defined cache configurations. java.lang.String false DefinedCacheNames The defined cache names and their statuses. The default cache is not included in this representation. java.lang.String false GlobalConfigurationAsProperties Global configuration properties java.util.Properties false Name The name of this cache manager java.lang.String false NodeAddress The network address associated with this instance java.lang.String false NumberOfCacheConfigurations The total number of defined cache configurations. int false NumberOfCreatedCaches The total number of created caches, including the default cache. long false NumberOfRunningCaches The total number of running caches, including the default cache. long false PhysicalAddresses The physical network addresses associated with this instance java.lang.String false RelayNode Indicates whether this node is a relay node boolean false RelayNodesAddress Lists relay nodes in the local site java.lang.String false RunningCacheCount The total number of running caches, including the default cache. java.lang.String false Site Returns the local site name java.lang.String false SiteView Lists all online sites java.lang.String false Version Returns the version of Infinispan java.lang.String false Operations Name Description Signature startCache Starts a named cache from this cache manager void startCache(java.lang.String cacheName)
Component that handles storing of entries to a CacheStore from memory.
Attributes Name Description Type Writable NumberOfPersistedEntries Number of entries currently persisted excluding expired entries int false WritesToTheStores Number of writes to the store long false
General cluster statistics such as timings, hit/miss ratio, etc. for a cache.
Attributes Name Description Type Writable Activations The total number of activations across the cluster long false ApproximateEntries Approximate number of entry replicas in the cache across the cluster, including passivated entries long false ApproximateEntriesInMemory Approximate number of entry replicas in memory across the cluster long false ApproximateEntriesUnique Approximate number of unique entries in the cache across the cluster, ignoring duplicate replicas long false AverageReadTime Average number of milliseconds for a read operation on the cache across the cluster long false AverageReadTimeNanos Average number of nanoseconds for a read operation on the cache across the cluster long false AverageRemoveTime Average number of milliseconds for a remove operation in the cache across the cluster long false AverageRemoveTimeNanos Average number of nanoseconds for a remove operation in the cache across the cluster long false AverageWriteTime Average number of milliseconds for a write operation in the cache across the cluster long false AverageWriteTimeNanos Average number of nanoseconds for a write operation in the cache across the cluster long false CacheLoaderLoads The total number of persistence load operations in the cluster long false CacheLoaderMisses The total number of cacheloader load misses in the cluster long false CurrentNumberOfEntriesInMemory Current number of entries in memory across the cluster int false DataMemoryUsed Amount in bytes of memory used across the cluster for entries in this cache with eviction long false Evictions Total number of cache eviction operations across the cluster long false HitRatio Percentage hit/(hit+miss) ratio for this cache double false Hits Total number of cache read hits across the cluster long false Invalidations The total number of invalidations in the cluster long false Misses Total number of cache read misses long false NumberOfEntries Current number of entries in the cache across the cluster, including passivated entries int false NumberOfLocksAvailable Current number of exclusive locks available across the cluster int false NumberOfLocksHeld Current number of locks held across the cluster int false OffHeapMemoryUsed Amount in bytes of off-heap memory used across the cluster for this cache long false Passivations The total number of passivations across the cluster long false ReadWriteRatio Cluster-wide read/writes ratio for the cache double false RemoveHits Cluster-wide total number of cache removal hits long false RemoveMisses Cluster-wide total number of cache removals where keys were not found long false RequiredMinimumNumberOfNodes Minimum number of nodes to avoid losing data int false StoreWrites The total number of cachestore store operations in the cluster long false Stores Cluster-wide total number of cache put operations long false TimeSinceStart Number of seconds since the first cache node started long false
General container statistics aggregated across the cluster.
Attributes Name Description Type Writable MemoryAvailable The maximum amount of free memory in bytes across the cluster JVMs long false MemoryMax The maximum amount of memory that JVMs across the cluster will attempt to utilise in bytes long false MemoryTotal The total amount of memory in the JVMs across the cluster in bytes long false MemoryUsed The amount of memory used by JVMs across the cluster in bytes long false
Runtime cache configuration attributes
Attributes Name Description Type Writable EvictionSize Gets the eviction size for the cache long true
Component that handles distribution of content across a cluster
Operations Name Description Signature isAffectedByRehash Determines whether a given key is affected by an ongoing rehash, if any. boolean isAffectedByRehash(java.lang.Object key) isLocatedLocally Tells you whether a given key would be written to this instance of the cache according to the consistent hashing algorithm. Only works with String keys. boolean isLocatedLocally(java.lang.String key) locateKey Shows the addresses of the nodes where a write operation would store the entry associated with the specified key. Only works with String keys. java.util.List<java.lang.String> locateKey(java.lang.String key)
Controls global ACL caches
Operations Name Description Signature flushGlobalACLCache Flushes the global ACL cache across the entire cluster java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<java.lang.Void> flushGlobalACLCache()
Exposes tooling for handling backing up data to remote sites.
Operations Name Description Signature bringSiteOnline Brings the given site back online on all the caches. java.lang.String bringSiteOnline(java.lang.String site) cancelPushState Cancels the push state on all the caches to remote site. java.lang.String cancelPushState(java.lang.String site) pushState Pushes the state of all caches to the corresponding remote site if the cache backups to it. The remote site will be bring back online java.lang.String pushState(java.lang.String site) takeSiteOffline Takes this site offline in all caches in the cluster. java.lang.String takeSiteOffline(java.lang.String site)
Component responsible for invalidating entries on remote caches when entries are written to locally.
Attributes Name Description Type Writable Invalidations Number of invalidations long false StatisticsEnabled Enables or disables the gathering of statistics by this component boolean true Operations Name Description Signature resetStatistics Resets statistics gathered by this component void resetStatistics()
Attributes Name Description Type Writable StatisticsEnabled Enables or disables the gathering of statistics by this component boolean true Operations Name Description Signature resetStatistics Resets statistics gathered by this component void resetStatistics()
General statistic of local container.
Attributes Name Description Type Writable MemoryAvailable The maximum amount of free memory in bytes in local JVM long false MemoryMax The maximum amount of memory in local JVM will attempt to utilise in bytes long false MemoryTotal The total amount of memory in the local JVM in bytes long false MemoryUsed The amount of memory used by the local JVM in bytes long false StaleStatsThreshold Gets the threshold for cluster wide stats refresh (milliseconds) long true StatisticsEnabled Enables or disables the gathering of statistics by this component boolean true TimeSinceReset Number of seconds since the statistics were last reset long false
Controls the cache membership and state transfer
Attributes Name Description Type Writable ClusterAvailability Cluster availability java.lang.String false RebalancingEnabled Rebalancing enabled boolean true
Manager that handles MVCC locks for entries
Attributes Name Description Type Writable ConcurrencyLevel The concurrency level that the MVCC Lock Manager has been configured with. int false NumberOfLocksAvailable The number of exclusive locks that are available. int false NumberOfLocksHeld The number of exclusive locks that are held. int false
Attributes Name Description Type Writable ActiveCount Returns the number of active executor threads. int false KeepAliveTime Returns the keep-alive time for this pool's threads long false LargestPoolSize Returns the largest ever number of executor threads. int false MaximumPoolSize Returns the maximum number of executor threads. int true PoolSize Returns the number of threads in this executor. int false QueueSize Returns the number of elements in this executor's queue. int false
Component that handles passivating entries to a CacheStore on eviction.
Attributes Name Description Type Writable Passivations Number of passivation events long false Operations Name Description Signature passivateAll Passivate all entries to the CacheStore void passivateAll() resetStatistics Resets statistics gathered by this component void resetStatistics()
Component that acts as a manager and persistent container for Protocol Buffers schema definitions in the scope of a CacheManger.
Attributes Name Description Type Writable FilesWithErrors The names of the files that have errors, if any java.lang.String[] false ProtofileNames The names of all Protobuf files java.lang.String[] false Operations Name Description Signature getFileErrors Obtains the errors associated with a protobuf definition file java.lang.String getFileErrors(java.lang.String fileName) getProtofile Get the contents of a protobuf definition file java.lang.String getProtofile(java.lang.String fileName) registerProtofile Registers a Protobuf definition file void registerProtofile(java.lang.String fileName, java.lang.String contents) registerProtofiles Registers multiple Protobuf definition files void registerProtofiles(java.lang.String[] fileNames, java.lang.String[] contents) unregisterProtofile Unregisters a Protobuf definition files void unregisterProtofile(java.lang.String fileName) unregisterProtofiles Unregisters multiple Protobuf definition files void unregisterProtofiles(java.lang.String[] fileNames)
Exposes tooling for handling transaction recovery.
Operations Name Description Signature forceCommit Forces the commit of an in-doubt transaction java.lang.String forceCommit(long internalId, int formatId, byte[] globalTxId, byte[] branchQualifier) forceRollback Forces the rollback of an in-doubt transaction java.lang.String forceRollback(long internalId, int formatId, byte[] globalTxId, byte[] branchQualifier) forget Removes recovery info for the given transaction. java.lang.String forget(int formatId, byte[] globalTxId, byte[] branchQualifier, long internalId) showInDoubtTransactions Shows all the prepared transactions for which the originating node crashed java.lang.String showInDoubtTransactions()
RemoteCache client-side statistics (such as number of connections)
Attributes Name Description Type Writable AverageRemoteReadTime Returns the average read time, in milliseconds, for a remote cache. long false AverageRemoteReadTimeNanos Returns the average read time, in nanoseconds, for a remote cache. long false AverageRemoteRemovesTime Returns the average time, in milliseconds, for remove operations in a remote cache. long false AverageRemoteRemovesTimeNanos Returns the average time, in nanoseconds, for remove operations in a remote cache. long false AverageRemoteStoreTime Returns the average store time, in milliseconds, for a remote cache. long false AverageRemoteStoreTimeNanos Returns the average store time, in nanoseconds, for a remote cache. long false NearCacheHits Returns the number of near-cache hits. Returns a value of 0 if near-caching is disabled. long false NearCacheInvalidations Returns the number of near-cache invalidations. Returns a value of 0 if near-caching is disabled. long false NearCacheMisses Returns the number of near-cache misses. Returns a value of 0 if near-caching is disabled. long false NearCacheSize Returns the number of entries currently stored in the near-cache. Returns a value of 0 if near-caching is disabled. long false RemoteHits Returns the number of hits for a remote cache. long false RemoteMisses Returns the number of misses for a remote cache. long false RemoteRemoves Returns the number of removes for a remote cache. long false RemoteStores Returns the number of remote cache stores (put, replace) that the client applied. Failed conditional operations do not increase the count of entries in the remote cache. Put operations always increase the count even if an operation replaces an equal value. long false TimeSinceReset Returns the time, in seconds, since the last reset. See {@link #resetStatistics()} long false Operations Name Description Signature resetStatistics Resets statistics. void resetStatistics()
RemoteCacheManager client-side statistics and operations
Attributes Name Description Type Writable ActiveConnectionCount Returns the number of active connections int false ConnectionCount Returns the total number of connections int false CurrentClusterName Returns the name of the currently active cluster. java.lang.String false IdleConnectionCount Returns the number of idle connections int false Retries Returns the total number of retries that have been executed long false Servers Returns a list of servers to which the client is currently connected in the format of ip_address:port_number. java.lang.String[] false Operations Name Description Signature switchToCluster Switch remote cache manager to a different cluster, previously declared via configuration. If the switch was completed successfully, this method returns {@code true}, otherwise it returns {@code false}. boolean switchToCluster(java.lang.String clusterName) switchToDefaultCluster Switch remote cache manager to a the default cluster, previously declared via configuration. If the switch was completed successfully, this method returns {@code true}, otherwise it returns {@code false}. boolean switchToDefaultCluster()
Handles the migration of data when upgrading between versions.
Operations Name Description Signature connectSource Connects target clusters to source clusters. void connectSource(java.lang.String migratorName, org.infinispan.configuration.cache.StoreConfiguration configuration) disconnectSource Disconnects target clusters from source clusters. void disconnectSource(java.lang.String migratorName) isConnected Checks if the target cluster is connected to the source cluster. boolean isConnected(java.lang.String migratorName) synchronizeData Synchronizes data from source clusters to target clusters with the specified migrator. long synchronizeData(java.lang.String migratorName, java.lang.String migratorName, int readBatch, int threads)
Manages all remote calls to remote cache instances in the cluster.
Attributes Name Description Type Writable AverageReplicationTime The average time spent in the transport layer, in milliseconds long false AverageXSiteReplicationTime Returns the average replication time, in milliseconds, for a cross-site replication request long false CommittedViewAsString Retrieves the committed view. java.lang.String false MaximumXSiteReplicationTime Returns the maximum replication time, in milliseconds, for a cross-site replication request long false MinimumXSiteReplicationTime Returns the minimum replication time, in milliseconds, for a cross-site replication request long false NumberXSiteRequests Returns the number of sync cross-site requests long false NumberXSiteRequestsReceived Returns the number of cross-site requests received from all nodes long false PendingViewAsString Retrieves the pending view. java.lang.String false ReplicationCount Number of successful replications long false ReplicationFailures Number of failed replications long false SitesView Retrieves the x-site view. java.lang.String false StatisticsEnabled Enables or disables the gathering of statistics by this component boolean true SuccessRatio Successful replications as a ratio of total replications java.lang.String false SuccessRatioFloatingPoint Successful replications as a ratio of total replications in numeric double format double false Operations Name Description Signature getAverageXSiteReplicationTimeTo Returns the average replication time, in milliseconds, for cross-site request sent to the remote site. long getAverageXSiteReplicationTimeTo(java.lang.String dstSite) getMaximumXSiteReplicationTimeTo Returns the maximum replication time, in milliseconds, for cross-site request sent to the remote site. long getMaximumXSiteReplicationTimeTo(java.lang.String dstSite) getMinimumXSiteReplicationTimeTo Returns the minimum replication time, in milliseconds, for cross-site request sent to the remote site. long getMinimumXSiteReplicationTimeTo(java.lang.String dstSite) getNumberXSiteRequestsReceivedFrom Returns the number of cross-site requests received from the remote site. long getNumberXSiteRequestsReceivedFrom(java.lang.String srcSite) getNumberXSiteRequestsSentTo Returns the number of cross-site requests sent to the remote site. long getNumberXSiteRequestsSentTo(java.lang.String dstSite) resetStatistics Resets statistics gathered by this component void resetStatistics()
Component that handles state transfer
Attributes Name Description Type Writable InflightSegmentTransferCount The number of in-flight segments the local node requested from other nodes long false InflightTransactionalSegmentCount The number of in-flight transactional segments the local node requested from other nodes long false JoinComplete If true, the node has successfully joined the grid and is considered to hold state. If false, the join process is still in progress. boolean false RebalancingStatus Retrieves the rebalancing status for this cache. Possible values are PENDING, SUSPENDED, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETE java.lang.String false StateTransferInProgress Checks whether the local node is receiving state from other nodes boolean false
General statistics such as timings, hit/miss ratio, and so on.
Attributes Name Description Type Writable ApproximateEntries Approximate number of entries currently in the cache, including persisted and expired entries long false ApproximateEntriesInMemory Approximate number of entries currently in memory, including expired entries long false ApproximateEntriesUnique Approximate number of entries currently in the cache for which the local node is a primary owner, including persisted and expired entries long false AverageReadTime Average number of milliseconds for a read operation on the cache long false AverageReadTimeNanos Average number of nanoseconds for a read operation on the cache long false AverageRemoveTime Average number of milliseconds for a remove operation in the cache long false AverageRemoveTimeNanos Average number of nanoseconds for a remove operation in the cache long false AverageWriteTime Average number of milliseconds for a write operation in the cache long false AverageWriteTimeNanos Average number of nanoseconds for a write operation in the cache long false DataMemoryUsed Amount of memory in bytes allocated for use in eviction for data in the cache long false Evictions Number of cache eviction operations long false HitRatio Percentage hit/(hit+miss) ratio for the cache double false Hits Number of cache attribute hits long false Misses Number of cache attribute misses long false NumberOfEntries Number of entries in the cache including passivated entries int false NumberOfEntriesInMemory Number of entries currently in-memory excluding expired entries int false OffHeapMemoryUsed Amount off-heap memory used by this cache (bytes) long false ReadWriteRatio Read/writes ratio for the cache double false RemoveHits Number of cache removal hits long false RemoveMisses Number of cache removals where keys were not found long false RequiredMinimumNumberOfNodes Amount of nodes required to guarantee data consistency int false Stores Number of cache attribute put operations long false TimeSinceReset Number of seconds since the cache statistics were last reset long false TimeSinceStart Number of seconds since cache started long false
General statistics such as timings, hit/miss ratio, etc.
Attributes Name Description Type Writable ApproximateEntries Approximate current number of entries in the cache, including persisted and expired entries. long false ApproximateEntriesInMemory Approximate current number of entries in memory, including expired entries. long false ApproximateEntriesUnique Approximate current number of entries in the cache, including persisted and expired entries. long false AverageReadTime Average number of milliseconds for a read operation on the cache long false AverageReadTimeNanos Average number of nanoseconds for a read operation on the cache long false AverageRemoveTime Average number of milliseconds for a remove operation in the cache long false AverageRemoveTimeNanos Average number of nanoseconds for a remove operation in the cache long false AverageWriteTime Average number of milliseconds for a write operation in the cache long false AverageWriteTimeNanos Average number of nanoseconds for a write operation in the cache long false CurrentNumberOfEntriesInMemory Number of entries currently in-memory excluding expired entries int false DataMemoryUsed Amount of memory in bytes allocated for use in eviction for data in the cache long false Evictions Number of cache eviction operations long false HitRatio Percentage hit/(hit+miss) ratio for the cache double false Hits Number of cache attribute hits long false Misses Number of cache attribute misses long false NumberOfEntries Number of entries in the cache including passivated entries int false OffHeapMemoryUsed Amount off-heap memory used by this cache (bytes) long false ReadWriteRatio Read/writes ratio for the cache double false RemoveHits Number of cache removal hits long false RemoveMisses Number of cache removals where keys were not found long false RequiredMinimumNumberOfNodes Required minimum number of nodes to hold current cache data int false StatisticsEnabled Enables or disables the gathering of statistics by this component enabled true Stores Number of cache attribute put operations long false TimeSinceReset Number of seconds since the cache statistics were last reset long false TimeSinceStart Number of seconds since cache started long false Operations Name Description Signature resetStatistics Resets statistics gathered by this component void resetStatistics()
Statistics for index based query
Attributes Name Description Type Writable IndexedClassNames The name of all indexed entities configured in the cache. The name of the entity is either the class name annotated with @Index, or the protobuf Message name. java.util.Set false ObjectLoadingExecutionAvgTime The average time in nanoseconds to load entities from a Cache after an indexed query. long false ObjectLoadingExecutionMaxTime The max time in nanoseconds to load entities from a Cache after an indexed query. long false ObjectLoadingTotalTime The total time to load entities from a Cache after an indexed query. long false ObjectsLoadedCount The number of operations to load entities from a Cache after an indexed query. long false SearchQueryExecutionAvgTime The average time in nanoseconds of all indexed queries. long false SearchQueryExecutionCount Number of queries executed in the local index. long false SearchQueryExecutionMaxTime The time in nanoseconds of the slowest indexed query. long false SearchQueryExecutionMaxTimeQueryString The Ickle query string of the slowest indexed query. java.lang.String false SearchQueryTotalTime The total time in nanoseconds of all indexed queries. long false SearchVersion The Hibernate Search version used as query engine for the cache. java.lang.String false StatisticsEnabled True if the Cache has statistics enabled. boolean false Operations Name Description Signature clear Clear all query statistics. void clear() getIndexSize The index size for a given index name. long getIndexSize(java.lang.String indexName) getNumberOfIndexedEntities The number of indexed entities for a given entity. int getNumberOfIndexedEntities(java.lang.String entity) indexSizes All index sizes by their names. java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Long> indexSizes() indexedEntitiesCount The number of indexed entities for all entities. java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> indexedEntitiesCount()
Component that manages the cache's participation in JTA transactions.
Attributes Name Description Type Writable Commits Number of transaction commits performed since last reset long false Prepares Number of transaction prepares performed since last reset long false Rollbacks Number of transaction rollbacks performed since last reset long false StatisticsEnabled Enables or disables the gathering of statistics by this component boolean true Operations Name Description Signature resetStatistics Resets statistics gathered by this component void resetStatistics()
Transport component manages read and write operations to/from server.
Attributes Name Description Type Writable HostName Returns the host to which the transport binds. java.lang.String false IdleTimeout Returns the idle timeout. int false NumberIOThreads Returns the number of I/O threads. int false NumberOfGlobalConnections Returns a count of active connections in the cluster. This operation will make remote calls to aggregate results, so latency might have an impact on the speed of calculation of this attribute. int false NumberOfLocalConnections Returns a count of active connections this server. int false PendingTasks Returns the number of pending tasks. int false Port Returns the port to which the transport binds. int false ReceiveBufferSize Returns the receive buffer size. int false Running Returns whether the transport is running boolean false SendBufferSize Returns the send buffer size. int false TcpNoDelay Returns whether TCP no delay was configured or not. boolean false TotalBytesRead Returns the total number of bytes read by the server from clients which includes both protocol and user information. long false TotalBytesWritten Returns the total number of bytes written by the server back to clients which includes both protocol and user information. long false Operations Name Description Signature start Starts the transport void start() stop Stops the transport void stop()
Exposes tooling for handling backing up data to remote sites.
Operations Name Description Signature amendTakeOffline Amends the values for 'TakeOffline' functionality on all the nodes in the cluster. java.lang.String amendTakeOffline(java.lang.String site, int afterFailures, long minTimeToWait) bringSiteOnline Brings the given site back online on all the cluster. java.lang.String bringSiteOnline(java.lang.String site) cancelPushState Cancels the push state to remote site. java.lang.String cancelPushState(java.lang.String siteName) cancelReceiveState Cancels the push state to this site. All the state received from state transfer will be ignored. java.lang.String cancelReceiveState(java.lang.String siteName) clearPushStateStatus Clears the state transfer status. java.lang.String clearPushStateStatus() getPushStateStatus Shows a map with destination site name and the state transfer status. java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> getPushStateStatus() getSendingSiteName Returns the site name from which this site is receiving state. java.lang.String getSendingSiteName() getStateTransferMode Returns the cross-site replication state transfer mode. java.lang.String getStateTransferMode(java.lang.String site) getTakeOfflineAfterFailures Returns the value of the 'afterFailures' for the 'TakeOffline' functionality. java.lang.String getTakeOfflineAfterFailures(java.lang.String site) getTakeOfflineMinTimeToWait Returns the value of the 'minTimeToWait' for the 'TakeOffline' functionality. java.lang.String getTakeOfflineMinTimeToWait(java.lang.String site) pushState Pushes the state of this cache to the remote site. The remote site will be bring back online java.lang.String pushState(java.lang.String siteName) setStateTransferMode Sets the cross-site state transfer mode. boolean setStateTransferMode(java.lang.String site, java.lang.String mode) setTakeOfflineAfterFailures Amends the values for 'afterFailures' for the 'TakeOffline' functionality on all the nodes in the cluster. java.lang.String setTakeOfflineAfterFailures(java.lang.String site, int afterFailures) setTakeOfflineMinTimeToWait Amends the values for 'minTimeToWait' for the 'TakeOffline' functionality on all the nodes in the cluster. java.lang.String setTakeOfflineMinTimeToWait(java.lang.String site, long minTimeToWait) siteStatus Check whether the given backup site is offline or not. java.lang.String siteStatus(java.lang.String site) status Returns the the status(offline/online) of all the configured backup sites. java.lang.String status() takeSiteOffline Takes this site offline in all nodes in the cluster. java.lang.String takeSiteOffline(java.lang.String site)