Interface ClientCacheEntryModifiedEvent<K>

Type Parameters:
K - type of key created.
All Superinterfaces:

public interface ClientCacheEntryModifiedEvent<K> extends ClientEvent
Client side cache entry modified events provide information on the modified key, and the version of the entry after the modification. This version can be used to invoke conditional operations on the server, such as RemoteCache.replaceWithVersion(Object, Object, long) or RemoteCache.removeWithVersion(Object, long)
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.infinispan.client.hotrod.event.ClientEvent

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Modifiedcache entry's key.
    Provides access to the version of the modified cache entry.
    This will be true if the write command that caused this had to be retried again due to a topology change.

    Methods inherited from interface org.infinispan.client.hotrod.event.ClientEvent

  • Method Details

    • getKey

      K getKey()
      Modifiedcache entry's key.
      an instance of the key with which a cache entry has been modified in the remote server(s).
    • getVersion

      long getVersion()
      Provides access to the version of the modified cache entry. This version can be used to invoke conditional operations on the server, such as RemoteCache.replaceWithVersion(Object, Object, long) or RemoteCache.removeWithVersion(Object, long)
      a long containing the version of the modified cache entry.
    • isCommandRetried

      boolean isCommandRetried()
      This will be true if the write command that caused this had to be retried again due to a topology change. This could be a sign that this event has been duplicated or another event was dropped and replaced (eg: ModifiedEvent replaced CreateEvent)
      Whether the command that caused this event was retried