Interface CacheContainerAdmin<C extends CacheContainerAdmin,A extends BasicConfiguration>

All Known Subinterfaces:
EmbeddedCacheManagerAdmin, RemoteCacheManagerAdmin
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CacheContainerAdmin<C extends CacheContainerAdmin,A extends BasicConfiguration>
Administrative cache container operations.
Tristan Tarrant
  • Method Details

    • createCache

      <K, V> BasicCache<K,V> createCache(String name, String template)
      Creates a cache on the container using the specified template.
      name - the name of the cache to create
      template - the template to use for the cache. If null, the configuration marked as default on the container will be used
      the cache
      CacheException - if a cache with the same name already exists
    • createCache

      <K, V> BasicCache<K,V> createCache(String name, A configuration)
      Creates a cache on the container using the specified template.
      name - the name of the cache to create
      configuration - the configuration to use for the cache. If null, the configuration marked as default on the container will be used
      the cache
      CacheException - if a cache with the same name already exists
    • getOrCreateCache

      <K, V> BasicCache<K,V> getOrCreateCache(String name, String template)
      Retrieves an existing cache or creates one using the specified template if it doesn't exist
      name - the name of the cache to create
      template - the template to use for the cache. If null, the configuration marked as default on the container will be used
      the cache
    • getOrCreateCache

      <K, V> BasicCache<K,V> getOrCreateCache(String name, A configuration)
      Retrieves an existing cache or creates one using the specified template if it doesn't exist
      name - the name of the cache to create
      configuration - the configuration to use for the cache. If null, the configuration marked as default on the container will be used
      the cache
    • removeCache

      void removeCache(String name)
      Removes a cache from the cache container. Any persisted data will be cleared.
      name - the name of the cache to remove
    • withFlags

      C withFlags(CacheContainerAdmin.AdminFlag... flags)
      Sets any additional CacheContainerAdmin.AdminFlags to be used when performing administrative operations. Note: whether an operation supports a certain flag or not is dependent on the configuration and environment. If a flag cannot be honored, the operation will fail with an exception.
      flags -
    • withFlags

      Sets any additional CacheContainerAdmin.AdminFlags to be used when performing administrative operations. Note: whether an operation supports a certain flag or not is dependent on the configuration and environment. If a flag cannot be honored, the operation will fail with an exception.
      flags -
    • createTemplate

      void createTemplate(String name, A configuration)
      Creates a template on the container using the provided configuration.
      name - the name of the template
      configuration - the configuration to use. It must be a clustered configuration (e.g. distributed)
    • removeTemplate

      void removeTemplate(String name)
      Removes a template from the cache container. Any persisted data will be cleared.
      name - the name of the template to remove