Interface CloseableIteratorCollection<E>

All Superinterfaces:
Collection<E>, Iterable<E>
All Known Subinterfaces:
CacheCollection<E>, CacheSet<E>, CloseableIteratorSet<E>
All Known Implementing Classes:
CloseableIteratorCollectionAdapter, CloseableIteratorSetAdapter

public interface CloseableIteratorCollection<E> extends Collection<E>
A collection that defines an iterator method that returns a CloseableIterator instead of a non closeable one. This is needed so that iterators can be properly cleaned up. All other methods will internally clean up any iterators created and don't have other side effects.
  • Method Details

    • iterator

      CloseableIterator<E> iterator()

      This iterator should be explicitly closed when iteration upon it is completed. Failure to do so could cause resources to not be freed properly

    • spliterator

      CloseableSpliterator<E> spliterator()

      This spliterator should be explicitly closed after it has been used. Failure to do so could cause resources to not be freed properly

    • stream

      default Stream<E> stream()

      This stream should be explicitly closed after it has been used. Failure to do so could cause resources to not be freed properly

    • parallelStream

      default Stream<E> parallelStream()

      This stream should be explicitly closed after it has been used. Failure to do so could cause resources to not be freed properly