Interface EntryMergePolicy<K,V>

All Known Implementing Classes:
MergePolicy, MergePolicy.UnsupportedMergePolicy

public interface EntryMergePolicy<K,V>
Ryan Emerson
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    merge(org.infinispan.container.entries.CacheEntry<K,V> preferredEntry, List<org.infinispan.container.entries.CacheEntry<K,V>> otherEntries)
    This method is called by ConflictManager.resolveConflicts() for each conflict discovered to determine which CacheEntry should be utilised.
  • Method Details

    • merge

      org.infinispan.container.entries.CacheEntry<K,V> merge(org.infinispan.container.entries.CacheEntry<K,V> preferredEntry, List<org.infinispan.container.entries.CacheEntry<K,V>> otherEntries)
      This method is called by ConflictManager.resolveConflicts() for each conflict discovered to determine which CacheEntry should be utilised. This merge policy is used when a user explicitly calls ConflictManager.resolveConflicts() as well as when a partition merge occurs with PartitionHandling.ALLOW_READ_WRITES set. In the event of a partition merge, we define the preferred partition as the partition whom's coordinator is coordinating the current merge.
      preferredEntry - During a partition merge, the preferredEntry is the primary replica of a CacheEntry stored in the partition that contains the most nodes or if partitions are equal the one with the largest topologyId. In the event of overlapping partitions, i.e. a node A is present in the topology of both partitions {A}, {A,B,C}, we pick {A} as the preferred partition as it will have the higher topologId because the other partition's topology is behind. During a non-merge call to ConflictManager.resolveConflicts(), the preferredEntry is simply the primary owner of an entry
      otherEntries - a List of all other CacheEntry associated with a given Key.
      the winning CacheEntry to be utilised across the cluster, or null if all entries for a key should be removed.