Interface ObjectFilter

public interface ObjectFilter
A filter that tests if an object matches a pre-defined condition and returns either the original instance or the projection, depending on how the filter was created. The projection is represented as an Object[]. If the given instance does not match the filter will just return null.
  • Method Details

    • getEntityTypeName

      String getEntityTypeName()
      The fully qualified entity type name accepted by this filter.
    • getProjection

      String[] getProjection()
      The array of '.' separated path names of the projected fields if any, or null otherwise.
    • getProjectionTypes

      Class<?>[] getProjectionTypes()
      The types of the projects paths (see getProjection() or null if there are no projections.
    • getParameterNames

      Set<String> getParameterNames()
      Returns the filter parameter names or an empty Set if there are no parameters.
    • getParameters

      Map<String,Object> getParameters()
      The parameter values. Please do not mutate this map. Obtain a new filter instance with new parameter values using withParameters(Map) if you have to.
    • withParameters

      ObjectFilter withParameters(Map<String,Object> namedParameters)
      Creates a new ObjectFilter instance based on the current one and the given parameter values.
    • getSortFields

      SortField[] getSortFields()
      The array of sort specifications if defined, or null otherwise.
    • getComparator

      Comparator<Comparable<?>[]> getComparator()
      The comparator corresponding to the 'order by' clause, if any.
      the Comparator or null if no 'order by' was specified (getSortFields() also returns null)
    • filter

      default ObjectFilter.FilterResult filter(Object value)
      Tests if an object matches the filter. A shorthand for filter(null, value).
      value - the instance to test; this is never null
      a ObjectFilter.FilterResult if there is a match or null otherwise
    • filter

      Tests if an object matches the filter. The given key is optional (can be null) and will be returned to the user in the ObjectFilter.FilterResult.
      key - the (optional) key; this can be null if it is of no interest
      value - the instance to test; this is never null
      a ObjectFilter.FilterResult if there is a match or null otherwise