Interface CacheContainerAdmin<C extends CacheContainerAdmin,A extends BasicConfiguration>

All Known Subinterfaces:
EmbeddedCacheManagerAdmin, RemoteCacheManagerAdmin
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultCacheManagerAdmin, RemoteCacheManagerAdminImpl

public interface CacheContainerAdmin<C extends CacheContainerAdmin,A extends BasicConfiguration>
Administrative cache container operations.
Tristan Tarrant
  • Method Details

    • createCache

      <K, V> BasicCache<K,V> createCache(String name, String template)
      Creates a cache on the container using the specified template.
      name - the name of the cache to create
      template - the template to use for the cache. If null, the configuration marked as default on the container will be used
      the cache
      CacheException - if a cache with the same name already exists
    • createCache

      <K, V> BasicCache<K,V> createCache(String name, A configuration)
      Creates a cache on the container using the specified template.
      name - the name of the cache to create
      configuration - the configuration to use for the cache. If null, the configuration marked as default on the container will be used
      the cache
      CacheException - if a cache with the same name already exists
    • getOrCreateCache

      <K, V> BasicCache<K,V> getOrCreateCache(String name, String template)
      Retrieves an existing cache or creates one using the specified template if it doesn't exist
      name - the name of the cache to create
      template - the template to use for the cache. If null, the configuration marked as default on the container will be used
      the cache
    • getOrCreateCache

      <K, V> BasicCache<K,V> getOrCreateCache(String name, A configuration)
      Retrieves an existing cache or creates one using the specified template if it doesn't exist
      name - the name of the cache to create
      configuration - the configuration to use for the cache. If null, the configuration marked as default on the container will be used
      the cache
    • removeCache

      void removeCache(String name)
      Removes a cache from the cache container. Any persisted data will be cleared.
      name - the name of the cache to remove
    • withFlags

      C withFlags(CacheContainerAdmin.AdminFlag... flags)
      Sets any additional CacheContainerAdmin.AdminFlags to be used when performing administrative operations. Note: whether an operation supports a certain flag or not is dependent on the configuration and environment. If a flag cannot be honored, the operation will fail with an exception.
      flags -
    • withFlags

      Sets any additional CacheContainerAdmin.AdminFlags to be used when performing administrative operations. Note: whether an operation supports a certain flag or not is dependent on the configuration and environment. If a flag cannot be honored, the operation will fail with an exception.
      flags -
    • createTemplate

      void createTemplate(String name, A configuration)
      Creates a template on the container using the provided configuration.
      name - the name of the template
      configuration - the configuration to use. It must be a clustered configuration (e.g. distributed)
    • removeTemplate

      void removeTemplate(String name)
      Removes a template from the cache container. Any persisted data will be cleared.
      name - the name of the template to remove
    • updateConfigurationAttribute

      void updateConfigurationAttribute(String cacheName, String attribute, String value)
      Updates a mutable configuration attribute for the given cache.
      cacheName - the name of the cache on which the attribute will be updated
      attribute - the path of the attribute we want to change
      value - the new value to apply to the attribute
    • assignAlias

      void assignAlias(String aliasName, String cacheName)
      Assign an alias to a cache. If the alias was already associated with another cache, the association will be reassigned to the specified cache. If the alias was not associated with any cache, it is created and associated to the specified cache. If the alias was already associated with the specified cache, this operation does nothing.
      aliasName - the name of the alias
      cacheName - the name of the cache to which the alias should be associated