Interface Query<T>

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public interface Query<T> extends Iterable<T>
  • Method Details

    • getQueryString

      String getQueryString()
      Returns the Ickle query string.
    • list

      List<T> list()
      Returns the results of a search as a list.
      a list of objects that were found in the search.
    • publish

      @Experimental default org.reactivestreams.Publisher<T> publish(int maxBatchSize)
      Reactive based query for list(). Will stream data as requested. The query will poll data from the underlying engine in batchSize blocks of items to satisfy the subscription

      If startOffset(long) or maxResults(int) will affect the query by either not returning the first startOffset number of matches and will not return more than maxResults.

      Note: due to current API limitations it is not safe to use this Query instance while there is an active subscription to the returned Publisher and it is only safe to use one subscription at a time.

      maxBatchSize - the maximum amount of entries that will be retrieved at once. Note that a smaller batch size may be queried to ensure memory safety.
      a Publisher that when subscribed will query
    • execute

      QueryResult<T> execute()
      Executes the query (a SELECT statement). Subsequent invocations cause the query to be re-executed.

      Executing a DELETE is also allowed. In this case, no results will be returned, but the number of affected entries will be returned as the hit count in the QueryResult.

      QueryResult with the results.
    • executeAsync

      Reactive version of execute().

      Note: due to current API limitations until this stage completes it is not safe to use this Query instance for any other invocations while there is an outstanding Publisher subscription or to have more than one subscription at a time.

      a Stage that when complete contains the query results
    • executeStatement

      int executeStatement()
      Executes a data modifying statement (typically a DELETE) that does not return results; instead it returns the count of affected entries. This method cannot be used to execute a SELECT.

      NOTE: Paging parameters (firstResult/maxResults) are NOT allowed.

      the number of affected (deleted) entries
    • executeStatementAsync

      @Experimental CompletionStage<Integer> executeStatementAsync()
      Reactive version of executeStatement()
      a Stage that when complete contains the affected (deleted) entries
    • hasProjections

      boolean hasProjections()
      Indicates if the parsed query has projections (a SELECT clause) and consequently, the returned results will actually be Object[] containing the projected values rather than the target entity.
      true if it has projections, false otherwise.
    • getStartOffset

      long getStartOffset()
    • startOffset

      Query<T> startOffset(long startOffset)
    • getMaxResults

      int getMaxResults()
    • maxResults

      Query<T> maxResults(int maxResults)
    • hitCountAccuracy

      Integer hitCountAccuracy()
      the current hitCountAccuracy if present
      See Also:
    • hitCountAccuracy

      Query<T> hitCountAccuracy(int hitCountAccuracy)
      Limits the required accuracy of the hit count for the indexed queries to an upper-bound. Setting the hit-count-accuracy could improve the performance of queries targeting large data sets.
      hitCountAccuracy - The value to apply
      this, for method chaining
    • getParameters

      Map<String,Object> getParameters()
      Returns the named parameters Map.
      the named parameters (unmodifiable) or null if the query does not have parameters
    • setParameter

      Query<T> setParameter(String paramName, Object paramValue)
      Sets the value of a named parameter.
      paramName - the parameters name (non-empty and not null)
      paramValue - a non-null value
    • setParameters

      Query<T> setParameters(Map<String,Object> paramValues)
      Sets multiple named parameters at once. Parameter names cannot be empty or null. Parameter values must not be null.
      paramValues - a Map of parameters
    • iterator

      CloseableIterator<T> iterator()
      Returns a CloseableIterator over the results. Close the iterator when you are done with processing the results.
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Iterable<T>
      the results of the query as an iterator.
    • entryIterator

      default <K> ClosableIteratorWithCount<EntityEntry<K,T>> entryIterator()
      Returns a ClosableIteratorWithCount over the results, including both key and value. Close the iterator when you are done with processing the results. The query cannot use projections.
      the results of the query as an iterator.
    • entryIterator

      <K> ClosableIteratorWithCount<EntityEntry<K,T>> entryIterator(boolean withMetadata)
      Returns a ClosableIteratorWithCount over the results, including both key and value. Close the iterator when you are done with processing the results. The query cannot use projections.
      withMetadata - Whether the cache entry metadata needs to be retrieved
      the results of the query as an iterator.
    • timeout

      Query<T> timeout(long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
      Set the timeout for this query. If the query hasn't finished processing before the timeout, a timeout will be thrown. For queries that use the index, the timeout is handled on a best effort basis, and the supplied time is rounded to the nearest millisecond.
    • local

      Query<T> local(boolean local)
      Set the query execution scope
      local - if true, query will be restricted to the data present in the local node, ignoring the other members of the clusters
    • scoreRequired

      Query<T> scoreRequired(boolean scoreRequired)