Class Closeables


public class Closeables extends Object
This class consists exclusively of static methods that operate on or return closeable interfaces. This is helpful when wanting to change a given interface to an appropriate closeable interface.
  • Method Details

    • spliterator

      public static <E> CloseableSpliterator<E> spliterator(CloseableIterator<? extends E> iterator, long size, int characteristics)
      Takes a provided closeable iterator and wraps it appropriately so it can be used as a closeable spliterator that will close the iterator when the spliterator is closed.
      Type Parameters:
      E - The type that is the same between the iterator and spliterator
      iterator - The closeable iterator to change to a spliterator
      size - The approximate size of the iterator. If no size is known Long.MAX_VALUE should be passed
      characteristics - The characteristics of the given spliterator as defined on the Spliterator interface
      A spliterator that when closed will close the provided iterator
    • spliterator

      public static <T> CloseableSpliterator<T> spliterator(Spliterator<T> spliterator)
      Creates a closeable spliterator from the given spliterator that does nothing when close is called.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the spliterators
      spliterator - The spliterator to wrap to allow it to become a closeable spliterator.
      A spliterator that does nothing when closed
    • spliterator

      public static <R> CloseableSpliterator<R> spliterator(BaseStream<R,Stream<R>> stream)
      Creates a closeable spliterator that when closed will close the underlying stream as well
      Type Parameters:
      R - The type of the stream
      stream - The stream to change into a closeable spliterator
      A spliterator that when closed will also close the underlying stream
    • iterator

      public static <R> CloseableIterator<R> iterator(BaseStream<R,Stream<R>> stream)
      Creates a closeable iterator that when closed will close the underlying stream as well
      Type Parameters:
      R - The type of the stream
      stream - The stream to change into a closeable iterator
      An iterator that when closed will also close the underlying stream
    • iterator

      public static <E> CloseableIterator<E> iterator(Iterator<? extends E> iterator)
      Creates a closeable iterator from the given iterator that does nothing when close is called.
      Type Parameters:
      E - The type of the iterators
      iterator - The iterator to wrap to allow it to become a closeable iterator
      An iterator that does nothing when closed
    • iteratorWithCount

      public static <R> ClosableIteratorWithCount<R> iteratorWithCount(BaseStream<R,Stream<R>> stream)
    • stream

      public static <E> Stream<E> stream(CloseableSpliterator<E> spliterator, boolean parallel)
      Creates a stream that when closed will also close the underlying spliterator
      Type Parameters:
      E - the type of the stream
      spliterator - spliterator to back the stream and subsequently close
      parallel - whether or not the returned stream is parallel or not
      the stream to use
    • stream

      public static <E> Stream<E> stream(CloseableIterator<E> iterator, boolean parallel, long size, int characteristics)
      Creates a stream that when closed will also close the underlying iterator
      Type Parameters:
      E - the type of the stream
      iterator - iterator to back the stream and subsequently close
      parallel - whether or not the returned stream is parallel or not
      size - the size of the iterator if known, otherwise Long.MAX_VALUE should be passed.
      characteristics - the characteristics of the iterator to be used
      the stream to use
    • iterator

      public static <E> CloseableIterator<E> iterator(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<E> publisher, int fetchSize)
      Converts a Publisher to a CloseableIterator by utilizing items fetched into an array and refetched as they are consumed from the iterator. The iterator when closed will also close the underlying Subscription when subscribed to the publisher.
      Type Parameters:
      E - value type
      publisher - the publisher to convert
      fetchSize - how many entries to hold in memory at once in preparation for the iterators consumption
      an iterator that when closed will cancel the subscription