Interface SearchMapping

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public interface SearchMapping extends AutoCloseable
  • Method Details

    • scope

      default <E> SearchScope<E> scope(Class<E> type)
      Create a SearchScope limited to the given type.
      Type Parameters:
      E - An entity type to include in the scope.
      type - A type to include in the scope.
      The created scope.
      See Also:
    • scope

      <E> SearchScope<E> scope(Collection<? extends Class<? extends E>> types)
      Create a SearchScope limited to the given types.
      Type Parameters:
      E - An entity to include in the scope.
      types - A collection of types to include in the scope.
      The created scope.
      See Also:
    • scopeAll

      SearchScope<?> scopeAll()
    • findScopeAll

      Optional<SearchScope<?>> findScopeAll()
    • getFailureHandler getFailureHandler()
    • start

      void start()
    • close

      void close()
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
    • isClose

      boolean isClose()
    • isRestarting

      default boolean isRestarting()
    • getMappingSession

      SearchSession getMappingSession()
    • getSearchIndexer

      SearchIndexer getSearchIndexer()
    • indexedEntity

      SearchIndexedEntity indexedEntity(Class<?> entityType)
      entityType - The type of an possible-indexed entity.
      A SearchIndexedEntity for the indexed entity with the exact given type, if the type matches some indexed entity, otherwise null.
    • indexedEntity

      SearchIndexedEntity indexedEntity(String entityName)
    • allIndexedEntities

      Collection<? extends SearchIndexedEntity> allIndexedEntities()
      A collection containing one SearchIndexedEntity for each indexed entity
    • indexedEntitiesForStatistics

      default Collection<? extends SearchIndexedEntity> indexedEntitiesForStatistics()
    • allIndexedEntityNames

      Set<String> allIndexedEntityNames()
      A set containing the name of all indexed entities.
    • allIndexedEntityJavaClasses

      Set<Class<?>> allIndexedEntityJavaClasses()
    • reload

      default void reload()
      Releases all used resources (IO, threads) and restarts from the mapping configuration.
    • restart

      default void restart()
      Releases some used resources (e.g.: threads), preserving some others (e.g.: IO) and restarts from the mapping configuration.
    • typeIsIndexed

      boolean typeIsIndexed(Object value)
    • typeIsIndexed

      boolean typeIsIndexed(Object value, Collection<Class<?>> restricted)
    • metamodel

      Map<String,IndexMetamodel> metamodel()
    • genericIndexingFailures

      int genericIndexingFailures()
    • entityIndexingFailures

      int entityIndexingFailures()
    • builder

      static SearchMappingBuilder builder( introspector, ClassLoader aggregatedClassLoader, Collection<ProgrammaticSearchMappingProvider> mappingProviders, BlockingManager blockingManager, FailureCounter failureCounter, IndexerConfig indexerConfig)