Interface NestedResponseSerializer<T,O,H extends SerializationHint>

Type Parameters:
T - The generic type of the Java object the serializer handles.
H - The generic type of hints the serializer accepts.
All Superinterfaces:
BiConsumer<T,O>, Predicate<Object>, ResponseSerializer<T,O>, TriConsumer<T,O,H>

public interface NestedResponseSerializer<T,O,H extends SerializationHint> extends ResponseSerializer<T,O>, TriConsumer<T,O,H>
Serializes a nested Java object into the correct RESP3 representation.

A nested object is one composed of other RESP3 elements. For example, an array or a map are nested objects. There is no limitation regarding the number of nested elements that can exist. Therefore, to aid during serialization, a caller can provide hints about the types of inner elements.

José Bolina
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default void
    accept(T t, O out)

    Methods inherited from interface java.util.function.BiConsumer


    Methods inherited from interface java.util.function.Predicate

    and, negate, or, test

    Methods inherited from interface org.infinispan.util.function.TriConsumer

  • Method Details