1. Infinispan Operator

Infinispan Operator provides operational intelligence and reduces management complexity for deploying Infinispan on Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift.

1.1. Supported versions

Since version 2.3.0 Infinispan Operator supports multiple Infinispan Server versions. You can upgrade the version of your cluster between supported Infinispan versions:

Infinispan Operator version Infinispan Server versions


//// Auto-generated file, do not update this manually. To add additional Operands to this file, update the INFINISPAN_OPERAND_VERSIONS array in config/manager/manager.yaml. //// 13.0.10 14.0.1 14.0.6 14.0.9 14.0.13 14.0.17 14.0.19 14.0.20 14.0.21 14.0.24 14.0.27


//// Auto-generated file, do not update this manually. To add additional Operands to this file, update the INFINISPAN_OPERAND_VERSIONS array in config/manager/manager.yaml. //// 13.0.10 14.0.1 14.0.6 14.0.9 14.0.13 14.0.17 14.0.19 14.0.20 14.0.21 14.0.24 14.0.27 15.0.0


//// Auto-generated file, do not update this manually. To add additional Operands to this file, update the INFINISPAN_OPERAND_VERSIONS array in config/manager/manager.yaml. //// 13.0.10 14.0.1 14.0.6 14.0.9 14.0.13 14.0.17 14.0.19 14.0.20 14.0.21 14.0.24 14.0.27 = 15.0.0


//// Auto-generated file, do not update this manually. To add additional Operands to this file, update the INFINISPAN_OPERAND_VERSIONS array in config/manager/manager.yaml. //// 13.0.10 14.0.1 14.0.6 14.0.9 14.0.13 14.0.17 14.0.19 14.0.20 14.0.21 14.0.24 14.0.27 15.0.0 15.0.3 15.0.4


//// Auto-generated file, do not update this manually. To add additional Operands to this file, update the INFINISPAN_OPERAND_VERSIONS array in config/manager/manager.yaml. //// 14.0.1 14.0.6 14.0.9 14.0.13 14.0.17 14.0.19 14.0.20 14.0.21 14.0.24 14.0.27 15.0.0 15.0.3 15.0.4 15.0.5


//// Auto-generated file, do not update this manually. To add additional Operands to this file, update the INFINISPAN_OPERAND_VERSIONS array in config/manager/manager.yaml. //// 14.0.1 14.0.6 14.0.9 14.0.13 14.0.17 14.0.19 14.0.20 14.0.21 14.0.24 14.0.27 14.0.32 15.0.0 15.0.3 15.0.4 15.0.8


//// Auto-generated file, do not update this manually. To add additional Operands to this file, update the INFINISPAN_OPERAND_VERSIONS array in config/manager/manager.yaml. //// 14.0.1 14.0.6 14.0.9 14.0.13 14.0.17 14.0.19 14.0.20 14.0.21 14.0.24 14.0.27 14.0.32 15.0.0 15.0.3 15.0.4 15.0.5 15.0.8 15.0.10

1.2. Infinispan Operator deployments

When you install Infinispan Operator, it extends the Kubernetes API with Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) for deploying and managing Infinispan clusters on Red Hat OpenShift.

To interact with Infinispan Operator, Kubernetes users apply Custom Resources (CRs) through the Kubernetes Dashboard or kubectl client. Infinispan Operator listens for Infinispan CRs and automatically provisions native resources, such as StatefulSets and Secrets, that your Infinispan deployment requires. Infinispan Operator also configures Infinispan services according to the specifications in Infinispan CRs, including the number of pods for the cluster and backup locations for cross-site replication.

This illustration depicts how Kubernetes users pass custom resources to Infinispan Operator.
Figure 1. Custom resources

1.3. Cluster management

A single Infinispan Operator installation can manage multiple clusters with different Infinispan versions in separate namespaces. Each time a user applies CRs to modify the deployment, Infinispan Operator applies the changes globally to all Infinispan clusters.

This illustration depicts how Infinispan Operator manages multiple clusters on Kubernetes.
Figure 2. Operator-managed clusters

1.4. Resource reconciliation

Infinispan Operator reconciles custom resources such as the Cache CR with resources on your Infinispan cluster.

Bidirectional reconciliation synchronizes your CRs with changes that you make to Infinispan resources through the Infinispan Console, command line interface (CLI), or other client application and vice versa. For example if you create a cache through the Infinispan Console then Infinispan Operator adds a declarative Kubernetes representation.

To perform reconciliation Infinispan Operator creates a listener pod for each Infinispan cluster that detects modifications for Infinispan resources.

Notes about reconciliation
  • When you create a cache through the Infinispan Console, CLI, or other client application, Infinispan Operator creates a corresponding Cache CR with a unique name that conforms to the Kubernetes naming policy.

  • Declarative Kubernetes representations of Infinispan resources that Infinispan Operator creates with the listener pod are linked to Infinispan CRs.
    Deleting Infinispan CRs removes any associated resource declarations.

2. Installing the native Infinispan CLI as a client plugin

Infinispan provides a command line interface (CLI) compiled to a native executable that you can install as a plugin for kubectl clients. You can then use your kubectl client to:

  • Create Infinispan Operator subscriptions and remove Infinispan Operator installations.

  • Set up Infinispan clusters and configure services.

  • Work with Infinispan resources via remote shells.

2.1. Installing the native Infinispan CLI plugin

Install the native Infinispan Command Line Interface (CLI) as a plugin for kubectl clients.

  1. Extract the .zip archive for the native Infinispan CLI distribution.

  2. Copy the native executable, or create a hard link, to a file named "kubectl-infinispan", for example:

    cp infinispan-cli kubectl-infinispan
  3. Add kubectl-infinispan to your PATH.

  4. Verify that the CLI is installed.

    kubectl plugin list
    The following compatible plugins are available:
  5. Use the infinispan --help command to view available commands.

    kubectl infinispan --help

2.2. kubectl-infinispan command reference

This topic provides some details about the kubectl-infinispan plugin for clients.

Use the --help argument to view the complete list of available options and descriptions for each command.

For example, kubectl infinispan create cluster --help prints all command options for creating Infinispan clusters.



kubectl infinispan install

Creates Infinispan Operator subscriptions and installs into the global namespace by default.

kubectl infinispan create cluster

Creates Infinispan clusters.

kubectl infinispan get clusters

Displays running Infinispan clusters.

kubectl infinispan shell

Starts an interactive remote shell session on a Infinispan cluster.

kubectl infinispan delete cluster

Removes Infinispan clusters.

kubectl infinispan uninstall

Removes Infinispan Operator installations and all managed resources.

3. Installing Infinispan Operator

Install Infinispan Operator into a Kubernetes namespace to create and manage Infinispan clusters.

3.1. Installing Infinispan Operator on Red Hat OpenShift

Create subscriptions to Infinispan Operator on OpenShift so you can install different Infinispan versions and receive automatic updates.

Automatic updates apply to Infinispan Operator first and then for each Infinispan node. Infinispan Operator updates clusters one node at a time, gracefully shutting down each node and then bringing it back online with the updated version before going on to the next node.

  • Access to OperatorHub running on OpenShift. Some OpenShift environments, such as OpenShift Container Platform, can require administrator credentials.

  • Ensure the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) is installed.

  • Have an OpenShift project for Infinispan Operator if you plan to install it into a specific namespace.

  1. Log in to the Kubernetes Dashboard.

  2. Navigate to OperatorHub.

  3. Find and select Infinispan Operator.

  4. Select Install and continue to Create Operator Subscription.

  5. Specify options for your subscription.

    Installation Mode

    You can install Infinispan Operator into a Specific namespace or All namespaces.

    Update Channel

    Subscribe to updates for Infinispan Operator versions.

    Approval Strategies

    When new Infinispan versions become available, you can install updates manually or let Infinispan Operator install them automatically.

  6. Select Subscribe to install Infinispan Operator.

  7. Navigate to Installed Operators to verify the Infinispan Operator installation.

3.2. Installing Infinispan Operator with the native CLI plugin

Install Infinispan Operator with the native Infinispan CLI plugin, kubectl-infinispan.

  • Have kubectl-infinispan on your PATH.

  • Ensure the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) is installed.

  1. Run the oc infinispan install command to create Infinispan Operator subscriptions, for example:

    kubectl infinispan install --channel=stable
  2. Verify the installation.

    kubectl get pods -n openshift-operators | grep infinispan-operator
    NAME                                   READY   STATUS
    infinispan-operator-<id>               1/1     Running

Use oc infinispan install --help for command options and descriptions.

3.3. Installing Infinispan Operator from OperatorHub.io

Use the command line to install Infinispan Operator from OperatorHub.io.

  • OKD 3.11 or later.

  • Kubernetes 1.11 or later.

  • Ensure the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) is installed.

  • Have administrator access on the Kubernetes cluster.

  • Have a kubectl or oc client.

  1. Navigate to the Infinispan Operator entry on OperatorHub.io.

  2. Follow the instructions to install Infinispan Operator into your Kubernetes cluster.

3.4. Building and installing Infinispan Operator manually

Manually build and install Infinispan Operator from the GitHub repository.


4. Creating Infinispan clusters

Create Infinispan clusters running on Kubernetes with the Infinispan CR or with the native Infinispan CLI plugin for kubectl clients.

4.1. Infinispan custom resource (CR)

Infinispan Operator adds a new Custom Resource (CR) of type Infinispan that lets you handle Infinispan clusters as complex units on Kubernetes.

Infinispan Operator listens for Infinispan Custom Resources (CR) that you use to instantiate and configure Infinispan clusters and manage Kubernetes resources, such as StatefulSets and Services.

Infinispan CR
apiVersion: infinispan.org/v1
kind: Infinispan
  name: infinispan
  replicas: 2
  version: <Infinispan_version>
    type: DataGrid
Field Description


Declares the version of the Infinispan API.


Declares the Infinispan CR.


Specifies a name for your Infinispan cluster.


Specifies the number of pods in your Infinispan cluster.


Specifies the type of Infinispan service to create.


Specifies the Infinispan Server version of your cluster.

4.2. Creating Infinispan clusters

Create Infinispan clusters with the native CLI plugin, kubectl-infinispan.

  • Install Infinispan Operator.

  • Have kubectl-infinispan on your PATH.

  1. Run the infinispan create cluster command.

    For example, create a Infinispan cluster with two pods as follows:

    kubectl infinispan create cluster --replicas=3 -Pservice.type=DataGrid infinispan

    Add the --version argument to control the Infinispan version of your cluster. For example, --version=15.0.10. If you don’t specify the version, Infinispan Operator creates cluster with the latest supported Infinispan version.

  2. Watch Infinispan Operator create the Infinispan pods.

    kubectl get pods -w
Next steps

After you create a Infinispan cluster, use the kubectl to apply changes to Infinispan CR and configure your Infinispan service.

You can also delete Infinispan clusters with kubectl-infinispan and re-create them as required.

kubectl infinispan delete cluster infinispan

4.3. Verifying Infinispan cluster views

Confirm that Infinispan pods have successfully formed clusters.

  • Create at least one Infinispan cluster.

  • Retrieve the Infinispan CR for Infinispan Operator.

    kubectl get infinispan -o yaml

    The response indicates that Infinispan pods have received clustered views, as in the following example:

      - message: 'View: [infinispan-0, infinispan-1]'
        status: "True"
        type: wellFormed

Do the following for automated scripts:

kubectl wait --for condition=wellFormed --timeout=240s infinispan/infinispan

Retrieving cluster view from logs

You can also get the cluster view from Infinispan logs as follows:

kubectl logs infinispan-0 | grep ISPN000094
INFO  [org.infinispan.CLUSTER] (MSC service thread 1-2) \
ISPN000094: Received new cluster view for channel infinispan: \
[infinispan-0|0] (1) [infinispan-0]

INFO  [org.infinispan.CLUSTER] (jgroups-3,infinispan-0) \
ISPN000094: Received new cluster view for channel infinispan: \
[infinispan-0|1] (2) [infinispan-0, infinispan-1]

4.4. Modifying Infinispan clusters

Configure Infinispan clusters by providing Infinispan Operator with a custom Infinispan CR.

  • Install Infinispan Operator.

  • Create at least one Infinispan cluster.

  • Have an oc or a kubectl client.

  1. Create a YAML file that defines your Infinispan CR.

    For example, create a my_infinispan.yaml file that changes the number of Infinispan pods to two:

    cat > cr_minimal.yaml<<EOF
    apiVersion: infinispan.org/v1
    kind: Infinispan
      name: infinispan
      replicas: 2
      version: <Infinispan_version>
        type: DataGrid
  2. Apply your Infinispan CR.

    kubectl apply -f my_infinispan.yaml
  3. Watch Infinispan Operator scale the Infinispan pods.

    kubectl get pods -w

4.5. Stopping and starting Infinispan clusters

Stop and start Infinispan pods in a graceful, ordered fashion to correctly preserve cluster state.

Clusters of Data Grid Service pods must restart with the same number of pods that existed before shutdown. This allows Infinispan to restore the distribution of data across the cluster. After Infinispan Operator fully restarts the cluster you can safely add and remove pods.

  1. Change the spec.replicas field to 0 to stop the Infinispan cluster.

      replicas: 0
  2. Ensure you have the correct number of pods before you restart the cluster.

    kubectl get infinispan infinispan -o=jsonpath='{.status.replicasWantedAtRestart}'
  3. Change the spec.replicas field to the same number of pods to restart the Infinispan cluster.

      replicas: 6

5. Configuring Infinispan clusters

Apply custom Infinispan configuration to clusters that Infinispan Operator manages.

5.1. Applying custom configuration to Infinispan clusters

Add Infinispan configuration to a ConfigMap and make it available to Infinispan Operator. Infinispan Operator can then apply the custom configuration to your Infinispan cluster.

Infinispan Operator applies default configuration on top of your custom configuration to ensure it can continue to manage your Infinispan clusters.

Be careful when applying custom configuration outside the cache-container element or field. You can apply custom configuration to underlying Infinispan Server mechanisms such as endpoints, security realms, and cluster transport. Changing this configuration can result in error and result in service downtime for your Infinispan deployment.

Use the Infinispan Helm chart to deploy clusters of fully configurable Infinispan Server instances on OpenShift.

  • Have valid Infinispan configuration in XML, YAML, or JSON format.

  1. Add Infinispan configuration to a infinispan-config.[xml|yaml|json] key in the data field of your ConfigMap.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
       name: cluster-config
       namespace: ispn-namespace
       infinispan-config.xml: >
           <!-- Custom configuration goes here. -->
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
       name: cluster-config
       namespace: ispn-namespace
       infinispan-config.yaml: >
           # Custom configuration goes here.
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
       name: cluster-config
       namespace: ispn-namespace
       infinispan-config.json: >
           "infinispan": {
  2. Create the ConfigMap from your YAML file.

    kubectl apply -f cluster-config.yaml
  3. Specify the name of the ConfigMap with the spec.configMapName field in your Infinispan CR and then apply the changes.

      configMapName: "cluster-config"
Next steps

If your cluster is already running Infinispan Operator restarts it to apply the configuration. Each time you modify the Infinispan configuration in the ConfigMap, Infinispan Operator detects the updates and restarts the cluster to apply the changes.

Additional resources

5.2. Custom Infinispan configuration

You can add Infinispan configuration to a ConfigMap in XML, YAML, or JSON format.

5.2.1. Cache template

    <distributed-cache-configuration name="base-template">
      <expiration lifespan="5000"/>
    <distributed-cache-configuration name="extended-template"
      <encoding media-type="application/x-protostream"/>
      <expiration lifespan="10000"
            lifespan: "5000"
          configuration: "base-template"
            mediaType: "application/x-protostream"
            lifespan: "10000"
            maxIdle: "1000"
  "infinispan" : {
    "cache-container" : {
      "caches" : {
        "base-template" : {
          "distributed-cache-configuration" : {
            "expiration" : {
              "lifespan" : "5000"
        "extended-template" : {
          "distributed-cache-configuration" : {
            "configuration" : "base-template",
            "encoding": {
              "media-type": "application/x-protostream"
            "expiration" : {
              "lifespan" : "10000",
              "max-idle" : "1000"

5.2.2. Logging configuration

You can also include Apache Log4j configuration in XML format as part of your ConfigMap.

Use the spec.logging.categories field in your Infinispan CR to adjust logging levels for Infinispan clusters. Add Apache Log4j configuration only if you require advanced file-based logging capabilities.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
   name: logging-config
   namespace: ispn-namespace
   infinispan-config.xml: >
       <!-- Add custom Infinispan configuration if required. -->
       <!-- You can provide either Infinispan configuration, logging configuration, or both. -->

   log4j.xml: >
     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <Configuration name="ServerConfig" monitorInterval="60" shutdownHook="disable">
             <!-- Colored output on the console -->
             <Console name="STDOUT">
                 <PatternLayout pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p (%t) [%c] %m%throwable%n"/>

             <Root level="INFO">
                 <AppenderRef ref="STDOUT" level="TRACE"/>
             <Logger name="org.infinispan" level="TRACE"/>
Additional resources

5.3. Securing custom Infinispan configuration

Securely define and store custom Infinispan Server configuration. To protect sensitive text strings such as passwords, add the entries in a credential store rather than directly in the Infinispan Server configuration.

  • Have a valid Infinispan configuration in XML, YAML, or JSON format.

  1. Create a CredentialStore Secret file.

  2. Use the data field to specify the credentials and its aliases.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: user-secret
    type: Opaque
      postgres_cred: sensitive-value
      mysql_cred: sensitive-value2
  3. Apply your Secret file.

    kubectl apply -f user-secret.yaml
  4. Open the Infinispan CR for editing.

  5. In the spec.security.credentialStoreSecretName field, specify the name of the credential store secret.

    Infinispan CR
        credentialStoreSecretName: user-secret
  6. Apply the changes.

  7. Open your Infinispan Server configuration for editing.

  8. Add a credential-reference to your configuration.

    1. Specify the credentials as the name of the store.

    2. Specify the alias attribute as one of the keys defined in your credential secret.

          <credential-reference store="credentials"  alias="postgres_cred"/>
Additional resources

6. Upgrading Infinispan clusters

Infinispan Operator lets you upgrade Infinispan clusters from one version to another without downtime or data loss.

Infinispan Operator requires the Operator Lifecycle Manager to perform cluster upgrades.

6.1. Infinispan cluster upgrades

The spec.upgrades.type field controls how Infinispan Operator upgrades your Infinispan cluster when new versions become available. There are two types of cluster upgrade:


Upgrades Infinispan clusters with service downtime. This is the default upgrade type.


Upgrades Infinispan clusters without service downtime.

Shutdown upgrades

To perform a shutdown upgrade, Infinispan Operator does the following:

  1. Gracefully shuts down the existing cluster.

  2. Removes the existing cluster.

  3. Creates a new cluster with the target version.

Hot Rod rolling upgrades

To perform a Hot Rod rolling upgrade, Infinispan Operator does the following:

  1. Creates a new Infinispan cluster with the target version that runs alongside your existing cluster.

  2. Creates a remote cache store to transfer data from the existing cluster to the new cluster.

  3. Redirects all clients to the new cluster.

  4. Removes the existing cluster when all data and client connections are transferred to the new cluster.

You should not perform Hot Rod rolling upgrades with caches that enable passivation with persistent cache stores. In the event that the upgrade does not complete successfully, passivation can result in data loss when Infinispan Operator rolls back the target cluster.

If your cache configuration enables passivation you should perform a shutdown upgrade.

6.2. Upgrading Infinispan clusters with downtime

Upgrading Infinispan clusters with downtime results in service disruption but does not require any additional capacity.

  • The Infinispan Operator version you have installed supports the Infinispan target version.

  • If required, configure a persistent cache store to preserve your data during the upgrade.

    At the start of the upgrade process Infinispan Operator shuts down your existing cluster. This results in data loss if you do not configure a persistent cache store.

  1. Specify the Infinispan version number in the spec.version field.

  2. Ensure that Shutdown is set as the value for the spec.upgrades.type field, which is the default.

      version: 15.0.10
        type: Shutdown
  3. Apply your changes, if necessary.

When new Infinispan version becomes available, you must manually change the value in the spec.version field to trigger the upgrade.

6.3. Performing Hot Rod rolling upgrades for Infinispan clusters

Performing Hot Rod rolling upgrades lets you move to a new Infinispan version without service disruption. However, this upgrade type requires additional capacity and temporarily results in two Infinispan clusters with different versions running concurrently.

  • The Infinispan Operator version you have installed supports the Infinispan target version.

  1. Specify the Infinispan version number in the spec.version field.

  2. Specify HotRodRolling as the value for the spec.upgrades.type field.

      version: 15.0.10
        type: HotRodRolling
  3. Apply your changes.

When new Infinispan version becomes available, you must manually change the value in the spec.version field to trigger the upgrade.

6.3.1. Recovering from a failed Hot Rod rolling upgrade

You can roll back a failed Hot Rod rolling upgrade to the previous version if the original cluster is still present.

  • Hot Rod rolling upgrade is in progress and the initial Infinispan cluster is present.

  1. Ensure the Hot Rod rolling upgrade is in progress.

    kubectl get infinispan <cr_name> -o yaml

    The status.hotRodRollingUpgradeStatus field must be present.

  2. Update spec.version field of your Infinispan CR to the original cluster version defined in the status.hotRodRollingUpgradeStatus.

    Infinispan Operator deletes the newly created cluster.

7. Setting up Infinispan services

Use Infinispan Operator to create clusters of Data Grid Service pods.

7.1. Service types

Services are stateful applications, based on the Infinispan Server image, that provide flexible and robust in-memory data storage. Infinispan operator supports only DataGrid service type which deploys Infinispan clusters with full configuration and capabilities. Cache service type is no longer supported.

DataGrid` service type for clusters lets you:

  • Back up data across global clusters with cross-site replication.

  • Create caches with any valid configuration.

  • Add file-based cache stores to save data in a persistent volume.

  • Query values across caches using the Infinispan Query API.

  • Use advanced Infinispan features and capabilities.

7.2. Creating Data Grid Service pods

To use custom cache definitions along with Infinispan capabilities such as cross-site replication, create clusters of Data Grid Service pods.

  1. Create an Infinispan CR that sets spec.service.type: DataGrid and configures any other Data Grid Service resources.

    apiVersion: infinispan.org/v1
    kind: Infinispan
      name: infinispan
      replicas: 2
      version: <Infinispan_version>
        type: DataGrid

    You cannot change the spec.service.type field after you create pods. To change the service type, you must delete the existing pods and create new ones.

  2. Apply your Infinispan CR to create the cluster.

7.2.1. Data Grid Service CR

This topic describes the Infinispan CR for Data Grid Service pods.

apiVersion: infinispan.org/v1
kind: Infinispan
  name: infinispan
    infinispan.org/monitoring: 'true'
  replicas: 6
  version: 15.0.10
    type: Shutdown
    type: DataGrid
      storage: 2Gi
      # The ephemeralStorage and storageClassName fields are mutually exclusive.
      ephemeralStorage: false
      storageClassName: my-storage-class
      name: azure
        type: LoadBalancer
      - name: azure
        url: openshift://api.azure.host:6443
        secretName: azure-token
      - name: aws
        clusterName: infinispan
        namespace: ispn-namespace
        url: openshift://api.aws.host:6443
        secretName: aws-token
    endpointSecretName: endpoint-identities
        type: Secret
        certSecretName: tls-secret
    extraJvmOpts: "-XX:NativeMemoryTracking=summary"
    cpu: "2000m:1000m"
    memory: "2Gi:1Gi"
      org.infinispan: debug
      org.jgroups: debug
      org.jgroups.protocols.TCP: error
      org.jgroups.protocols.relay.RELAY2: error
    type: LoadBalancer
  configMapName: "my-cluster-config"
    enabled: true
      - weight: 100
              app: infinispan-pod
              clusterName: infinispan
              infinispan_cr: infinispan
          topologyKey: "kubernetes.io/hostname"
Field Description


Names your Infinispan cluster.


Automatically creates a ServiceMonitor for your cluster.


Specifies the number of pods in your cluster.


Specifies the Infinispan Server version of your cluster.


Controls how Infinispan Operator upgrades your Infinispan cluster when new versions become available.


Configures the type Infinispan service. A value of DataGrid creates a cluster with Data Grid Service pods.


Configures the storage resources for Data Grid Service pods.


Configures cross-site replication.


Specifies an authentication secret that contains Infinispan user credentials.


Specifies TLS certificates and keystores to encrypt client connections.


Specifies JVM, CPU, and memory resources for Infinispan pods.


Configures Infinispan logging categories.


Controls how Infinispan endpoints are exposed on the network.


Specifies a ConfigMap that contains Infinispan configuration.


Creates a listener pod in each Infinispan cluster that allows Infinispan Operator to reconcile server-side modifications with Infinispan resources such as the Cache CR.

The listener pod consumes minimal resources and is enabled by default. Setting a value of false removes the listener pod and disables bi-directional reconciliation. You should do this only if you do not need declarative Kubernetes representations of Infinispan resources created through the Infinispan Console, CLI, or client applications.


Configures the logging level for the ConfigListener deployments. The default level is info. You can change it to debug or error.


Configures anti-affinity strategies that guarantee Infinispan availability.

7.3. Allocating storage resources

By default, Infinispan Operator allocates 1Gi for the persistent volume claim. However you should adjust the amount of storage available to Data Grid Service pods so that Infinispan can preserve cluster state during shutdown.

If available container storage is less than the amount of available memory, data loss can occur.

  1. Allocate storage resources with the spec.service.container.storage field.

  2. Configure either the ephemeralStorage field or the storageClassName field as required.

    These fields are mutually exclusive. Add only one of them to your Infinispan CR.

  3. Apply the changes.

Ephemeral storage
    type: DataGrid
      storage: 2Gi
      ephemeralStorage: true
Name of a StorageClass object
    type: DataGrid
      storage: 2Gi
      storageClassName: my-storage-class
Field Description


Specifies the amount of storage for Data Grid Service pods.


Defines whether storage is ephemeral or permanent. Set the value to true to use ephemeral storage, which means all data in storage is deleted when clusters shut down or restart. The default value is false, which means storage is permanent.


Specifies the name of a StorageClass object to use for the persistent volume claim (PVC). If you include this field, you must specify an existing storage class as the value. If you do not include this field, the persistent volume claim uses the storage class that has the storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class annotation set to true.

7.3.1. Persistent volume claims

Infinispan Operator creates a persistent volume claim (PVC) and mounts container storage at:


When you create caches, Infinispan permanently stores their configuration so your caches are available after cluster restarts.


Use a file-based cache store, by adding the <file-store/> element to your Infinispan cache configuration, if you want Data Grid Service pods to persist data during cluster shutdown.

7.4. Allocating CPU and memory

Allocate CPU and memory resources to Infinispan pods with the Infinispan CR.

Infinispan Operator requests 1Gi of memory from the Kubernetes scheduler when creating Infinispan pods. CPU requests are unbounded by default.

  1. Allocate the number of CPU units with the spec.container.cpu field.

  2. Allocate the amount of memory, in bytes, with the spec.container.memory field.

    The cpu and memory fields have values in the format of <limit>:<requests>. For example, cpu: "2000m:1000m" limits pods to a maximum of 2000m of CPU and requests 1000m of CPU for each pod at startup. Specifying a single value sets both the limit and request.

  3. Apply your Infinispan CR.

    If your cluster is running, Infinispan Operator restarts the Infinispan pods so changes take effect.

    cpu: "2000m:1000m"
    memory: "2Gi:1Gi"

7.5. Setting JVM options

Pass additional JVM options to Infinispan pods at startup.

  1. Configure JVM options with the spec.container filed in your Infinispan CR.

  2. Apply your Infinispan CR.

    If your cluster is running, Infinispan Operator restarts the Infinispan pods so changes take effect.

JVM options
    extraJvmOpts: "-<option>=<value>"
    routerExtraJvmOpts: "-<option>=<value>"
    cliExtraJvmOpts: "-<option>=<value>"
Field Description


Specifies additional JVM options for the Infinispan Server.


Specifies additional JVM options for the Gossip router.


Specifies additional JVM options for the Infinispan CLI.

7.6. Configuring pod probes

Optionally configure the values of the Liveness, Readiness and Startup probes used by Infinispan pods.

The Infinispan Operator automatically configures the probe values to sensible defaults. We only recommend providing your own values once you have determined that the default values do not match your requirements.

  1. Configure probe values using the spec.service.container.*Probe fields:

            failureThreshold: 1
            initialDelaySeconds: 1
            periodSeconds: 1
            successThreshold: 1
            timeoutSeconds: 1
            failureThreshold: 1
            initialDelaySeconds: 1
            periodSeconds: 1
            successThreshold: 1
            timeoutSeconds: 1
            failureThreshold: 1
            initialDelaySeconds: 1
            periodSeconds: 1
            successThreshold: 1
            timeoutSeconds: 1

    If no value is specified for a given probe value, then the Infinispan Operator default is used.

  2. Apply your Infinispan CR.

    If your cluster is running, Infinispan Operator restarts the Infinispan pods in order for the changes to take effect.

7.7. Configuring pod priority

Create one or more priority classes to indicate the importance of a pod relative to other pods. Pods with higher priority are scheduled ahead of pods with lower priority, ensuring prioritization of pods running critical workloads, especially when resources become constrained.

  • Have cluster-admin access to Kubernetes.

  1. Define a PriorityClass object by specifying its name and value.

    apiVersion: scheduling.k8s.io/v1
    kind: PriorityClass
      name: high-priority
    value: 1000000
    globalDefault: false
    description: "Use this priority class for high priority service pods only."
  2. Create the priority class.

    kubectl create -f high-priority.yaml
  3. Reference the priority class name in the pod configuration.

    Infinispan CR
    kind: Infinispan
        priorityClassName: "high-priority"

    You must reference an existing priority class name, otherwise the pod is rejected.

  4. Apply the changes.

7.8. Adjusting log pattern

To customize the log display for Infinispan log traces, update the log pattern. If no custom pattern is set, the default format is: %d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p (%t) [%c] %m%throwable%n

  1. Configure Infinispan logging with the spec.logging.pattern field in your Infinispan CR.

        pattern: %X{address} %X{user} [%d{dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z}]
  2. Apply the changes.

  3. Retrieve logs from Infinispan pods as required.

    kubectl logs -f $POD_NAME

7.9. Adjusting log levels

Change levels for different Infinispan logging categories when you need to debug issues. You can also adjust log levels to reduce the number of messages for certain categories to minimize the use of container resources.

  1. Configure Infinispan logging with the spec.logging.categories field in your Infinispan CR.

          org.infinispan: debug
          org.jgroups: debug
  2. Apply the changes.

  3. Retrieve logs from Infinispan pods as required.

    kubectl logs -f $POD_NAME

7.9.1. Logging reference

Find information about log categories and levels.

Table 1. Log categories
Root category Description Default level


Infinispan messages



Cluster transport messages


Table 2. Log levels
Log level Description


Provides detailed information about running state of applications. This is the most verbose log level.


Indicates the progress of individual requests or activities.


Indicates overall progress of applications, including lifecycle events.


Indicates circumstances that can lead to error or degrade performance.


Indicates error conditions that might prevent operations or activities from being successful but do not prevent applications from running.

Garbage collection (GC) messages

Infinispan Operator does not log GC messages by default. You can direct GC messages to stdout with the following JVM options:

extraJvmOpts: "-Xlog:gc*:stdout:time,level,tags"

7.10. Specifying Infinispan Server images

Specify which Infinispan Server image Infinispan Operator should use to create pods with the spec.image field.

  image: quay.io/infinispan/server:latest

7.11. Adding labels and annotations to Infinispan resources

Attach key/value labels and annotations to pods and services that Infinispan Operator creates and manages. Labels help you identify relationships between objects to better organize and monitor Infinispan resources. Annotations are arbitrary non-identifying metadata for client applications or deployment and management tooling.

  1. Open your Infinispan CR for editing.

  2. Attach labels and annotations to Infinispan resources in the metadata.annotations section.

    • Define values for annotations directly in the metadata.annotations section.

    • Define values for labels with the metadata.labels field.

  3. Apply your Infinispan CR.

Custom annotations
apiVersion: infinispan.org/v1
kind: Infinispan
    infinispan.org/targetAnnotations: service-annotation1, service-annotation2
    infinispan.org/podTargetAnnotations: pod-annotation1, pod-annotation2
    infinispan.org/routerAnnotations: router-annotation1, router-annotation2

    service-annotation1: value
    service-annotation2: value
    pod-annotation1: value
    pod-annotation2: value
    router-annotation1: value
    router-annotation2: value
Custom labels
apiVersion: infinispan.org/v1
kind: Infinispan
    infinispan.org/targetLabels: service-label1, service-label2
    infinispan.org/podTargetLabels: pod-label1, pod-label2
    service-label1: value
    service-label2: value
    pod-label1: value
    pod-label2: value
    # The operator does not attach these labels to resources.
    my-label: my-value
    environment: development

7.12. Adding labels and annotations with environment variables

Set environment variables for Infinispan Operator to add labels and annotations that automatically propagate to all Infinispan pods and services.


Add labels and annotations to your Infinispan Operator subscription with the spec.config.env field in one of the following ways:

  • Use the kubectl edit subscription command.

    kubectl edit subscription infinispan -n operators
  • Use the Red Hat OpenShift Console.

    1. Navigate to Operators > Installed Operators > Infinispan Operator.

    2. From the Actions menu, select Edit Subscription.

Labels and annotations with environment variables
        value: |
        value: |
        value: |
        value: |

7.13. Defining environment variables in the Infinispan Operator subscription

You can define environment variables in your Infinispan Operator subscription either when you create or edit the subscription.

spec.config.env field

Includes the name and value fields to define environment variables.


Includes the names of environment variables in a format of JSON array. Environment variables within the value of the ADDITIONAL_VARS variable automatically propagate to each Infinispan Server pod managed by the associated Operator.

  • Ensure the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) is installed.

  • Have an oc or a kubectl client.

  1. Create a subscription definition YAML for your Infinispan Operator:

    1. Use the spec.config.env field to define environment variables.

    2. Within the ADDITIONAL_VARS variable, include environment variable names in a JSON array.

      apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
      kind: Subscription
        name: infinispan
        namespace: operators
        channel: stable
        installPlanApproval: Automatic
        name: infinispan
        source: operatorhubio-catalog
        sourceNamespace: olm
          - name: ADDITIONAL_VARS
            value: "[\"VAR_NAME\", \"ANOTHER_VAR\"]"
          - name: VAR_NAME
            value: $(VAR_NAME_VALUE)
          - name: ANOTHER_VAR
            value: $(ANOTHER_VAR_VALUE)

      For example, use the environment variables to set the local time zone:

      kind: Subscription
          - name: ADDITIONAL_VARS
            value: "[\"TZ\"]"
          - name: TZ
            value: "JST-9"
  2. Create a subscription for Infinispan Operator:

    kubectl apply -f subscription-infinispan.yaml
  • Retrieve the environment variables from the subscription-infinispan.yaml:

    kubectl get subscription infinispan -n operators -o jsonpath='{.spec.config.env[*].name}'
Next steps
  1. Use the kubectl edit subscription command to modify the environment variable:

    kubectl edit subscription infinispan -n operators
  2. To ensure the changes take effect on your Infinispan clusters, you must recreate the existing clusters. Terminate the pods by deleting the StatefulSet associated with the existing Infinispan CRs.

8. Configuring authentication

Application users need credentials to access Infinispan clusters. You can use default, generated credentials or add your own.

8.1. Default credentials

Infinispan Operator generates base64-encoded credentials for the following users:

User Secret name Description



Credentials for the default application user.



Credentials that Infinispan Operator uses to interact with Infinispan resources.

8.2. Retrieving credentials

Get credentials from authentication secrets to access Infinispan clusters.

  • Retrieve credentials from authentication secrets.

    kubectl get secret infinispan-generated-secret

    Base64-decode credentials.

    kubectl get secret infinispan-generated-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.identities\.yaml}" | base64 --decode

8.3. Adding custom user credentials

Configure access to Infinispan cluster endpoints with custom credentials.

Modifying spec.security.endpointSecretName triggers a cluster restart.

  1. Create an identities.yaml file with the credentials that you want to add.

    - username: myfirstusername
      password: changeme-one
    - username: mysecondusername
      password: changeme-two
  2. Create an authentication secret from identities.yaml.

    kubectl create secret generic --from-file=identities.yaml connect-secret
  3. Specify the authentication secret with spec.security.endpointSecretName in your Infinispan CR and then apply the changes.

        endpointSecretName: connect-secret

8.4. Changing the operator password

You can change the password for the operator user if you do not want to use the automatically generated password.

  • Update the password key in the infinispan-generated-operator-secret secret as follows:

    kubectl patch secret infinispan-generated-operator-secret -p='{"stringData":{"password": "supersecretoperatorpassword"}}'

    You should update only the password key in the generated-operator-secret secret. When you update the password, Infinispan Operator automatically refreshes other keys in that secret.

8.5. Disabling user authentication

Allow users to access Infinispan clusters and manipulate data without providing credentials.

Do not disable authentication if endpoints are accessible from outside the Kubernetes cluster via spec.expose.type. You should disable authentication for development environments only.

  1. Set false as the value for the spec.security.endpointAuthentication field in your Infinispan CR.

        endpointAuthentication: false
  2. Apply the changes.

9. Configuring client certificate authentication

Add client trust stores to your project and configure Infinispan to allow connections only from clients that present valid certificates. This increases security of your deployment by ensuring that clients are trusted by a public certificate authority (CA).

9.1. Client certificate authentication

Client certificate authentication restricts in-bound connections based on the certificates that clients present.

You can configure Infinispan to use trust stores with either of the following strategies:


To validate client certificates, Infinispan requires a trust store that contains any part of the certificate chain for the signing authority, typically the root CA certificate. Any client that presents a certificate signed by the CA can connect to Infinispan.

If you use the Validate strategy for verifying client certificates, you must also configure clients to provide valid Infinispan credentials if you enable authentication.


Requires a trust store that contains all public client certificates in addition to the root CA certificate. Only clients that present a signed certificate can connect to Infinispan.

If you use the Authenticate strategy for verifying client certificates, you must ensure that certificates contain valid Infinispan credentials as part of the distinguished name (DN).

9.2. Enabling client certificate authentication

To enable client certificate authentication, you configure Infinispan to use trust stores with either the Validate or Authenticate strategy.

  1. Set either Validate or Authenticate as the value for the spec.security.endpointEncryption.clientCert field in your Infinispan CR.

    The default value is None.

  2. Specify the secret that contains the client trust store with the spec.security.endpointEncryption.clientCertSecretName field.

    By default Infinispan Operator expects a trust store secret named <cluster-name>-client-cert-secret.

    The secret must be unique to each Infinispan CR instance in the Kubernetes cluster. When you delete the Infinispan CR, Kubernetes also automatically deletes the associated secret.

            type: Secret
            certSecretName: tls-secret
            clientCert: Validate
            clientCertSecretName: infinispan-client-cert-secret
  3. Apply the changes.

Next steps

Provide Infinispan Operator with a trust store that contains all client certificates. Alternatively you can provide certificates in PEM format and let Infinispan generate a client trust store.

9.3. Providing client truststores

If you have a trust store that contains the required certificates you can make it available to Infinispan Operator.

Infinispan supports trust stores in PKCS12 format only.

  1. Specify the name of the secret that contains the client trust store as the value of the metadata.name field.

    The name must match the value of the spec.security.endpointEncryption.clientCertSecretName field.

  2. Provide the password for the trust store with the stringData.truststore-password field.

  3. Specify the trust store with the data.truststore.p12 field.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: infinispan-client-cert-secret
    type: Opaque
        truststore-password: changme
        truststore.p12:  "<base64_encoded_PKCS12_trust_store>"
  4. Apply the changes.

9.4. Providing client certificates

Infinispan Operator can generate a trust store from certificates in PEM format.

  1. Specify the name of the secret that contains the client trust store as the value of the metadata.name field.

    The name must match the value of the spec.security.endpointEncryption.clientCertSecretName field.

  2. Specify the signing certificate, or CA certificate bundle, as the value of the data.trust.ca field.

  3. If you use the Authenticate strategy to verify client identities, add the certificate for each client that can connect to Infinispan endpoints with the data.trust.cert.<name> field.

    Infinispan Operator uses the <name> value as the alias for the certificate when it generates the trust store.

  4. Optionally provide a password for the trust store with the stringData.truststore-password field.

    If you do not provide one, Infinispan Operator sets "password" as the trust store password.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: infinispan-client-cert-secret
    type: Opaque
        truststore-password: changme
        trust.ca: "<base64_encoded_CA_certificate>"
        trust.cert.client1: "<base64_encoded_client_certificate>"
        trust.cert.client2: "<base64_encoded_client_certificate>"
  5. Apply the changes.

10. Configuring encryption

Encrypt connections between clients and Infinispan pods with Red Hat OpenShift service certificates or custom TLS certificates.

10.1. Encryption with Red Hat OpenShift service certificates

Infinispan Operator automatically generates TLS certificates that are signed by the Red Hat OpenShift service CA. Infinispan Operator then stores the certificates and keys in a secret so you can retrieve them and use with remote clients.

If the Red Hat OpenShift service CA is available, Infinispan Operator adds the following spec.security.endpointEncryption configuration to the Infinispan CR:

      type: Service
      certServiceName: service.beta.openshift.io
      certSecretName: infinispan-cert-secret
Field Description


Specifies the service that provides TLS certificates.


Specifies a secret with a service certificate and key in PEM format. Defaults to <cluster_name>-cert-secret.

Service certificates use the internal DNS name of the Infinispan cluster as the common name (CN), for example:

Subject: CN = example-infinispan.mynamespace.svc

For this reason, service certificates can be fully trusted only inside OpenShift. If you want to encrypt connections with clients running outside OpenShift, you should use custom TLS certificates.

Service certificates are valid for one year and are automatically replaced before they expire.

10.2. Retrieving TLS certificates

Get TLS certificates from encryption secrets to create client trust stores.

  • Retrieve tls.crt from encryption secrets as follows:

    kubectl get secret infinispan-cert-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.tls\.crt}' | base64 --decode > tls.crt

10.3. Disabling encryption

You can disable encryption so clients do not need TLS certificates to establish connections with Infinispan.

Do not disable encryption if endpoints are accessible from outside the Kubernetes cluster via spec.expose.type. You should disable encryption for development environments only.

  1. Set None as the value for the spec.security.endpointEncryption.type field in your Infinispan CR.

          type: None
  2. Apply the changes.

10.4. Using custom TLS certificates

Use custom PKCS12 keystore or TLS certificate/key pairs to encrypt connections between clients and Infinispan clusters.

  • Create either a keystore or certificate secret.

    The secret must be unique to each Infinispan CR instance in the Kubernetes cluster. When you delete the Infinispan CR, Kubernetes also automatically deletes the associated secret.

  1. Add the encryption secret to your OpenShift namespace, for example:

    kubectl apply -f tls_secret.yaml
  2. Specify the encryption secret with the spec.security.endpointEncryption.certSecretName field in your Infinispan CR.

          type: Secret
          certSecretName: tls-secret
  3. Apply the changes.

10.4.1. Custom encryption secrets

Custom encryption secrets that add keystores or certificate/key pairs to secure Infinispan connections must contain specific fields.

Keystore secrets
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: tls-secret
type: Opaque
  alias: server
  password: changeme
  keystore.p12:  "MIIKDgIBAzCCCdQGCSqGSIb3DQEHA..."
Field Description


Specifies an alias for the keystore.


Specifies the keystore password.


Adds a base64-encoded keystore.

Certificate secrets
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: tls-secret
type: Opaque
  tls.key:  "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQUk ..."
  tls.crt: "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVl ..."
Field Description


Adds a base64-encoded TLS key.


Adds a base64-encoded TLS certificate.

11. Configuring user roles and permissions

Secure access to Infinispan services by configuring role-based access control (RBAC) for users. This requires you to assign roles to users so that they have permission to access caches and Infinispan resources.

11.1. Enabling security authorization

By default authorization is disabled to ensure backwards compatibility with Infinispan CR instances. Complete the following procedure to enable authorization and use role-based access control (RBAC) for Infinispan users.

  1. Set true as the value for the spec.security.authorization.enabled field in your Infinispan CR.

          enabled: true
  2. Apply the changes.

11.2. User roles and permissions

Infinispan Operator provides a set of default roles that are associated with different permissions.

Table 3. Default roles and permissions
Role Permissions Description



Superuser with all permissions including control of the Cache Manager lifecycle.



Can create and delete Infinispan resources in addition to application permissions.



Has read and write access to Infinispan resources in addition to observer permissions. Can also listen to events and execute server tasks and scripts.



Has read access to Infinispan resources in addition to monitor permissions.



Can view statistics for Infinispan clusters.

Infinispan Operator credentials

Infinispan Operator generates credentials that it uses to authenticate with Infinispan clusters to perform internal operations. By default Infinispan Operator credentials are automatically assigned the admin role when you enable security authorization.

Additional resources

11.3. Assigning roles and permissions to users

Assign users with roles that control whether users are authorized to access Infinispan cluster resources. Roles can have different permission levels, from read-only to unrestricted access.

Users gain authorization implicitly. For example, "admin" gets admin permissions automatically. A user named "deployer" has the deployer role automatically, and so on.

  1. Create an identities.yaml file that assigns roles to users.

      - username: admin
        password: changeme
      - username: my-user-1
        password: changeme
          - admin
      - username: my-user-2
        password: changeme
          - monitor
  2. Create an authentication secret from identities.yaml.

    If necessary, delete the existing secret first.

    kubectl delete secret connect-secret --ignore-not-found
    kubectl create secret generic --from-file=identities.yaml connect-secret
  3. Specify the authentication secret with spec.security.endpointSecretName in your Infinispan CR and then apply the changes.

        endpointSecretName: connect-secret

11.4. Adding custom roles and permissions

You can define custom roles with different combinations of permissions.

  1. Open your Infinispan CR for editing.

  2. Specify custom roles and their associated permissions with the spec.security.authorization.roles field.

          enabled: true
            - name: my-role-1
                - ALL
            - name: my-role-2
                - READ
                - WRITE
  3. Apply the changes.

12. Configuring network access to Infinispan

Expose Infinispan clusters so you can access Infinispan Console, the Infinispan command line interface (CLI), REST API, and Hot Rod endpoint.

12.1. Getting the service for internal connections

By default, Infinispan Operator creates a service that provides access to Infinispan clusters from clients running on Kubernetes.

This internal service has the same name as your Infinispan cluster, for example:

  name: infinispan
  • Check that the internal service is available as follows:

    kubectl get services

12.2. Exposing Infinispan through a LoadBalancer service

Use a LoadBalancer service to make Infinispan clusters available to clients running outside Kubernetes.

To access Infinispan with unencrypted Hot Rod client connections you must use a LoadBalancer service.

  1. Include spec.expose in your Infinispan CR.

  2. Specify LoadBalancer as the service type with the spec.expose.type field.

  3. Optionally specify the network port where the service is exposed with the spec.expose.port field.

        type: LoadBalancer
        port: 65535
  4. Apply the changes.

  5. Verify that the -external service is available.

    kubectl get services | grep external

12.3. Exposing Infinispan through a NodePort service

Use a NodePort service to expose Infinispan clusters on the network.

  1. Include spec.expose in your Infinispan CR.

  2. Specify NodePort as the service type with the spec.expose.type field.

  3. Configure the port where Infinispan is exposed with the spec.expose.nodePort field.

        type: NodePort
        nodePort: 30000
  4. Apply the changes.

  5. Verify that the -external service is available.

    kubectl get services | grep external

12.4. Exposing Infinispan through a Route

Use a Kubernetes Ingress or an OpenShift Route with passthrough encryption to make Infinispan clusters available on the network.

To access Infinispan with Hot Rod client, you must configure TLS with SNI.
  1. Include spec.expose in your Infinispan CR.

  2. Specify Route as the service type with the spec.expose.type field.

  3. Optionally add a hostname with the spec.expose.host field.

        type: Route
        host: www.example.org
  4. Apply the changes.

  5. Verify that the route is available.

    kubectl get ingress
Route ports

When you create a Route, it exposes a port on the network that accepts client connections and redirects traffic to Infinispan services that listen on port 11222.

The port where the Route is available depends on whether you use encryption or not.

Port Description


Encryption is disabled.


Encryption is enabled.

12.5. Network services

Reference information for network services that Infinispan Operator creates and manages.

Service Port Protocol Description




Access to Infinispan endpoints within the Kubernetes cluster or from an OpenShift Route.




Access to Infinispan endpoints within the Kubernetes cluster for internal Infinispan Operator use. This port utilises a different security-realm to port 11222 and should not be accessed by user applications.




Cluster discovery for Infinispan pods.




Access to Infinispan endpoints from a LoadBalancer or NodePort service.




JGroups RELAY2 channel for cross-site communication.

The Infinispan Console should only be accessed via Kubernetes services or an OpenShift Route exposing port 11222.

13. Setting up cross-site replication

Ensure availability with Infinispan Operator by configuring geographically distributed clusters as a unified service.

You can configure clusters to perform cross-site replication with:

  • Connections that Infinispan Operator manages.

  • Connections that you configure and manage.

You can use both managed and manual connections for Infinispan clusters in the same Infinispan CR. You must ensure that Infinispan clusters establish connections in the same way at each site.

13.1. Cross-site replication expose types

You can use a NodePort service, a LoadBalancer service, or an OpenShift Route to handle network traffic for backup operations between Infinispan clusters. Before you start setting up cross-site replication you should determine what expose type is available for your Red Hat OpenShift cluster. In some cases you may require an administrator to provision services before you can configure an expose type.


A NodePort is a service that accepts network traffic at a static port, in the 30000 to 32767 range, on an IP address that is available externally to the OpenShift cluster.

To use a NodePort as the expose type for cross-site replication, an administrator must provision external IP addresses for each OpenShift node. In most cases, an administrator must also configure DNS routing for those external IP addresses.


A LoadBalancer is a service that directs network traffic to the correct node in the OpenShift cluster.

Whether you can use a LoadBalancer as the expose type for cross-site replication depends on the host platform. AWS supports network load balancers (NLB) while some other cloud platforms do not. To use a LoadBalancer service, an administrator must first create an ingress controller backed by an NLB.


An OpenShift Route allows Infinispan clusters to connect with each other through a public secure URL.

Infinispan uses TLS with the SNI header to send backup requests between clusters through an OpenShift Route. To do this you must add a keystore with TLS certificates so that Infinispan can encrypt network traffic for cross-site replication.

When you specify Route as the expose type for cross-site replication, Infinispan Operator creates a route with TLS passthrough encryption for each Infinispan cluster that it manages. You can specify a hostname for the Route but you cannot specify a Route that you have already created. Likewise it is not possible to use an ingress instead of a route because Kubernetes does not support TLS+SNI.

13.2. Managed cross-site replication

Infinispan Operator can discover Infinispan clusters running in different data centers to form global clusters.

When you configure managed cross-site connections, Infinispan Operator creates router pods in each Infinispan cluster. Infinispan pods use the <cluster_name>-site service to connect to these router pods and send backup requests.

Router pods maintain a record of all pod IP addresses and parse RELAY message headers to forward backup requests to the correct Infinispan cluster. If a router pod crashes then all Infinispan pods start using any other available router pod until Kubernetes restores it.

To manage cross-site connections, Infinispan Operator uses the Kubernetes API. Each OpenShift cluster must have network access to the remote Kubernetes API and a service account token for each backup cluster.

Infinispan clusters do not start running until Infinispan Operator discovers all backup locations that you configure.

13.2.1. Creating service account tokens for managed cross-site connections

Generate service account tokens on OpenShift clusters that allow Infinispan Operator to automatically discover Infinispan clusters and manage cross-site connections.

This procedure is specific to OpenShift clusters. If you are using another Kubernetes distribution, you should create site access secrets instead.

  • Ensure all OpenShift clusters have access to the Kubernetes API.
    Infinispan Operator uses this API to manage cross-site connections.

    Infinispan Operator does not modify remote Infinispan clusters. The service account tokens provide read-only access through the Kubernetes API.

  1. Log in to an OpenShift cluster.

  2. Create a service account.

    For example, create a service account at LON:

    oc create sa -n <namespace> lon
  3. Add the view role to the service account with the following command:

    oc policy add-role-to-user view -n <namespace> -z lon
  4. If you use a NodePort service to expose Infinispan clusters on the network, you must also add the cluster-reader role to the service account:

    oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-reader -z lon -n <namespace>
  5. Repeat the preceding steps on your other OpenShift clusters.

  6. Exchange service account tokens on each OpenShift cluster.

13.2.2. Exchanging service account tokens

Generate service account tokens on your OpenShift clusters and add them into secrets at each backup location. The tokens that you generate in this procedure do not expire. For bound service account tokens, see Exchanging bound service account tokens.

  • You have created a service account.

  1. Log in to your OpenShift cluster.

  2. Create a service account token secret file as follows:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: ispn-xsite-sa-token (1)
        kubernetes.io/service-account.name: "<service-account>" (2)
    type: kubernetes.io/service-account-token
    1 Specifies the name of the secret.
    2 Specifies the service account name.
  3. Create the secret in your OpenShift cluster:

    oc -n <namespace> create -f sa-token.yaml
  4. Retrieve the service account token:

    oc -n <namespace> get secrets ispn-xsite-sa-token -o jsonpath="{.data.token}" | base64 -d

    The command prints the token in the terminal.

  5. Copy the token for deployment in the backup OpenShift cluster.

  6. Log in to the backup OpenShift cluster.

  7. Add the service account token for a backup location:

    oc -n <namespace> create secret generic <token-secret> --from-literal=token=<token>

    The <token-secret> is the name of the secret configured in the Infinispan CR.

Next steps
  • Repeat the preceding steps on your other OpenShift clusters.

13.2.3. Exchanging bound service account tokens

Create service account tokens with a limited lifespan and add them into secrets at each backup location. You must refresh the token periodically to prevent Infinispan Operator from losing access to the remote OpenShift cluster. For non-expiring tokens, see Exchanging service account tokens.

  • You have created a service account.

  1. Log in to your OpenShift cluster.

  2. Create a bound token for the service account:

    oc -n <namespace> create token <service-account>

    By default, service account tokens are valid for one hour. Use the command option --duration to specify the lifespan in seconds..

    The command prints the token in the terminal.

  3. Copy the token for deployment in the backup OpenShift cluster(s).

  4. Log in to the backup OpenShift cluster.

  5. Add the service account token for a backup location:

    oc -n <namespace> create secret generic <token-secret> --from-literal=token=<token>

    The <token-secret> is the name of the secret configured in the Infinispan CR.

  6. Repeat the steps on other OpenShift clusters.

Deleting expired tokens

When a token expires, delete the expired token secret, and then repeat the procedure to generate and exchange a new one.

  1. Log in to the backup OpenShift cluster.

  2. Delete the expired secret <token-secret>:

    oc -n <namespace> delete secrets <token-secret>
  3. Repeat the procedure to create a new token and generate a new <token-secret>.

13.2.4. Setting up Kubernetes for managed cross-site connections

Apply cluster roles and create site access secrets on Kubernetes to use cross-site replication capabilities.

  1. Install role.yaml and role_binding.yaml if you install Infinispan Operator manually.

    During OLM installation, Infinispan Operator sets up cluster roles required for cross-site replication.

    kubectl apply -f config/rbac/role.yaml
    kubectl apply -f config/rbac/role_binding.yaml
  2. If you run Infinispan Operator in any Kubernetes deployment (Minikube, Kind, and so on), you should create secrets that contain the files that allow Kubernetes clusters to authenticate with each other.

    Do one of the following:

    • Retrieve service account tokens from each site and then add them to secrets on each backup location, for example:

      kubectl create serviceaccount site-a -n ns-site-a
      kubectl create clusterrole xsite-cluster-role --verb=get,list,watch --resource=nodes,services
      kubectl create clusterrolebinding xsite-cluster-role-binding --clusterrole=xsite-cluster-role --serviceaccount=ns-site-a:site-a
      TOKENNAME=kubectl get serviceaccount/site-a -o jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}' -n ns-site-a
      TOKEN=kubectl get secret $TOKENNAME -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' -n ns-site-a | base64 --decode
      kubectl create secret generic site-a-secret -n ns-site-a --from-literal=token=$TOKEN
    • Create secrets on each site that contain ca.crt, client.crt, and client.key from your Kubernetes installation.

      For example, for Minikube do the following on LON:

      kubectl create secret generic site-a-secret \
          --from-file=certificate-authority=/opt/minikube/.minikube/ca.crt \
          --from-file=client-certificate=/opt/minikube/.minikube/client.crt \

13.2.5. Configuring managed cross-site connections

Configure Infinispan Operator to establish cross-site views with Infinispan clusters.

  • Determine a suitable expose type for cross-site replication.
    If you use an OpenShift Route you must add a keystore with TLS certificates and secure cross-site connections.

  • Create and exchange Red Hat OpenShift service account tokens for each Infinispan cluster.
    Or, if you are using Kubernetes, apply cluster roles and create site access secrets.

  1. Create an Infinispan CR for each Infinispan cluster.

  2. Specify the name of the local site with spec.service.sites.local.name.

  3. Configure the expose type for cross-site replication.

    1. Set the value of the spec.service.sites.local.expose.type field to one of the following:

      • NodePort

      • LoadBalancer

      • Route

    2. Optionally specify a port or custom hostname with the following fields:

      • spec.service.sites.local.expose.nodePort if you use a NodePort service.

      • spec.service.sites.local.expose.port if you use a LoadBalancer service.

      • spec.service.sites.local.expose.routeHostName if you use an OpenShift Route.

  4. Specify the number of pods that can send RELAY messages with the service.sites.local.maxRelayNodes field.

    Configure all pods in your cluster to send RELAY messages for better performance. If all pods send backup requests directly, then no pods need to forward backup requests.

  5. Provide the name, URL, and secret for each Infinispan cluster that acts as a backup location with spec.service.sites.locations.

  6. If Infinispan cluster names or namespaces at the remote site do not match the local site, specify those values with the clusterName and namespace fields.

    The following are example Infinispan CR definitions for LON and NYC:

    • LON

      apiVersion: infinispan.org/v1
      kind: Infinispan
        name: infinispan
        replicas: 3
        version: <Infinispan_version>
          type: DataGrid
              name: LON
                type: LoadBalancer
                port: 65535
              maxRelayNodes: 1
              - name: NYC
                clusterName: <nyc_cluster_name>
                namespace: <nyc_cluster_namespace>
                url: openshift://api.rhdg-nyc.openshift-aws.myhost.com:6443
                secretName: nyc-token
            org.jgroups.protocols.TCP: error
            org.jgroups.protocols.relay.RELAY2: error
    • NYC

      apiVersion: infinispan.org/v1
      kind: Infinispan
        name: nyc-cluster
        replicas: 2
        version: <Infinispan_version>
          type: DataGrid
              name: NYC
                type: LoadBalancer
                port: 65535
              maxRelayNodes: 1
              - name: LON
                clusterName: infinispan
                namespace: ispn-namespace
                url: openshift://api.rhdg-lon.openshift-aws.myhost.com:6443
                secretName: lon-token
            org.jgroups.protocols.TCP: error
            org.jgroups.protocols.relay.RELAY2: error

      Be sure to adjust logging categories in your Infinispan CR to decrease log levels for JGroups TCP and RELAY2 protocols. This prevents a large number of log files from uses container storage.

            org.jgroups.protocols.TCP: error
            org.jgroups.protocols.relay.RELAY2: error
  7. Configure your Infinispan CRs with any other Data Grid Service resources and then apply the changes.

  8. Verify that Infinispan clusters form a cross-site view.

    1. Retrieve the Infinispan CR.

      kubectl get infinispan -o yaml
    2. Check for the type: CrossSiteViewFormed condition.

Next steps

If your clusters have formed a cross-site view, you can start adding backup locations to caches.

13.3. Manually configuring cross-site connections

You can specify static network connection details to perform cross-site replication with Infinispan clusters running outside Kubernetes. Manual cross-site connections are necessary in any scenario where access to the Kubernetes API is not available outside the Kubernetes cluster where Infinispan runs.

  • Determine a suitable expose type for cross-site replication.
    If you use an OpenShift Route you must add a keystore with TLS certificates and secure cross-site connections.

  • Ensure you have the correct host names and ports for each Infinispan cluster and each <cluster-name>-site service.

    Manually connecting Infinispan clusters to form cross-site views requires predictable network locations for Infinispan services, which means you need to know the network locations before they are created.

  1. Create an Infinispan CR for each Infinispan cluster.

  2. Specify the name of the local site with spec.service.sites.local.name.

  3. Configure the expose type for cross-site replication.

    1. Set the value of the spec.service.sites.local.expose.type field to one of the following:

      • NodePort

      • LoadBalancer

      • Route

    2. Optionally specify a port or custom hostname with the following fields:

      • spec.service.sites.local.expose.nodePort if you use a NodePort service.

      • spec.service.sites.local.expose.port if you use a LoadBalancer service.

      • spec.service.sites.local.expose.routeHostName if you use an OpenShift Route.

  4. Provide the name and static URL for each Infinispan cluster that acts as a backup location with spec.service.sites.locations, for example:

    • LON

      apiVersion: infinispan.org/v1
      kind: Infinispan
        name: infinispan
        replicas: 3
        version: <Infinispan_version>
          type: DataGrid
              name: LON
                type: LoadBalancer
                port: 65535
              maxRelayNodes: 1
              - name: NYC
                url: infinispan+xsite://infinispan-nyc.myhost.com:7900
            org.jgroups.protocols.TCP: error
            org.jgroups.protocols.relay.RELAY2: error
    • NYC

      apiVersion: infinispan.org/v1
      kind: Infinispan
        name: infinispan
        replicas: 2
        version: <Infinispan_version>
          type: DataGrid
              name: NYC
                type: LoadBalancer
                port: 65535
              maxRelayNodes: 1
              - name: LON
                url: infinispan+xsite://infinispan-lon.myhost.com
            org.jgroups.protocols.TCP: error
            org.jgroups.protocols.relay.RELAY2: error

      Be sure to adjust logging categories in your Infinispan CR to decrease log levels for JGroups TCP and RELAY2 protocols. This prevents a large number of log files from uses container storage.

            org.jgroups.protocols.TCP: error
            org.jgroups.protocols.relay.RELAY2: error
  5. Configure your Infinispan CRs with any other Data Grid Service resources and then apply the changes.

  6. Verify that Infinispan clusters form a cross-site view.

    1. Retrieve the Infinispan CR.

      kubectl get infinispan -o yaml
    2. Check for the type: CrossSiteViewFormed condition.

Next steps

If your clusters have formed a cross-site view, you can start adding backup locations to caches.

13.4. Allocating CPU and memory for Gossip router pod

Allocate CPU and memory resources to Infinispan Gossip router.

  • Have Gossip router enabled. The service.sites.local.discovery.launchGossipRouter property must be set to true, which is the default value.

  1. Allocate the number of CPU units using the service.sites.local.discovery.cpu field.

  2. Allocate the amount of memory, in bytes, using the service.sites.local.discovery.memory field.

    The cpu and memory fields have values in the format of <limit>:<requests>. For example, cpu: "2000m:1000m" limits pods to a maximum of 2000m of CPU and requests 1000m of CPU for each pod at startup. Specifying a single value sets both the limit and request.

  3. Apply your Infinispan CR.

    type: DataGrid
        name: LON
          launchGossipRouter: true
          memory: "2Gi:1Gi"
          cpu: "2000m:1000m"

13.5. Disabling local Gossip router and service

The Infinispan Operator starts a Gossip router on each site, but you only need a single Gossip router to manage traffic between the Infinispan cluster members. You can disable the additional Gossip routers to save resources.

For example, you have Infinispan clusters in LON and NYC sites. The following procedure shows how you can disable Gossip router in LON site and connect to NYC that has the Gossip router enabled.

  1. Create an Infinispan CR for each Infinispan cluster.

  2. Specify the name of the local site with the spec.service.sites.local.name field.

  3. For the LON cluster, set false as the value for the spec.service.sites.local.discovery.launchGossipRouter field.

  4. For the LON cluster, specify the url with the spec.service.sites.locations.url to connect to the NYC.

  5. In the NYC configuration, do not specify the spec.service.sites.locations.url.

    apiVersion: infinispan.org/v1
    kind: Infinispan
      name: infinispan
      replicas: 3
        type: DataGrid
            name: LON
              launchGossipRouter: false
            - name: NYC
              url: infinispan+xsite://infinispan-nyc.myhost.com:7900
    apiVersion: infinispan.org/v1
    kind: Infinispan
      name: infinispan
      replicas: 3
        type: DataGrid
            name: NYC
            - name: LON

If you have three or more sites, Infinispan recommends to keep the Gossip router enabled on all the remote sites. When you have multiple Gossip routers and one of them becomes unavailable, the remaining routers continue exchanging messages. If a single Gossip router is defined, and it becomes unavailable, the connection between the remote sites breaks.

Next steps

If your clusters have formed a cross-site view, you can start adding backup locations to caches.

Additional resources

13.6. Resources for configuring cross-site replication

The following tables provides fields and descriptions for cross-site resources.

Table 4. service.type
Field Description

service.type: DataGrid

Infinispan supports cross-site replication with Data Grid Service clusters only.

Table 5. service.sites.local
Field Description


Names the local site where a Infinispan cluster runs.


Specifies the maximum number of pods that can send RELAY messages for cross-site replication. The default value is 1.


If false, the cross-site services and the Gossip router pod are not created in the local site. The default value is true.


Allocates the amount of memory in bytes. It uses the following format <limit>:<requests> (example "2Gi:1Gi").


Allocates the number of CPU units. It uses the following format <limit>:<requests> (example "2000m:1000m").


Specifies the network service for cross-site replication. Infinispan clusters use this service to communicate and perform backup operations. You can set the value to NodePort, LoadBalancer, or Route.


Specifies a static port within the default range of 30000 to 32767 if you expose Infinispan through a NodePort service. If you do not specify a port, the platform selects an available one.


Specifies the network port for the service if you expose Infinispan through a LoadBalancer service. The default port is 7900.


Specifies a custom hostname if you expose Infinispan through an OpenShift Route. If you do not set a value then OpenShift generates a hostname.

Table 6. service.sites.locations
Field Description


Provides connection information for all backup locations.


Specifies a backup location that matches .spec.service.sites.local.name.


Specifies the URL of the Kubernetes API for managed connections or a static URL for manual connections.

Use kubernetes:// if the backup location is a Kubernetes instance.

Use openshift:// to specify the URL of the Kubernetes API for an OpenShift cluster.

Note that the openshift:// URL must present a valid, CA-signed certificate. You cannot use self-signed certificates.

Use the infinispan+xsite://<hostname>:<port> format for static hostnames and ports. The default port is 7900.


Specifies the secret that contains the service account token for the backup site. If you set up cross-site on Kubernetes this field specifies the access secret for a site which can be any appropriate authentication object.


Specifies the cluster name at the backup location if it is different to the cluster name at the local site.


Specifies the namespace of the Infinispan cluster at the backup location if it does not match the namespace at the local site.

Managed cross-site connections

    type: DataGrid
        name: LON
          type: LoadBalancer
        maxRelayNodes: 1
      - name: NYC
        clusterName: <nyc_cluster_name>
        namespace: <nyc_cluster_namespace>
        url: openshift://api.site-b.devcluster.openshift.com:6443
        secretName: nyc-token

Manual cross-site connections

    type: DataGrid
        name: LON
          type: LoadBalancer
          port: 65535
        maxRelayNodes: 1
      - name: NYC
        url: infinispan+xsite://infinispan-nyc.myhost.com:7900

13.7. Securing cross-site connections

Add keystores and trust stores so that Infinispan clusters can secure cross-site replication traffic.

You must add a keystore to use an OpenShift Route as the expose type for cross-site replication. Securing cross-site connections is optional if you use a NodePort or LoadBalancer as the expose type.

Cross-site replication does not support the Kubernetes CA service. You must provide your own certificates.

  • Have a PKCS12 keystore that Infinispan can use to encrypt and decrypt RELAY messages.

    You must provide a keystore for relay pods and router pods to secure cross-site connections.
    The keystore can be the same for relay pods and router pods or you can provide separate keystores for each.
    You can also use the same keystore for each Infinispan cluster or a unique keystore for each cluster.

  • Have a PKCS12 trust store that contains part of the certificate chain or root CA certificate that verifies public certificates for Infinispan relay pods and router pods.

  1. Create cross-site encryption secrets.

    1. Create keystore secrets.

    2. Create trust store secrets.

  2. Modify the Infinispan CR for each Infinispan cluster to specify the secret name for the encryption.transportKeyStore.secretName and encryption.routerKeyStore.secretName fields.

  3. Configure any other fields to encrypt RELAY messages as required and then apply the changes.

    apiVersion: infinispan.org/v1
    kind: Infinispan
      name: infinispan
      replicas: 2
      version: <Infinispan_version>
        type: LoadBalancer
        type: DataGrid
            name: SiteA
            # ...
              protocol: TLSv1.3
                secretName: transport-tls-secret
                alias: transport
                filename: keystore.p12
                secretName: router-tls-secret
                alias: router
                filename: keystore.p12
                secretName: truststore-tls-secret
                filename: truststore.p12
            # ...

13.7.1. Resources for configuring cross-site encryption

The following tables provides fields and descriptions for encrypting cross-site connections.

Table 7. service.type.sites.local.encryption
Field Description


Specifies the TLS protocol to use for cross-site connections. The default value is TLSv1.3 but you can set TLSv1.2 if required.


Configures a keystore secret for relay pods.


Configures a keystore secret for router pods.


Configures a trust store secret for relay pods and router pods.

Table 8. service.type.sites.local.encryption.transportKeyStore
Field Description


Specifies the secret that contains a keystore that relay pods can use to encrypt and decrypt RELAY messages. This field is required.


Optionally specifies the alias of the certificate in the keystore. The default value is transport.


Optionally specifies the filename of the keystore. The default value is keystore.p12.

Table 9. service.type.sites.local.encryption.routerKeyStore
Field Description


Specifies the secret that contains a keystore that router pods can use to encrypt and decrypt RELAY messages. This field is required.


Optionally specifies the alias of the certificate in the keystore. The default value is router.


Optionally specifies the filename of the keystore. The default value is keystore.p12.

Table 10. service.type.sites.local.encryption.trustStore
Field Description


Specifies the secret that contains a trust store to verify public certificates for relay pods and router pods. This field is required.


Optionally specifies the filename of the trust store. The default value is truststore.p12.

13.7.2. Cross-site encryption secrets

Cross-site replication encryption secrets add keystores and trust store for securing cross-site connections.

Cross-site encryption secrets
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: tls-secret
type: Opaque
  password: changeme
  type: pkcs12
  <file-name>: "MIIKDgIBAzCCCdQGCSqGSIb3DQEHA..."
Field Description


Specifies the password for the keystore or trust store.


Optionally specifies the keystore or trust store type. The default value is pkcs12.


Adds a base64-encoded keystore or trust store.

13.8. Configuring sites in the same Kubernetes cluster

For evaluation and demonstration purposes, you can configure Infinispan to back up between pods in the same Kubernetes cluster.

Using ClusterIP as the expose type for cross-site replication is intended for demonstration purposes only. It would be appropriate to use this expose type only to perform a temporary proof-of-concept deployment on a laptop or something of that nature.

  1. Create an Infinispan CR for each Infinispan cluster.

  2. Specify the name of the local site with spec.service.sites.local.name.

  3. Set ClusterIP as the value of the spec.service.sites.local.expose.type field.

  4. Provide the name of the Infinispan cluster that acts as a backup location with spec.service.sites.locations.clusterName.

  5. If both Infinispan clusters have the same name, specify the namespace of the backup location with spec.service.sites.locations.namespace.

    apiVersion: infinispan.org/v1
    kind: Infinispan
      name: example-clustera
      replicas: 1
        type: LoadBalancer
        type: DataGrid
            name: SiteA
              type: ClusterIP
            maxRelayNodes: 1
            - name: SiteB
              clusterName: example-clusterb
              namespace: cluster-namespace
  6. Configure your Infinispan CRs with any other Data Grid Service resources and then apply the changes.

  7. Verify that Infinispan clusters form a cross-site view.

    1. Retrieve the Infinispan CR.

      kubectl get infinispan -o yaml
    2. Check for the type: CrossSiteViewFormed condition.

14. Monitoring Infinispan services

Infinispan exposes metrics that can be used by Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring and visualizing the cluster state.

This documentation explains how to set up monitoring on OpenShift Container Platform. If you’re working with community Prometheus deployments, you might find these instructions useful as a general guide. However you should refer to the Prometheus documentation for installation and usage instructions.

See the Prometheus Operator documentation.

14.1. Creating a Prometheus service monitor

Infinispan Operator automatically creates a Prometheus ServiceMonitor that scrapes metrics from your Infinispan cluster.


Enable monitoring for user-defined projects on OpenShift Container Platform.

When the Operator detects an Infinispan CR with the monitoring annotation set to true, which is the default, Infinispan Operator does the following:

  • Creates a ServiceMonitor named <cluster_name>-monitor.

  • Adds the infinispan.org/monitoring: 'true' annotation to your Infinispan CR metadata, if the value is not already explicitly set:

    apiVersion: infinispan.org/v1
    kind: Infinispan
      name: infinispan
        infinispan.org/monitoring: 'true'

To authenticate with Infinispan, Prometheus uses the operator credentials.


You can check that Prometheus is scraping Infinispan metrics as follows:

  1. In the Kubernetes Dashboard, select the </> Developer perspective and then select Monitoring.

  2. Open the Dashboard tab for the namespace where your Infinispan cluster runs.

  3. Open the Metrics tab and confirm that you can query Infinispan metrics such as:


14.1.1. Disabling the Prometheus service monitor

You can disable the ServiceMonitor if you do not want Prometheus to scrape metrics for your Infinispan cluster.

  1. Set 'false' as the value for the infinispan.org/monitoring annotation in your Infinispan CR.

    apiVersion: infinispan.org/v1
    kind: Infinispan
      name: infinispan
        infinispan.org/monitoring: 'false'
  2. Apply the changes.

14.1.2. Configuring Service Monitor Target Labels

You can configure the generated ServiceMonitor to propagate Service labels to the underlying metrics using the ServiceMonitor spec.targetLabels field. Use the Service labels to filter and aggregate the metrics collected from the monitored endpoints.

  1. Define labels to apply to your service by setting the infinispan.org/targetLabels annotation in your Infinispan CR.

  2. Specify a comma-separated list of the labels required in your metrics using the infinispan.org/serviceMonitorTargetLabels annotation on your Infinispan CR.

    apiVersion: infinispan.org/v1
    kind: Infinispan
      name: infinispan
        infinispan.org/targetLabels: "label1,label2,label3"
        infinispan.org/serviceMonitorTargetLabels: "label1,label2"
  3. Apply the changes.

14.2. Creating Grafana data sources

Create a GrafanaDatasource CR so you can visualize Infinispan metrics in Grafana dashboards.

  • Have an oc client.

  • Have cluster-admin access to OpenShift Container Platform.

  • Enable monitoring for user-defined projects on OpenShift Container Platform.

  • Install the Grafana Operator from the alpha channel and create a Grafana CR.

  1. Create a ServiceAccount that lets Grafana read Infinispan metrics from Prometheus.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      name: infinispan-monitoring
    1. Apply the ServiceAccount.

      oc apply -f service-account.yaml
    2. Grant cluster-monitoring-view permissions to the ServiceAccount.

      oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-monitoring-view -z infinispan-monitoring
  2. Create a Grafana data source.

    1. Retrieve the token for the ServiceAccount.

      oc serviceaccounts get-token infinispan-monitoring
    2. Define a GrafanaDataSource that includes the token in the spec.datasources.secureJsonData.httpHeaderValue1 field, as in the following example:

      apiVersion: integreatly.org/v1alpha1
      kind: GrafanaDataSource
        name: grafanadatasource
        name: datasource.yaml
          - access: proxy
            editable: true
            isDefault: true
              httpHeaderName1: Authorization
              timeInterval: 5s
              tlsSkipVerify: true
            name: Prometheus
              httpHeaderValue1: >-
            type: prometheus
            url: 'https://thanos-querier.openshift-monitoring.svc.cluster.local:9091'
  3. Apply the GrafanaDataSource.

    oc apply -f grafana-datasource.yaml
Next steps

Enable Grafana dashboards with the Infinispan Operator configuration properties.

14.3. Configuring Infinispan dashboards

Infinispan Operator provides global configuration properties that let you configure Grafana dashboards for Infinispan clusters.

You can modify global configuration properties while Infinispan Operator is running.

  • Infinispan Operator must watch the namespace where the Grafana Operator is running.

  1. Create a ConfigMap named infinispan-operator-config in the Infinispan Operator namespace.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: infinispan-operator-config
      grafana.dashboard.namespace: infinispan
      grafana.dashboard.name: infinispan
      grafana.dashboard.monitoring.key: middleware
  2. Specify the namespace of your Infinispan cluster with the data.grafana.dashboard.namespace property.

    Deleting the value for this property removes the dashboard. Changing the value moves the dashboard to that namespace.

  3. Specify a name for the dashboard with the data.grafana.dashboard.name property.

  4. If necessary, specify a monitoring key with the data.grafana.dashboard.monitoring.key property.

  5. Create infinispan-operator-config or update the configuration.

    oc apply -f infinispan-operator-config.yaml
  6. Open the Grafana UI, which is available at:

    oc get routes grafana-route -o jsonpath=https://"{.spec.host}"

14.4. Enabling JMX remote ports for Infinispan clusters

Enable JMX remote ports to expose Infinispan MBeans and to integrate Infinispan with external monitoring systems such as Cryostat.

When you enable JMX for Infinispan cluster, the following occurs:

  1. Each Infinispan server pod exposes an authenticated JMX endpoint on port 9999 utilizing the "admin" security-realm, which includes the Operator user credentials.

  2. The <cluster-name>-admin Service exposes port 9999.

You can enable or disable JMX only during the creation of the Infinispan CR. Once the CR instance is created, you cannot modify the JMX settings.
  1. Enable JMX in your Infinispan CR.

    apiVersion: infinispan.org/v1
    kind: Infinispan
      name: infinispan
        enabled: true
  2. Retrieve the Operator user credentials to authenticate client JMX connections.

    kubectl get secret infinispan-generated-operator-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.identities\.yaml}" | base64 --decode
Additional resources

14.5. Setting up JFR recordings with Cryostat

Enable JDK Flight Recorder (JFR) monitoring for your Infinispan clusters that run on Kubernetes.

JFR recordings with Cryostat

JFR provides insights into various aspects of JVM performance to ease cluster inspection and debugging. Depending on your requirements, you can store and analyze your recordings using the integrated tools provided by Cryostat or export the recordings to an external monitoring application.

  • Install the Cryostat Operator. You can install the Cryostat Operator in your Kubernetes project by using Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM).

  • Have JMX enabled on your Infinispan cluster. You must enable JMX before deploying the cluster, as JMX settings cannot be modified after deployment.

  1. Create a Cryostat CR in the same namespace as your Infinispan CR.

    apiVersion: operator.cryostat.io/v1beta1
    kind: Cryostat
      name: cryostat-sample
      minimal: false
      enableCertManager: true

    The Cryostat Operator requires cert-manager for traffic encryption. If the cert-manager is enabled but not installed, the deployment fails. For details, see the Installing Cryostat Operator guide.

  2. Wait for the Cryostat CR to be ready.

    kubectl wait -n <namespace> --for=condition=MainDeploymentAvailable cryostat/cryostat-sample
  3. Open the Cryostat status.applicationUrl.

    kubectl -n <namespace> get cryostat cryostat-sample
  4. Retrieve the Operator user credentials to authenticate client JMX connections in the Cryostat UI.

    kubectl get secret infinispan-generated-operator-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.identities\.yaml}" | base64 --decode
  5. In the Cryostat UI, navigate to the Security menu.

  6. In the Store Credentials window, click the Add button. The Store Credentials window opens.

  7. In the Match Expression filed, enter match expression details in the following format:

    target.labels['infinispan_cr'] == '<cluster_name>'

15. Guaranteeing availability with anti-affinity

Kubernetes includes anti-affinity capabilities that protect workloads from single points of failure.

15.1. Anti-affinity strategies

Each Infinispan node in a cluster runs in a pod that runs on an Kubernetes node in a cluster. Each Red Hat OpenShift node runs on a physical host system. Anti-affinity works by distributing Infinispan nodes across Kubernetes nodes, ensuring that your Infinispan clusters remain available even if hardware failures occur.

Infinispan Operator offers two anti-affinity strategies:


Infinispan replica pods are scheduled on different Kubernetes nodes.


Infinispan replica pods are scheduled across multiple zones.

Fault tolerance

Anti-affinity strategies guarantee cluster availability in different ways.

The equations in the following section apply only if the number of Kubernetes nodes or zones is greater than the number of Infinispan nodes.

Scheduling pods on different Kubernetes nodes

Provides tolerance of x node failures for the following types of cache:

  • Replicated: x = spec.replicas - 1

  • Distributed: x = num_owners - 1

Scheduling pods across multiple zones

Provides tolerance of x zone failures when x zones exist for the following types of cache:

  • Replicated: x = spec.replicas - 1

  • Distributed: x = num_owners - 1


Defines the number of pods in each Infinispan cluster.


Is the cache configuration attribute that defines the number of replicas for each entry in the cache.

15.2. Configuring anti-affinity

Specify where Kubernetes schedules pods for your Infinispan clusters to ensure availability.

  1. Add the spec.affinity block to your Infinispan CR.

  2. Configure anti-affinity strategies as necessary.

  3. Apply your Infinispan CR.

15.2.1. Anti-affinity strategy configurations

Configure anti-affinity strategies in your Infinispan CR to control where Kubernetes schedules Infinispan replica pods.

Topology keys Description

topologyKey: "topology.kubernetes.io/zone"

Schedules Infinispan replica pods across multiple zones.

topologyKey: "kubernetes.io/hostname"

Schedules Infinispan replica pods on different Kubernetes nodes.

Schedule pods on different Kubernetes nodes

The following is the anti-affinity strategy that Infinispan Operator uses if you do not configure the spec.affinity field in your Infinispan CR:

      - weight: 100
              app: infinispan-pod
              clusterName: <cluster_name>
              infinispan_cr: <cluster_name>
          topologyKey: "kubernetes.io/hostname"
Requiring different nodes

In the following example, Kubernetes does not schedule Infinispan pods if different nodes are not available:

      - labelSelector:
            app: infinispan-pod
            clusterName: <cluster_name>
            infinispan_cr: <cluster_name>
        topologyKey: "topology.kubernetes.io/hostname"

To ensure that you can schedule Infinispan replica pods on different Kubernetes nodes, the number of Kubernetes nodes available must be greater than the value of spec.replicas.

Schedule pods across multiple Kubernetes zones

The following example prefers multiple zones when scheduling pods but schedules Infinispan replica pods on different Kubernetes nodes if it is not possible to schedule across zones:

      - weight: 100
              app: infinispan-pod
              clusterName: <cluster_name>
              infinispan_cr: <cluster_name>
          topologyKey: "topology.kubernetes.io/zone"
      - weight: 90
              app: infinispan-pod
              clusterName: <cluster_name>
              infinispan_cr: <cluster_name>
          topologyKey: "kubernetes.io/hostname"
Requiring multiple zones

The following example uses the zone strategy only when scheduling Infinispan replica pods:

      - labelSelector:
            app: infinispan-pod
            clusterName: <cluster_name>
            infinispan_cr: <cluster_name>
        topologyKey: "topology.kubernetes.io/zone"

16. Auto Scaling

Kubernetes includes the HorizontalPodAutoscaler which allows StatefulSets or Deployments to be automatically scaled up or down based upon specified metrics. The Infinispan CR exposes the .status.scale sub-resource, which enables HorizontalPodAutoscaler resources to target the Infinispan CR.

Before defining a HorizontalPodAutoscaler configuration, consider the types of Infinispan caches that you define. Distributed and Replicated caches have very different scaling requirements, so defining a HorizontalPodAutoscaler for server’s running a combination of these cache types may not be advantageous. For example, defining a HorizontalPodAutoscaler that scales when memory usage reaches a certain percentage will allow overall cache capacity to be increased when defining Distributed caches as cache entries are spread across pods, however it will not work with replicated cache as every pod hosts all cache entries. Conversely, configuring a HorizontalPodAutoscaler based upon CPU usage will be more beneficial for clusters with replicated cache as every pod contains all cache entries and so distributing read requests across additional nodes will allow a greater number of requests to be processed simultaneously.

16.1. Configuring HorizontalPodAutoscaler

Create a HorizontalPodAutoScaler resource that targets your Infinispan CR.

  1. Define a HorizontalPodAutoscaler resource in the same namespace as your Infinispan CR

    apiVersion: autoscaling/v2
    kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
      name: infinispan-auto
        apiVersion: infinispan.org/v1
        kind: Infinispan
        name: example (1)
      minReplicas: 1
      maxReplicas: 10
        - type: Resource
            name: cpu
              type: Utilization
              averageUtilization: 50
    1 The name of your Infinispan CR
If using metric resource of type cpu or memory, you must configure request/limits for this resource in your Infinispan CR.
HorizontalPodAutoscaler should be removed when upgrading a Infinispan cluster, as the automatic scaling will cause the upgrade process to enter unexpected state, as the Operator needs to scale the cluster down to 0 pods.

17. Creating caches with Infinispan Operator

Use Cache CRs to add cache configuration with Infinispan Operator and control how Infinispan stores your data.

17.1. Infinispan caches

Cache configuration defines the characteristics and features of the data store and must be valid with the Infinispan schema. Infinispan recommends creating standalone files in XML or JSON format that define your cache configuration. You should separate Infinispan configuration from application code for easier validation and to avoid the situation where you need to maintain XML snippets in Java or some other client language.

To create caches with Infinispan clusters running on Kubernetes, you should:

  • Use Cache CR as the mechanism for creating caches through the Kubernetes front end.

  • Use Batch CR to create multiple caches at a time from standalone configuration files.

  • Access Infinispan Console and create caches in XML or JSON format.

You can use Hot Rod or HTTP clients but Infinispan recommends Cache CR or Batch CR unless your specific use case requires programmatic remote cache creation.

Cache CRs

  • Cache CRs apply to Data Grid Service pods only.

  • Each Cache CR corresponds to a single cache on the Infinispan cluster.

17.2. Creating caches with the Cache CR

Complete the following steps to create caches on Data Grid Service clusters using valid configuration in XML or YAML format.

  1. Create a Cache CR with a unique value in the metadata.name field.

  2. Specify the target Infinispan cluster with the spec.clusterName field.

  3. Name your cache with the spec.name field.

    The name attribute in the cache configuration does not take effect. If you do not specify a name with the spec.name field then the cache uses the value of the metadata.name field.

  4. Add a cache configuration with the spec.template field.

  5. Apply the Cache CR, for example:

    kubectl apply -f mycache.yaml
    cache.infinispan.org/mycachedefinition created

Cache CR examples

apiVersion: infinispan.org/v2alpha1
kind: Cache
  name: mycachedefinition
  clusterName: infinispan
  name: myXMLcache
  template: <distributed-cache mode="SYNC" statistics="true"><encoding media-type="application/x-protostream"/><persistence><file-store/></persistence></distributed-cache>
apiVersion: infinispan.org/v2alpha1
kind: Cache
  name: mycachedefinition
  clusterName: infinispan
  name: myYAMLcache
  template: |-
      mode: "SYNC"
      owners: "2"
      statistics: "true"
        mediaType: "application/x-protostream"
        fileStore: ~

17.3. Updating caches with the Cache CR

You can control how Infinispan Operator handles modifications to the cache configuration in the Cache CR.

Infinispan Operator attempts to update the cache configuration on the Infinispan Server at runtime. If the update fails, Infinispan Operator uses one of the following strategies:

retain strategy

The Operator updates the status of the Cache CR to Ready=False. You can manually delete the Cache CR and create a new cache configuration. This is the default strategy.

recreate strategy

The Operator deletes the cache from the Infinispan cluster and creates a new cache with the latest spec.template value from the Cache CR.

Configure the recreate strategy only if your deployment can tolerate data loss.
  • Have a valid Cache CR.

  1. Use the spec.updates.strategy field to set the Cache CR strategy.

        strategy: recreate
  2. Apply changes to the Cache CR, for example:

    oc apply -f mycache.yaml

17.4. Adding persistent cache stores

You can add persistent cache stores to Data Grid Service pods to save data to the persistent volume.

Infinispan creates a Single File cache store, .dat file, in the /opt/infinispan/server/data directory.

  • Add the <file-store/> element to the persistence configuration in your Infinispan cache, as in the following example:

    <distributed-cache name="persistent-cache" mode="SYNC">
      <encoding media-type="application/x-protostream"/>

18. Running batch operations

Infinispan Operator provides a Batch CR that lets you create Infinispan resources in bulk. Batch CR uses the Infinispan command line interface (CLI) in batch mode to carry out sequences of operations.

Modifying a Batch CR instance has no effect. Batch operations are "one-time" events that modify Infinispan resources. To update .spec fields for the CR, or when a batch operation fails, you must create a new instance of the Batch CR.

18.1. Running inline batch operations

Include your batch operations directly in a Batch CR if they do not require separate configuration artifacts.

  1. Create a Batch CR.

    1. Specify the name of the Infinispan cluster where you want the batch operations to run as the value of the spec.cluster field.

    2. Add each CLI command to run on a line in the spec.config field.

      apiVersion: infinispan.org/v2alpha1
      kind: Batch
        name: mybatch
        cluster: infinispan
        config: |
          create cache --template=org.infinispan.DIST_SYNC mycache
          put --cache=mycache hello world
          put --cache=mycache hola mundo
  2. Apply your Batch CR.

    kubectl apply -f mybatch.yaml
  3. Wait for the Batch CR to succeed.

    kubectl wait --for=jsonpath='{.status.phase}'=Succeeded Batch/mybatch

18.2. Creating ConfigMaps for batch operations

Create a ConfigMap so that additional files, such as Infinispan cache configuration, are available for batch operations.


For demonstration purposes, you should add some configuration artifacts to your host filesystem before you start the procedure:

  • Create a /tmp/mybatch directory where you can add some files.

    mkdir -p /tmp/mybatch
  • Create a Infinispan cache configuration.

    cat > /tmp/mybatch/mycache.xml<<EOF
    <distributed-cache name="mycache" mode="SYNC">
      <encoding media-type="application/x-protostream"/>
      <memory max-count="1000000" when-full="REMOVE"/>
  1. Create a batch file that contains all commands you want to run.

    For example, the following batch file creates a cache named "mycache" and adds two entries to it:

    create cache mycache --file=/etc/batch/mycache.xml
    put --cache=mycache hello world
    put --cache=mycache hola mundo

    The ConfigMap is mounted in Infinispan pods at /etc/batch. You must prepend all --file= directives in your batch operations with that path.

  2. Ensure all configuration artifacts that your batch operations require are in the same directory as the batch file.

    ls /tmp/mybatch
  3. Create a ConfigMap from the directory.

    kubectl create configmap mybatch-config-map --from-file=/tmp/mybatch

18.3. Running batch operations with ConfigMaps

Run batch operations that include configuration artifacts.

  • Create a ConfigMap that contains any files your batch operations require.

  1. Create a Batch CR that specifies the name of a Infinispan cluster as the value of the spec.cluster field.

  2. Set the name of the ConfigMap that contains your batch file and configuration artifacts with the spec.configMap field.

    cat > mybatch.yaml<<EOF
    apiVersion: infinispan.org/v2alpha1
    kind: Batch
      name: mybatch
      cluster: infinispan
      configMap: mybatch-config-map
  3. Apply your Batch CR.

    kubectl apply -f mybatch.yaml
  4. Wait for the Batch CR to succeed.

    kubectl wait --for=jsonpath='{.status.phase}'=Succeeded Batch/mybatch

18.4. Batch status messages

Verify and troubleshoot batch operations with the status.Phase field in the Batch CR.

Phase Description


All batch operations have completed successfully.


Batch operations are queued and resources are initializing.


Batch operations are ready to start.


Batch operations are in progress.


One or more batch operations were not successful.

Failed operations

Batch operations are not atomic. If a command in a batch script fails, it does not affect the other operations or cause them to rollback.

If your batch operations have any server or syntax errors, you can view log messages in the Batch CR in the status.Reason field.

18.5. Example batch operations

Use these example batch operations as starting points for creating and modifying Infinispan resources with the Batch CR.

You can pass configuration files to Infinispan Operator only via a ConfigMap.

The ConfigMap is mounted in Infinispan pods at /etc/batch so you must prepend all --file= directives with that path.

18.5.1. Caches

  • Create multiple caches from configuration files.

echo "creating caches..."
create cache sessions --file=/etc/batch/infinispan-prod-sessions.xml
create cache tokens --file=/etc/batch/infinispan-prod-tokens.xml
create cache people --file=/etc/batch/infinispan-prod-people.xml
create cache books --file=/etc/batch/infinispan-prod-books.xml
create cache authors --file=/etc/batch/infinispan-prod-authors.xml
echo "list caches in the cluster"
ls caches
  • Create a template from a file and then create caches from the template.

echo "creating caches..."
create cache mytemplate --file=/etc/batch/mycache.xml
create cache sessions --template=mytemplate
create cache tokens --template=mytemplate
echo "list caches in the cluster"
ls caches

18.5.2. Counters

Use the Batch CR to create multiple counters that can increment and decrement to record the count of objects.

You can use counters to generate identifiers, act as rate limiters, or track the number of times a resource is accessed.

echo "creating counters..."
create counter --concurrency-level=1 --initial-value=5 --storage=PERSISTENT --type=weak mycounter1
create counter --initial-value=3 --storage=PERSISTENT --type=strong mycounter2
create counter --initial-value=13 --storage=PERSISTENT --type=strong --upper-bound=10 mycounter3
echo "list counters in the cluster"
ls counters

18.5.3. Protobuf schema

Register Protobuf schema to query values in caches. Protobuf schema (.proto files) provide metadata about custom entities and controls field indexing.

echo "creating schema..."
schema --upload=person.proto person.proto
schema --upload=book.proto book.proto
schema --upload=author.proto book.proto
echo "list Protobuf schema"
ls schemas

18.5.4. Tasks

Upload tasks that implement org.infinispan.tasks.ServerTask or scripts that are compatible with the javax.script scripting API.

echo "creating tasks..."
task upload --file=/etc/batch/myfirstscript.js myfirstscript
task upload --file=/etc/batch/mysecondscript.js mysecondscript
task upload --file=/etc/batch/mythirdscript.js mythirdscript
echo "list tasks"
ls tasks
Additional resources

19. Backing up and restoring Infinispan clusters

Infinispan Operator lets you back up and restore Infinispan cluster state for disaster recovery and to migrate Infinispan resources between clusters.

19.1. Backup and Restore CRs

Backup and Restore CRs save in-memory data at runtime so you can easily recreate Infinispan clusters.

Applying a Backup or Restore CR creates a new pod that joins the Infinispan cluster as a zero-capacity member, which means it does not require cluster rebalancing or state transfer to join.

For backup operations, the pod iterates over cache entries and other resources and creates an archive, a .zip file, in the /opt/infinispan/backups directory on the persistent volume (PV).

Performing backups does not significantly impact performance because the other pods in the Infinispan cluster only need to respond to the backup pod as it iterates over cache entries.

For restore operations, the pod retrieves Infinispan resources from the archive on the PV and applies them to the Infinispan cluster.

When either the backup or restore operation completes, the pod leaves the cluster and is terminated.


Infinispan Operator does not reconcile Backup and Restore CRs which mean that backup and restore operations are "one-time" events.

Modifying an existing Backup or Restore CR instance does not perform an operation or have any effect. If you want to update .spec fields, you must create a new instance of the Backup or Restore CR.

19.2. Backing up Infinispan clusters

Create a backup file that stores Infinispan cluster state to a persistent volume.

  • Create an Infinispan CR with spec.service.type: DataGrid.

  • Ensure there are no active client connections to the Infinispan cluster.

    Infinispan backups do not provide snapshot isolation and data modifications are not written to the archive after the cache is backed up.
    To archive the exact state of the cluster, you should always disconnect any clients before you back it up.

  1. Name the Backup CR with the metadata.name field.

  2. Specify the Infinispan cluster to backup with the spec.cluster field.

  3. Configure the persistent volume claim (PVC) that adds the backup archive to the persistent volume (PV) with the spec.volume.storage and spec.volume.storage.storageClassName fields.

    apiVersion: infinispan.org/v2alpha1
    kind: Backup
      name: my-backup
      cluster: source-cluster
        storage: 1Gi
        storageClassName: my-storage-class
  4. Optionally include spec.resources fields to specify which Infinispan resources you want to back up.

    If you do not include any spec.resources fields, the Backup CR creates an archive that contains all Infinispan resources. If you do specify spec.resources fields, the Backup CR creates an archive that contains those resources only.

          - distributed-sync-prod
          - distributed-sync-dev
          - cache-one
          - cache-two
          - counter-name
          - authors.proto
          - books.proto
          - wordStream.js

    You can also use the * wildcard character as in the following example:

          - "*"
          - "*"
  5. Apply your Backup CR.

    kubectl apply -f my-backup.yaml
  1. Check that the status.phase field has a status of Succeeded in the Backup CR and that Infinispan logs have the following message:

    ISPN005044: Backup file created 'my-backup.zip'
  2. Run the following command to check that the backup is successfully created:

    kubectl describe Backup my-backup -n namespace

19.3. Restoring Infinispan clusters

Restore Infinispan cluster state from a backup archive.

  • Create a Backup CR on a source cluster.

  • Create a target Infinispan cluster of Data Grid Service pods.

    If you restore an existing cache, the operation overwrites the data in the cache but not the cache configuration.

    For example, you back up a distributed cache named mycache on the source cluster. You then restore mycache on a target cluster where it already exists as a replicated cache. In this case, the data from the source cluster is restored and mycache continues to have a replicated configuration on the target cluster.

  • Ensure there are no active client connections to the target Infinispan cluster you want to restore.

    Cache entries that you restore from a backup can overwrite more recent cache entries.
    For example, a client performs a cache.put(k=2) operation and you then restore a backup that contains k=1.

  1. Name the Restore CR with the metadata.name field.

  2. Specify a Backup CR to use with the spec.backup field.

  3. Specify the Infinispan cluster to restore with the spec.cluster field.

    apiVersion: infinispan.org/v2alpha1
    kind: Restore
      name: my-restore
      backup: my-backup
      cluster: target-cluster
  4. Optionally add the spec.resources field to restore specific resources only.

          - distributed-sync-prod
          - distributed-sync-dev
          - cache-one
          - cache-two
          - counter-name
          - authors.proto
          - books.proto
          - wordStream.js
  5. Apply your Restore CR.

    kubectl apply -f my-restore.yaml
  • Check that the status.phase field has a status of Succeeded in the Restore CR and that Infinispan logs have the following message:

    ISPN005045: Restore 'my-backup' complete

You should then open the Infinispan Console or establish a CLI connection to verify data and Infinispan resources are restored as expected.

19.4. Backup and restore status

Backup and Restore CRs include a status.phase field that provides the status for each phase of the operation.

Status Description


The system has accepted the request and the controller is preparing the underlying resources to create the pod.


The controller has prepared all underlying resources successfully.


The pod is created and the operation is in progress on the Infinispan cluster.


The operation has completed successfully on the Infinispan cluster and the pod is terminated.


The operation did not successfully complete and the pod is terminated.


The controller cannot obtain the status of the pod or determine the state of the operation. This condition typically indicates a temporary communication error with the pod.

19.4.1. Handling failed backup and restore operations

If the status.phase field of the Backup or Restore CR is Failed, you should examine pod logs to determine the root cause before you attempt the operation again.

  1. Examine the logs for the pod that performed the failed operation.

    Pods are terminated but remain available until you delete the Backup or Restore CR.

    kubectl logs <backup|restore_pod_name>
  2. Resolve any error conditions or other causes of failure as indicated by the pod logs.

  3. Create a new instance of the Backup or Restore CR and attempt the operation again.

20. Deploying custom code to Infinispan

Add custom code, such as scripts and event listeners, to your Infinispan clusters.

Before you can deploy custom code to Infinispan clusters, you need to make it available. To do this you can copy artifacts from a persistent volume (PV), download artifacts from an HTTP or FTP server, or use both methods.

20.1. Copying code artifacts to Infinispan clusters

Adding your artifacts to a persistent volume (PV) and then copy them to Infinispan pods.

This procedure explains how to use a temporary pod that mounts a persistent volume claim (PVC) that:

  • Lets you add code artifacts to the PV (perform a write operation).

  • Allows Infinispan pods to load code artifacts from the PV (perform a read operation).

To perform these read and write operations, you need certain PV access modes. However, support for different PVC access modes is platform dependent.

It is beyond the scope of this document to provide instructions for creating PVCs with different platforms. For simplicity, the following procedure shows a PVC with the ReadWriteMany access mode.

In some cases only the ReadOnlyMany or ReadWriteOnce access modes are available. You can use a combination of those access modes by reclaiming and reusing PVCs with the same spec.volumeName.

Using ReadWriteOnce access mode results in all Infinispan pods in a cluster being scheduled on the same Kubernetes node.

  1. Change to the namespace for your Infinispan cluster.

    kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=ispn-namespace
  2. Create a PVC for your custom code artifacts, for example:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
      name: datagrid-libs
        - ReadWriteMany
          storage: 100Mi
  3. Apply your PVC.

    kubectl apply -f datagrid-libs.yaml
  4. Create a pod that mounts the PVC, for example:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: datagrid-libs-pod
        fsGroup: 2000
        - name: lib-pv-storage
            claimName: datagrid-libs
        - name: lib-pv-container
          image: quay.io/infinispan/server:15.0.10
            - mountPath: /tmp/libs
              name: lib-pv-storage
  5. Add the pod to the Infinispan namespace and wait for it to be ready.

    kubectl apply -f datagrid-libs-pod.yaml
    kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=2m pod/datagrid-libs-pod
  6. Copy your code artifacts to the pod so that they are loaded into the PVC.

    For example to copy code artifacts from a local libs directory, do the following:

    kubectl cp --no-preserve=true libs datagrid-libs-pod:/tmp/
  7. Delete the pod.

    kubectl delete pod datagrid-libs-pod

    Specify the persistent volume with spec.dependencies.volumeClaimName in your Infinispan CR and then apply the changes.

    apiVersion: infinispan.org/v1
    kind: Infinispan
      name: infinispan
      replicas: 2
        volumeClaimName: datagrid-libs
        type: DataGrid

If you update your custom code on the persistent volume, you must restart the Infinispan cluster so it can load the changes.

20.2. Downloading code artifacts

Add your artifacts to an HTTP or FTP server so that Infinispan Operator downloads them to the /opt/infinispan/server/lib directory on each Infinispan node.

When downloading files, Infinispan Operator can automatically detect the file type. Infinispan Operator also extracts archived files, such as zip or tgz, to the filesystem after the download completes.

You can also download Maven artifacts using the groupId:artifactId:version format, for example org.postgresql:postgresql:42.3.1.

Each time Infinispan Operator creates a Infinispan node it downloads the artifacts to the node.

  • Host your code artifacts on an HTTP or FTP server or publish them to a maven repository.

  1. Add the spec.dependencies.artifacts field to your Infinispan CR.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Specify the location of the file to download via HTTP or FTP as the value of the spec.dependencies.artifacts.url field.

    • Provide the Maven artifact to download with the groupId:artifactId:version format as the value of the spec.dependencies.artifacts.maven field.

  3. Optionally specify a checksum to verify the integrity of the download with the spec.dependencies.artifacts.hash field.

    The hash field requires a value is in the format of <algorithm>:<checksum> where <algorithm> is sha1|sha224|sha256|sha384|sha512|md5.

    apiVersion: infinispan.org/v1
    kind: Infinispan
      name: infinispan
      replicas: 2
          - url: http://example.com:8080/path
            hash: sha256:596408848b56b5a23096baa110cd8b633c9a9aef2edd6b38943ade5b4edcd686
        type: DataGrid
  4. Apply the changes.

21. Establishing remote client connections

Connect to Infinispan clusters from the Infinispan Console, Command Line Interface (CLI), and remote clients.

21.1. Client connection details

Client connections to Infinispan require the following information:

  • Hostname

  • Port

  • Authentication credentials, if required

  • TLS certificate, if you use encryption


The hostname you use depends on whether clients are running on the same Kubernetes cluster as Infinispan.

Client applications running on the same Kubernetes cluster use the internal service name for the Infinispan cluster.

  name: infinispan

Client applications running on a different Kubernetes, or outside Kubernetes, use a hostname that depends on how Infinispan is exposed on the network.

A LoadBalancer service uses the URL for the load balancer. A NodePort service uses the node hostname. An Red Hat OpenShift Route uses either a custom hostname that you define or a hostname that the system generates.


Client connections on Kubernetes and a through LoadBalancer service use port 11222.

NodePort services use a port in the range of 30000 to 60000. Routes use either port 80 (unencrypted) or 443 (encrypted).

21.2. Connecting to Infinispan clusters with remote shells

Start a remote shell session to Infinispan clusters and use the command line interface (CLI) to work with Infinispan resources and perform administrative operations.

  • Have kubectl-infinispan on your PATH.

  • Have valid Infinispan credentials.

  1. Run the infinispan shell command to connect to your Infinispan cluster.

    kubectl infinispan shell <cluster_name>

    If you have access to authentication secrets and there is only one Infinispan user the kubectl-infinispan plugin automatically detects your credentials and authenticates to Infinispan. If your deployment has multiple Infinispan credentials, specify a user with the --username argument and enter the corresponding password when prompted.

  2. Perform CLI operations as required.

    Press the tab key or use the --help argument to view available options and help text.

  3. Use the quit command to end the remote shell session.

21.3. Accessing Infinispan Console

Access the console to create caches, perform adminstrative operations, and monitor your Infinispan clusters.

  • Expose Infinispan on the network so you can access the console through a browser.
    For example, configure a LoadBalancer service or create a Route.

  • Access the console from any browser at $HOSTNAME:$PORT.

    Replace $HOSTNAME:$PORT with the network location where Infinispan is available.

The Infinispan Console should only be accessed via Kubernetes services or an OpenShift Route exposing port 11222.

21.4. Hot Rod clients

Hot Rod is a binary TCP protocol that Infinispan provides for high-performance data transfer capabilities with remote clients.

Client intelligence

The Hot Rod protocol includes a mechanism that provides clients with an up-to-date view of the cache topology. Client intelligence improves performance by reducing the number of network hops for read and write operations.

Clients running in the same Kubernetes cluster can access internal IP addresses for Infinispan pods so you can use any client intelligence.

HASH_DISTRIBUTION_AWARE is the default intelligence mechanism and enables clients to route requests to primary owners, which provides the best performance for Hot Rod clients.

Clients running on a different Kubernetes, or outside Kubernetes, can access Infinispan by using a LoadBalancer, NodePort, or OpenShift Route.

Hot Rod client connections via Kubernetes Route require encryption. You must configure TLS with SNI otherwise the Hot Rod connection fails.

For unencrypted Hot Rod client connections, you must use a LoadBalancer service or a NodePort service.

Hot Rod clients must use BASIC intelligence in the following situations:

  • Connecting to Infinispan through a LoadBalancer service, a NodePort service, or an OpenShift Route.

  • Failing over to a different Kubernetes cluster when using cross-site replication.

Kubernetes cluster administrators can define network policies that restrict traffic to Infinispan. In some cases network isolation policies can require you to use BASIC intelligence even when clients are running in the same Kubernetes cluster but a different namespace.

21.4.1. Hot Rod client configuration API

You can programmatically configure Hot Rod client connections with the ConfigurationBuilder interface.

Replace $SERVICE_HOSTNAME in the following examples with the internal service name of your Infinispan cluster.

  name: infinispan
On Kubernetes
import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration.ConfigurationBuilder;
import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration.SaslQop;
import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.impl.ConfigurationProperties;

ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
# Connection

# Authentication

# Encryption
Outside Kubernetes
import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration.ClientIntelligence;
import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration.ConfigurationBuilder;
import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration.SaslQop;

ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
               //Create a client trust store with tls.crt from your project.
# Connection

# Client intelligence

# Authentication

# Encryption
# Create a client trust store with tls.crt from your project.

21.4.2. Configuring Hot Rod clients for certificate authentication

If you enable client certificate authentication, clients must present valid certificates when negotiating connections with Infinispan.

Validate strategy

If you use the Validate strategy, you must configure clients with a keystore so they can present signed certificates. You must also configure clients with Infinispan credentials and any suitable authentication mechanism.

Authenticate strategy

If you use the Authenticate strategy, you must configure clients with a keystore that contains signed certificates and valid Infinispan credentials as part of the distinguished name (DN). Hot Rod clients must also use the EXTERNAL authentication mechanism.

If you enable security authorization, you should assign the Common Name (CN) from the client certificate a role with the appropriate permissions.

The following example shows a Hot Rod client configuration for client certificate authentication with the Authenticate strategy:

import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration.ConfigurationBuilder;

ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();

21.4.3. Creating caches from Hot Rod clients

You can remotely create caches on Infinispan clusters running on Kubernetes with Hot Rod clients. However, Infinispan recommends that you create caches using Infinispan Console, the CLI, or with Cache CRs instead of with Hot Rod clients.

Programmatically creating caches

The following example shows how to add cache configurations to the ConfigurationBuilder and then create them with the RemoteCacheManager:

import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.DefaultTemplate;
import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.RemoteCache;
import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.RemoteCacheManager;

             .configuration("<infinispan><cache-container><distributed-cache name=\"another-cache\"><encoding media-type=\"application/x-protostream\"/></distributed-cache></cache-container></infinispan>");
      try (RemoteCacheManager cacheManager = new RemoteCacheManager(builder.build())) {
      // Get a remote cache that does not exist.
      // Rather than return null, create the cache from a template.
      RemoteCache<String, String> cache = cacheManager.getCache("my-cache");
      // Store a value.
      cache.put("hello", "world");
      // Retrieve the value and print it.
      System.out.printf("key = %s\n", cache.get("hello"));

This example shows how to create a cache named CacheWithXMLConfiguration using the XMLStringConfiguration() method to pass the cache configuration as XML:

import org.infinispan.client.hotrod.RemoteCacheManager;
import org.infinispan.commons.configuration.XMLStringConfiguration;

private void createCacheWithXMLConfiguration() {
    String cacheName = "CacheWithXMLConfiguration";
    String xml = String.format("<distributed-cache name=\"%s\">" +
                                  "<encoding media-type=\"application/x-protostream\"/>" +
                                  "<locking isolation=\"READ_COMMITTED\"/>" +
                                  "<transaction mode=\"NON_XA\"/>" +
                                  "<expiration lifespan=\"60000\" interval=\"20000\"/>" +
                                , cacheName);
    manager.administration().getOrCreateCache(cacheName, new XMLStringConfiguration(xml));
    System.out.println("Cache with configuration exists or is created.");
Using Hot Rod client properties

When you invoke cacheManager.getCache() calls for named caches that do not exist, Infinispan creates them from the Hot Rod client properties instead of returning null.

Add cache configuration to hotrod-client.properties as in the following example:

# Add cache configuration
infinispan.client.hotrod.cache.another-cache.configuration=<infinispan><cache-container><distributed-cache name=\"another-cache\"/></cache-container></infinispan>

21.5. Accessing the REST API

Infinispan provides a RESTful interface that you can interact with using HTTP clients.

  • Expose Infinispan on the network so you can access the REST API.
    For example, configure a LoadBalancer service or create a Route.

  • Access the REST API with any HTTP client at $HOSTNAME:$PORT/rest/v2.

    Replace $HOSTNAME:$PORT with the network location where Infinispan listens for client connections.

Additional resources