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Infinispan 9.2.0.CR3

February 21, 2018    Tags: release release candidate

This should have been the announcement for Final, but we discovered a number of performance regressions as well as a few important bugs that needed fixing. We also slipped in a few features and improvements. So, without further ado, here’s what is new and noteworthy in ...

Distributed iteration improvements

February 19, 2018    Tags: performance streams distribution iteration

Infinispan hasn’t always provided a way for iterating upon entries in a distributed cache. In fact the first iteration wasn’t until Infinispan 7. Then in Infinispan 8, with the addition of Java 8, we fully integrated this into distributed streams, which brought so...

Thanks JFokus!!

February 19, 2018    Tags: conference

We’re now back from JFokus and we’d like to thank organizers, attendees, volunteers and sponsors for making JFokus a very enjoyable experience! :) From an Infinispan perspective, we started the week with a Streaming Data deep-dive session presented together with...

Hotrod clients C++/C# 8.2.0.Beta1 are out!

February 15, 2018    Tags: beta c++ release minor release c#

Dear Infinispanners, C++ and C# 8.2.0.Beta1 releases are available! These releases contain all the 8.2.0 features. Worth a mention is the improvement in the remote execution API: we moved the JBossMarshaller basic implementation from test to the distro in order to simplif...

RESTful queries coming to Infinispan 9.2

February 09, 2018    Tags: rest query Protobuf JSON query

RESTful queries coming to Infinispan 9.2 One of the interesting features in the upcoming Infinispan 9.2 release is the possibility to execute queries over the REST endpoint, enabling users to take advantage of the easy-to-use and expressiveness of the Ickle query language, ...

Data Container Changes Part 3

February 08, 2018    Tags: off-heap eviction configuration

Just over a year ago we detailed some improvements to the data container, including the availability of Off Heap storage in part 2. There have been quite a few fixes for Off Heap especially around memory size estimations with Infinispan 9.2. There is also a brand new "evictio...

Infinispan 9.2.0.CR2 is out!

February 02, 2018    Tags: release release candidate

The Infinispan team is proud to announce that Infinispan 9.2.0.CR2 has been released! New and noteworthy in this release: [ISPN-8641] Wildfly 11 support [ISPN-8715] Local counters [ISPN-8695] Creation of caches from remote clients with custom configuration [ISPN-8...

A different kind of template: wildcards

February 02, 2018    Tags: jcache configuration

Infinispan’s configuration templates are an extremely flexible way to create multiple caches using the same configuration. Configuration inheritance works by explicitly declaring the configuration a specific cache should use. This works fine when you know the caches y...

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