
Get the latest downloads available for the current stable and development releases of Infinispan

Starting with Infinispan 10, we no longer offer a downloadable distribution of the embedded artifacts. Use your favourite dependency management tool (Maven / Gradle / Ivy) using the provided instructions.

Current Stable Release: Infinispan 15.1.7.Final

Looking for a fully supported version of Infinispan? Download Red Hat Data Grid
Looking for an older version? Infinispan Download Archive

Persistent Cache Stores

Cache stores are part of the core Infinispan distribution and therefore are developed and released in-sync with Infinispan itself. Most of these cache stores are included in the infinispan-embedded JAR. Those which require additional dependencies are available in separate artifacts.

Hot Rod Clients

Hot Rod is a wire protocol that Infinispan clients use to talk to a remote grid. It is a binary, platform-independent protocol that was developed in the open as a part of Infinispan.


This Is a short description of the feature to give the user an idea of how Infinispan helps them with their data management.