Blog - page 24

Stay up to date with the latest articles and news from Infinispan.

Cache configuration inheritance: you're no son of mine

June 22, 2017    Tags: configuration

Once upon a time Infinispan cache configurations were all orphans. Actually, it wasn’t as sad as that: they all shared a single parent - the default cache. While this gave caches a limited form of inheritance, it led to confusion as users weren’t really aware of...

Infinispan 9.0.3.Final and 8.2.7.Final are out!

June 21, 2017    Tags: release 8.2 9.0 final

Dear Infinispanner, we’re proud to announce the release of two new versions of Infinispan for the 9.0 and 8.2 users. If you’re on these branches please check the list of the bugs we’ve caught and consider to upgrade. Download, docs and more info are av...

Back from Berlin Buzzwords, video already available!

June 20, 2017    Tags: conference

Exactly one week ago I was presenting a talk on big data in action with Infinispan and two days later the video has already been uploaded!! Fastest ever conference video release I’ve seen! Kudos to Berlin Buzzwords šŸ‘ The slides for the talk can be found here, and the ...

Infinispan 9.1.0.Beta1

June 19, 2017    Tags: beta release

Dear Infinispan Community, the Infinispan 9.1.0.Beta1 is out and can be found on our downloads page. Full details of the new features and enhancements included in this release can be found here. Short list of highlights: [ISPN-7114] Consistency Checker, Conflict Re...

Cache operations impersonation: do as I say (or maybe as she says)

June 19, 2017    Tags: security API

The implementation of cache authorization in Infinispan has traditionally followed the JAAS model of wrapping calls in a PrivilegedAction invoked through Subject.doAs(). This led to the following cumbersome pattern: We also provided an implementation which, instead of relyi...

Infinispan coming to Berlin Buzzwords 2017

June 13, 2017    Tags: conference

Are you attending Berlin Buzzwords and want to find out more how Infinispan can help your systems react to real-time data quickly, and see the cool stuff we have for data analytics, make sure you come to my talk on Big Data In Action with Infinispan on Tuesday, 13th June at 1...

Infinispan 9.1.0.Alpha1 Released

May 31, 2017    Tags: release

Dear Infinispan Community, The first Alpha release of Infinispan 9.1 is out and can be found on our downloads page. Highlights include: ISPN-7284 - Cluster Counters ISPN-7471 - Infinispan Extension Deployable on Wildfly Full details of the new features and enha...

Hotrod clients C++/C# 8.1.1.Final released!

May 29, 2017    Tags: c++ release minor release final cpp-client dotnet-client c#

Dear Infinispanners, we’re pleased to announce that 8.1.1.Final release for C++/C# clients is out! Check the release notes and browse the source code, effort this time has been put in reducing code complexity. This is the first release built by our new CI Jenkins ...

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