Blog - page 29
Stay up to date with the latest articles and news from Infinispan.
January 23, 2017 Tags:
Infinispan 9 introduces several changes to the JDBC stores, in summary: Configuration of DB version Upsert support for store writes Timestamp indexing c3p0 connection pool replaced by HikariCP DB Version Configuration Previously when configuring a JDBC store i...
January 11, 2017 Tags: c++ hotrod near caching 8.1.0 cpp-client dotnet-client c#
Dear Readers, as mentioned in our previous post about the new C++/C# release 8.1.0.Beta1, clients are now equipped with near cache support. The near cache is an additional cache level that keeps the most recently used cache entries in an "in memory" data structure. Near c...
January 04, 2017 Tags: c++ release hotrod 8.1.0 cpp-client dotnet-client c#
New Year, New (Beta) Clients! I’m pleased to announce that the C++/C# clients version 8.1.0.Beta1 are out! The big news in this release is: Near Caching Support Find the bits in the usual place: Features list for 8.1 i...
December 20, 2016 Tags: spring
Spring Boot Starters Ho, ho, hooo! It looks like all members of Infinispan Community have been nice and Santa brought you Spring Boot Starters! This will make you even more productive and your code less verbose! Why do I need starters? Spring Boot Starters make the ...
December 19, 2016 Tags: storage
Infinispan 9.0 Beta 1 introduces some big changes to the Infinispan data container. This is the first of two blog posts detailing those changes. This post will cover the changes to eviction which utilizes a new provider, Caffeine. As you may already know Infinispan has su...
December 15, 2016 Tags: conference
Last month I presented about building functional reactive applications with Infinispan, Node.js and Elm at both Soft-Shake in Geneva (slides) and Devoxx Morocco (slides). Thanks a lot to all the participants who attended the talks and thanks also to the organisers for accep...
As you’ve already learned from an earlier post this week, Infinispan 9 is on its final approach to landing and is bringing a new query language. Hurray! But wait, was there something wrong with the old one(s)? Not wrong really … I’ll explain. Infinispan is a d...
December 06, 2016 Tags: streams
As I hope most people reading this already know, since Infinispan 8 you can utilize the entire Java 8 Stream API and have it be distributed across your cluster. This performs the various intermediate and terminal operations on the data local to the node it lives on, providin...
- release
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- release candidate
- hotrod
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- final
- beta
- server
- cache store
- performance
- presentations
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- devoxx
- c++
- cloudbutton
- hibernate
- judcon
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- jsr 107
- query
- spring
- spring boot
- transactions
- jgroups
- kubernetes
- spark
- data grids
- demo
- development
- JUGs
- openshift
- operator
- rest
- state transfer
- beta
- community
- cpp-client
- jbossworld
- benchmarks
- docker
- eviction
- infinispan
- persistence
- second level cache provider
- security
- streams
- hotrod
- client
- dotnet-client
- indexing
- jpa
- locking
- map reduce
- memcached
- quarkus
- c++
- docker
- announcement
- cli
- JavaOne
- jcache
- lucene
- marshalling
- memory
- minor release
- Protobuf
- radargun
- redis
- remote events
- remote query
- video
- cdi
- concurrency
- console
- cross site replication
- deadlock detection
- distribution
- jdg
- js-client
- listeners
- mongodb
- near caching
- testing
- jcp
- performance
- release candidate
- .Net Core
- asynchronous
- C#
- cloud storage
- clustered locks
- conferences
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- devnation
- distributed executors
- documentation
- functional
- gsoc
- hadoop
- interview
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- jsr 347
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- monitoring
- native
- node.js
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- partition handling
- podcast
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- s3
- search
- snowcamp
- standards
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- tutorial
- vert.x
- xsite
- alpha
- configuration
- event
- functional
- jdg
- kubernetes
- security
- streams
- 8.1.0
- annotations
- asl2
- authentication
- aws
- beta release
- book
- bugfix
- cache
- cache stores
- certification
- codemotion
- codename
- data structures
- datagrid
- devoxxfr
- domain mode
- ec2
- embeddings
- github
- hibernate search
- Infinispan Query
- introduction
- java
- jboss cache
- jopr
- keycloak
- knn
- leveldb
- loader
- logging
- mac
- modules
- Node.js
- opentelemetry
- osgi
- overhead
- quick start
- rbac
- red hat
- redhat
- remote
- resp
- roadmap
- scattered cache
- scripting
- stable
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- voxxed
- wildfly
- as7
- asymmetric clusters
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- cdi
- chat
- clustering
- community
- console
- data grids
- data-as-a-service
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- devoxx
- grouping and aggregation
- infinispan
- java 8
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- jcache
- jclouds
- jpa
- judcon
- JUGs
- listeners
- meetup
- minor release
- off-heap
- openshift
- presentations
- product
- protostream
- radargun
- radegast
- recruit
- release 8.2 9.0 final
- remote query
- replication queue
- rest query
- spring
- transactions
- vert.x
- workshop
- administration
- affinity
- algorithms
- aliases
- amazon
- anchored keys
- api
- archetype
- archetypes
- as5
- as7
- atomic maps
- atomic objects
- availability
- beer
- benchmark
- berkeleydb
- bilbostack
- blogger
- breizh camp
- buddy replication
- c3p0
- cache benchmark framework
- cachestore
- cassandra
- cep
- cluster failover
- clustered cache configuration
- clustered counters
- cms
- colocation
- command line interface
- comparison
- compose
- containers
- counter
- cpu
- creative
- cross-site-replication
- crucial
- custom commands
- daas
- data
- data container
- data entry
- data-as-a-service
- database
- deployment
- dev-preview
- distributed queries
- drupal
- dso
- dzone refcard
- ehcache
- embedded
- embedded query
- equivalence
- example
- externalizers
- failover
- faq
- fine grained
- flags
- flink
- foundation
- full-text
- future
- garbage collection
- geecon
- geographical
- getAll
- gigaspaces
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- graalvm
- greach conf
- grouping
- hackergarten
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- health
- hibernate ogm
- Hibernate-Search
- hot rod
- hql
- http/2
- httpsession
- Ickle
- ide
- index
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- infinispan 8
- infoq
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- issues
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- jboss asylum
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- jta
- kafka
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- learning
- License
- license
- listener
- lithops
- local mode
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- management
- migration
- minikube
- minishift
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- multimap
- nashorn
- netty
- nodejs
- non-blocking
- nosqlunit
- Open Source
- oracle
- paas
- paid support
- partitioning
- php
- presentation
- protostream
- public speaking
- publicspeaking
- push api
- putAll
- queries
- react
- reactive
- rehashing
- releaase
- replication
- rest query
- rocksdb
- ruby
- schema
- score
- segmented
- shell
- site
- spatial
- split brain
- spring session
- spring-session
- startup
- statistics
- store
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- store by value
- substratevm
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- syntax highlighting
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- uneven load
- use case
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- user guide
- vagrant
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