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Hot Rod Clients

Hot Rod is a wire protocol that Infinispan clients use to talk to a remote grid. It is a binary, platform-independent protocol that was developed in the open as a part of Infinispan.

The Hot Rod specification is available on-line, and several clients exist for this protocol.

Java (Stable)

The reference Hot Rod client, written in Java. This ships with Infinispan.

Java (Dev)

The reference Hot Rod client, written in Java. This ships with Infinispan.

C++ Client

A native C++ client for Infinispan. Detailed instructions including installation are on the project's GitHub site.

.NET Client

A native .NET client for Infinispan. Detailed instructions including installation are on the project's GitHub site.

Javascript Client

A native Javascript client for Infinispan. Detailed instructions including installation are on the project's GitHub site.

npm package
Ruby Client

A native Ruby client for Infinispan. Detailed instructions including installation as a Ruby Gem are on the project's GitHub site. This client is currently unmaintained and supports a very limited subset of Hot Rod features. If you would like to contribute to it, please come and talk to us.

Python Client

A native Python client for Infinispan. Detailed instructions including installation are on the project's GitHub site. This client is currently unmaintained and supports a very limited subset of Hot Rod features. If you would like to contribute to it, please come and talk to us.


Contributing Clients

Want to contribute more clients for Hot Rod? We’d love you to do so! Learn more about getting involved.