Blog - page 21
Stay up to date with the latest articles and news from Infinispan.
This is a small release to align with Infinispan 9.2.x and Spark 2.2, and it also has an improvement to the Java API related to filterByQuery. For a full list of changes, please refer to the release notes. Make sure to also check the improved documentation and the Twitter ...
November 20, 2017 Tags: c++ release minor release alpha c#
Dear Infinispanners, we’re pleased to announce the C++ and C# 8.2.0.Alpha2 releases. Code for continuous queries (CQ) and SASL is almost complete. Worth mentioning improvements for Alpha2 are: added xunit framework for build verification testing (googletest) C...
November 15, 2017 Tags: conference workshop
We’ve had two very hectic weeks delivering the Infinispan/[Vert.x]/[OpenShift] Streaming Data workshop in Duchess France and Devoxx Belgium. First of all, thanks to all attendees for taking the time to attend this workshop and ...
November 14, 2017 Tags: Ickle rest query clustered cache configuration clustered counters beta release clustered locks
Dear Infinispan Community, Two new releases are ready for you today, our newest and greatest 9.2.0.Beta1 and an updated Final of our stable branch, 9.1.3. Both can be found as usual on our download page. The highlights of 9.2.0.Beta1 are: New API for querying using I...
October 31, 2017 Tags: conference
This week, 2nd November, Galder and I will be presenting at Duchess France Meetup in Paris our "Streaming Data Workshop" : a 3h hours hands on lab that showcases a slightly simplified streaming architecture built on top of Infinispan and Vert.x and running on OpenShift. I...
October 27, 2017 Tags: release
Dear Infinispan Community, We have 2 new releases ready for everyone. We have our newest and greatest, 9.2.0.Alpha2 and an updated Final for our stable branch 9.1.2. As usual, both can be found on our download page. 9.2.0.Alpha2 contain the following new features New...
October 23, 2017 Tags: conference
Thanks a lot to all attendees at Basel One 2017, it was great fun presenting about Infinispan, OpenShift and Vert.x topics just around the corner from my house :) The slides for my talk can be found here. The code and scripts demo that I showed can be found here. I’ve...
October 20, 2017 Tags: jdbc rocksdb jpa leveldb cache store
Infinispan 9.1.x introduces batch write and delete operations for cache stores. The introduction of batching should greatly improve performance when utilising write-behind cache stores, using putAll operations and committing transactions in non-transactional stores. == ==...
- release
- conference
- release candidate
- hotrod
- alpha
- event
- final
- beta
- server
- cache store
- performance
- presentations
- c#
- devoxx
- c++
- cloudbutton
- hibernate
- judcon
- configuration
- javascript
- jsr 107
- query
- spring
- spring boot
- transactions
- jgroups
- kubernetes
- spark
- data grids
- demo
- development
- JUGs
- openshift
- operator
- rest
- state transfer
- beta
- community
- cpp-client
- jbossworld
- benchmarks
- docker
- eviction
- infinispan
- persistence
- second level cache provider
- security
- streams
- hotrod
- client
- dotnet-client
- indexing
- jpa
- locking
- map reduce
- memcached
- quarkus
- c++
- docker
- announcement
- cli
- JavaOne
- jcache
- lucene
- marshalling
- memory
- minor release
- Protobuf
- radargun
- redis
- remote events
- remote query
- video
- cdi
- concurrency
- console
- cross site replication
- deadlock detection
- distribution
- jdg
- js-client
- listeners
- mongodb
- near caching
- testing
- jcp
- performance
- release candidate
- .Net Core
- asynchronous
- C#
- cloud storage
- clustered locks
- conferences
- csharp
- devnation
- distributed executors
- documentation
- functional
- gsoc
- hadoop
- interview
- jclouds
- jdbc
- jsr 347
- lambda
- maven
- monitoring
- native
- node.js
- off-heap
- partition handling
- podcast
- python
- radegast
- s3
- search
- snowcamp
- standards
- storage
- tutorial
- vert.x
- xsite
- alpha
- configuration
- event
- functional
- jdg
- kubernetes
- security
- streams
- 8.1.0
- annotations
- asl2
- authentication
- aws
- beta release
- book
- bugfix
- cache
- cache stores
- certification
- codemotion
- codename
- data structures
- datagrid
- devoxxfr
- domain mode
- ec2
- embeddings
- github
- hibernate search
- Infinispan Query
- introduction
- java
- jboss cache
- jopr
- keycloak
- knn
- leveldb
- loader
- logging
- mac
- modules
- Node.js
- opentelemetry
- osgi
- overhead
- quick start
- rbac
- red hat
- redhat
- remote
- resp
- roadmap
- scattered cache
- scripting
- stable
- tracing
- vector
- voxxed
- wildfly
- as7
- asymmetric clusters
- asynchronous
- cdi
- chat
- clustering
- community
- console
- data grids
- data-as-a-service
- database
- devoxx
- grouping and aggregation
- infinispan
- java 8
- jboss cache
- jcache
- jclouds
- jpa
- judcon
- JUGs
- listeners
- meetup
- minor release
- off-heap
- openshift
- presentations
- product
- protostream
- radargun
- radegast
- recruit
- release 8.2 9.0 final
- remote query
- replication queue
- rest query
- spring
- transactions
- vert.x
- workshop
- administration
- affinity
- algorithms
- aliases
- amazon
- anchored keys
- api
- archetype
- archetypes
- as5
- as7
- atomic maps
- atomic objects
- availability
- beer
- benchmark
- berkeleydb
- bilbostack
- blogger
- breizh camp
- buddy replication
- c3p0
- cache benchmark framework
- cachestore
- cassandra
- cep
- cluster failover
- clustered cache configuration
- clustered counters
- cms
- colocation
- command line interface
- comparison
- compose
- containers
- counter
- cpu
- creative
- cross-site-replication
- crucial
- custom commands
- daas
- data
- data container
- data entry
- data-as-a-service
- database
- deployment
- dev-preview
- distributed queries
- drupal
- dso
- dzone refcard
- ehcache
- embedded
- embedded query
- equivalence
- example
- externalizers
- failover
- faq
- fine grained
- flags
- flink
- foundation
- full-text
- future
- garbage collection
- geecon
- geographical
- getAll
- gigaspaces
- git
- gke
- graalvm
- greach conf
- grouping
- hackergarten
- hbase
- health
- hibernate ogm
- Hibernate-Search
- hot rod
- hql
- http/2
- httpsession
- Ickle
- ide
- index
- india
- infinispan 8
- infoq
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- interoperability
- issues
- iteration
- jboss as 5
- jboss asylum
- jbug
- jcp
- jira
- jta
- kafka
- language
- learning
- License
- license
- listener
- lithops
- local mode
- lock striping
- management
- migration
- minikube
- minishift
- multi-tenancy
- multimap
- nashorn
- netty
- nodejs
- non-blocking
- nosqlunit
- Open Source
- oracle
- paas
- paid support
- partitioning
- php
- presentation
- protostream
- public speaking
- publicspeaking
- push api
- putAll
- queries
- react
- reactive
- rehashing
- releaase
- replication
- rest query
- rocksdb
- ruby
- schema
- score
- segmented
- shell
- site
- spatial
- split brain
- spring session
- spring-session
- startup
- statistics
- store
- store by reference
- store by value
- substratevm
- synchronization
- syntax highlighting
- tomcat
- uneven load
- use case
- user groups
- user guide
- vagrant
- versioning
- videos
- virtual nodes
- vote
- voxxed days milano
- wallpaper
- websocket
- websockets
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- workshop
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