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OpenShift and Node Affinity

October 13, 2016    Tags: openshift affinity

OpenShift (and Kubernetes) has a great feature called Affinity. In some scenarios, it might be beneficial to configure it along with Infinispan node affinity. Before we start…​ this tutorial is heavily based on our previous blog post about deploying Infinispan ...

Microservices with Wildfly Swarm and Infinispan

October 11, 2016    Tags:

Everybody loves Microservices, right? Today, all of us have slightly different understanding what Microservices are but, among all those definitions and attributes, there’s probably one thing that fits them all - they need to be simple. So let’s have a look at...

Configuration management on OpenShift, Kubernetes and Docker

September 02, 2016    Tags:

When deploying Infinispan on Docker based Cloud environments, the most critical thing is how to manage configuration. In this blog post we’ll explore some of the options. Extending our Docker image Creating your own Docker image based on jboss/infinispan-server is q...

Hotrod clients C/C# 8.0.0.Final released!

September 01, 2016    Tags: c++ release hotrod cpp-client dotnet-client c#

Dear Infinispan community, I’m glad to announce the Final release of the C++ and C# clients version 8.0.0. You can find the download on the Infinispan web site: Major new features for this release are: queries remote ...

Running Infinispan cluster on Kubernetes

August 18, 2016    Tags: kubernetes

Running Infinispan cluster on Kubernetes In the previous post we looked how to run Infinispan on OpenShift. Today, our goal is exactly the same, but we’ll focus on Kubernetes. Running Infinispan on Kubernetes requires using proper discovery protocol. This blog post ...

Infinispan Cloud Cachestore 8.0.1.Final

August 12, 2016    Tags: release jclouds cloud storage cache store

After bringing the MongoDB up-to-date a few days ago, this time it’s the turn of the Cloud Cache Store, our JClouds-based store which allows you to use any of the JClouds BlobStore providers to persist your cache data. This includes AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure B...

Infinispan 8.2.4.Final released!

August 12, 2016    Tags: release

Dear Infinispan community, We are proud to announce a new micro release of our stable 8.2 branch. Download it here and try it out! This maintenance release includes a handful of bug fixes and a bonus new feature. If you are using any other 8.x release, we recommend to up...

Running Infinispan cluster on OpenShift

August 09, 2016    Tags: openshift kubernetes

Running Infinispan cluster on OpenShift Did you know that it’s extremely easy to run Infinispan in OpenShift? Infinispan 9.0.0.Alpha4 adds out of the box support for OpenShift (and Kubernetes) discovery! Our goal We’d like to build an Infinispan cluster on to...

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