Blog - page 32
Stay up to date with the latest articles and news from Infinispan.
August 08, 2016 Tags:
This release is compatible with Apache Spark 2.0.0 and has support to connect to secured Infinispan Servers; for a full list of changes, please see the release notes. For more information about the connector, including Maven and sbt coordinates, consult the getting start gu...
August 05, 2016 Tags: release mongodb cache store
In the storm of the persistence SPI rework that happened during Infinispan 6.0, the MongoDB cache store, among others, was left in a state of semi-abandonment for a long time. Fortunately a few brave souls came to its rescue and have breathed new life into it so that it can...
August 04, 2016 Tags: release
Dear Infinispan users, I am glad to announce that we have released 9.0.0.Alpha4 for you! A brand new Alpha release from our development branch: 9.0.0.Alpha4 has a slew of bug fixes, and some more enhancements, among which we single out: transactional JDBC cache store and ...
July 28, 2016 Tags: release jdg announcement red hat
Dear Infinispan community, Red Hat has just announced the general availability of Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 7.0, the commercially supported version of Infinispan. Building on the solid foundation of Infinispan 8, JBoss Data Grid integrates with the rest of the Red Hat JBoss...
July 20, 2016 Tags: docker console domain mode server jgroups
The Infinispan Docker image has been improved, making it easier to run Infinispan Servers in clustered, domain and standalone modes, with different protocol stacks. In this blog post we’ll show a few usage scenarios and how to combine it with the jgroups-gossip ima...
July 20, 2016 Tags: docker
As you may have noticed our Docker images are published together with (or very soon after) releases. But what if you want to try out some brand features which have just been merged? In that case you need to build an image by yourself. Step #1 - Clone JBoss Docker image repo...
July 11, 2016 Tags:
Dear Infinispan users, As we have lately been releasing Infinispan 8 and 9 releases in pairs, today’s releases are no different. We have 9.0.0.Alpha3 and 8.2.3.Final ready for you! A new micro release of our stable 8.2 branch fixes 16 issues. If you are using any ot...
July 08, 2016 Tags:
Version 8 of the Infinispan C++ Hotrod Client implements the Execute on Server (Exec) operation. This feature was introduced with Hotrod protocol v 2.1 and has been described for the Java client here. The user can now store the javascript code on the server then invoke it w...
- release
- conference
- release candidate
- hotrod
- alpha
- event
- final
- beta
- server
- cache store
- performance
- presentations
- c#
- devoxx
- c++
- cloudbutton
- hibernate
- judcon
- configuration
- javascript
- jsr 107
- query
- spring
- spring boot
- transactions
- jgroups
- kubernetes
- spark
- data grids
- demo
- development
- JUGs
- openshift
- operator
- rest
- state transfer
- beta
- community
- cpp-client
- jbossworld
- benchmarks
- docker
- eviction
- infinispan
- persistence
- second level cache provider
- security
- streams
- hotrod
- client
- dotnet-client
- indexing
- jpa
- locking
- map reduce
- memcached
- quarkus
- c++
- docker
- announcement
- cli
- JavaOne
- jcache
- lucene
- marshalling
- memory
- minor release
- Protobuf
- radargun
- redis
- remote events
- remote query
- video
- cdi
- concurrency
- console
- cross site replication
- deadlock detection
- distribution
- jdg
- js-client
- listeners
- mongodb
- near caching
- testing
- jcp
- performance
- release candidate
- .Net Core
- asynchronous
- C#
- cloud storage
- clustered locks
- conferences
- csharp
- devnation
- distributed executors
- documentation
- functional
- gsoc
- hadoop
- interview
- jclouds
- jdbc
- jsr 347
- lambda
- maven
- monitoring
- native
- node.js
- off-heap
- partition handling
- podcast
- python
- radegast
- s3
- search
- snowcamp
- standards
- storage
- tutorial
- vert.x
- xsite
- alpha
- configuration
- event
- functional
- jdg
- kubernetes
- security
- streams
- 8.1.0
- annotations
- asl2
- authentication
- aws
- beta release
- book
- bugfix
- cache
- cache stores
- certification
- codemotion
- codename
- data structures
- datagrid
- devoxxfr
- domain mode
- ec2
- embeddings
- github
- hibernate search
- Infinispan Query
- introduction
- java
- jboss cache
- jopr
- keycloak
- knn
- leveldb
- loader
- logging
- mac
- modules
- Node.js
- opentelemetry
- osgi
- overhead
- quick start
- rbac
- red hat
- redhat
- remote
- resp
- roadmap
- scattered cache
- scripting
- stable
- tracing
- vector
- voxxed
- wildfly
- as7
- asymmetric clusters
- asynchronous
- cdi
- chat
- clustering
- community
- console
- data grids
- data-as-a-service
- database
- devoxx
- grouping and aggregation
- infinispan
- java 8
- jboss cache
- jcache
- jclouds
- jpa
- judcon
- JUGs
- listeners
- meetup
- minor release
- off-heap
- openshift
- presentations
- product
- protostream
- radargun
- radegast
- recruit
- release 8.2 9.0 final
- remote query
- replication queue
- rest query
- spring
- transactions
- vert.x
- workshop
- administration
- affinity
- algorithms
- aliases
- amazon
- anchored keys
- api
- archetype
- archetypes
- as5
- as7
- atomic maps
- atomic objects
- availability
- beer
- benchmark
- berkeleydb
- bilbostack
- blogger
- breizh camp
- buddy replication
- c3p0
- cache benchmark framework
- cachestore
- cassandra
- cep
- cluster failover
- clustered cache configuration
- clustered counters
- cms
- colocation
- command line interface
- comparison
- compose
- containers
- counter
- cpu
- creative
- cross-site-replication
- crucial
- custom commands
- daas
- data
- data container
- data entry
- data-as-a-service
- database
- deployment
- dev-preview
- distributed queries
- drupal
- dso
- dzone refcard
- ehcache
- embedded
- embedded query
- equivalence
- example
- externalizers
- failover
- faq
- fine grained
- flags
- flink
- foundation
- full-text
- future
- garbage collection
- geecon
- geographical
- getAll
- gigaspaces
- git
- gke
- graalvm
- greach conf
- grouping
- hackergarten
- hbase
- health
- hibernate ogm
- Hibernate-Search
- hot rod
- hql
- http/2
- httpsession
- Ickle
- ide
- index
- india
- infinispan 8
- infoq
- internationalization
- interoperability
- issues
- iteration
- jboss as 5
- jboss asylum
- jbug
- jcp
- jira
- jta
- kafka
- language
- learning
- License
- license
- listener
- lithops
- local mode
- lock striping
- management
- migration
- minikube
- minishift
- multi-tenancy
- multimap
- nashorn
- netty
- nodejs
- non-blocking
- nosqlunit
- Open Source
- oracle
- paas
- paid support
- partitioning
- php
- presentation
- protostream
- public speaking
- publicspeaking
- push api
- putAll
- queries
- react
- reactive
- rehashing
- releaase
- replication
- rest query
- rocksdb
- ruby
- schema
- score
- segmented
- shell
- site
- spatial
- split brain
- spring session
- spring-session
- startup
- statistics
- store
- store by reference
- store by value
- substratevm
- synchronization
- syntax highlighting
- tomcat
- uneven load
- use case
- user groups
- user guide
- vagrant
- versioning
- videos
- virtual nodes
- vote
- voxxed days milano
- wallpaper
- websocket
- websockets
- wordpress
- workshop
- xsd
- yarn
- zulip