Blog - page 33
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July 01, 2016 Tags: conference javascript devnation
Last Tuesday I gave a talk at DevNation 2016 on building Reactive Applications with Node.js and Red Hat JBoss Data Grid. The slides for it will be uploaded to the DevNation site shortly, but for those who want to play around with the application demoed in the talk, you can fi...
June 20, 2016 Tags: conference javascript devnation
Earlier this month I did an interview with the DevNation 2016 organizers to talk about my talk on forthcoming talk on building reactive applications with Node.js and JBoss Data Grid, the Infinispan version for which Red Hat provides professional support, certified integration...
June 06, 2016 Tags: release javascript nodejs
Earlier today Infinispan Javascript client version 0.3.0 was released whose primary focus has been stabilising and tightening existing functionality, deprecating some older methods, and documentation: Multiple fixes around remote execution, remote listeners and iteration....
The Infinispan Team started the development of the new HotRod C Client (version 8) with two main goals in mind: update and refresh the code and reduce the feature gap between the C client and its Java big brother. The work is still in progress, but since we’re close t...
May 26, 2016 Tags: conference
Thanks to everyone who attended the Distributed Streams with Infinispan talk at GeeCON 2016!! It was a blast to give the talk and although there was a small hiccup with one of the demos, I managed to fix it and the both demos were successfully delivered. The code from the ...
Dear Infinispan users, we have baked two fresh releases for you today. First off we have a new micro release of our stable 8.2 branch which fixes 57 issues. If you are using any other 8.x release, please upgrade to 8.2.2.Final as this contains a bunch of bugfixes and perf...
May 09, 2016 Tags: conference presentations geecon image:
April 15, 2016 Tags:
The Infinispan connector for Spark allows to use Infinispan server as a datasource for Spark stream and batch jobs. This release brings compatibility with Spark 1.6, and also to Infinispan 8.2.1.Final, that contains a fix to allow proper failover when nodes leave and join the...
- release
- conference
- release candidate
- hotrod
- alpha
- event
- final
- beta
- server
- cache store
- performance
- presentations
- c#
- devoxx
- c++
- cloudbutton
- hibernate
- judcon
- configuration
- javascript
- jsr 107
- query
- spring
- spring boot
- transactions
- jgroups
- kubernetes
- spark
- data grids
- demo
- development
- JUGs
- openshift
- operator
- rest
- state transfer
- beta
- community
- cpp-client
- jbossworld
- benchmarks
- docker
- eviction
- infinispan
- persistence
- second level cache provider
- security
- streams
- hotrod
- client
- dotnet-client
- indexing
- jpa
- locking
- map reduce
- memcached
- quarkus
- c++
- docker
- announcement
- cli
- JavaOne
- jcache
- lucene
- marshalling
- memory
- minor release
- Protobuf
- radargun
- redis
- remote events
- remote query
- video
- cdi
- concurrency
- console
- cross site replication
- deadlock detection
- distribution
- jdg
- js-client
- listeners
- mongodb
- near caching
- testing
- jcp
- performance
- release candidate
- .Net Core
- asynchronous
- C#
- cloud storage
- clustered locks
- conferences
- csharp
- devnation
- distributed executors
- documentation
- functional
- gsoc
- hadoop
- interview
- jclouds
- jdbc
- jsr 347
- lambda
- maven
- monitoring
- native
- node.js
- off-heap
- partition handling
- podcast
- python
- radegast
- s3
- search
- snowcamp
- standards
- storage
- tutorial
- vert.x
- xsite
- alpha
- configuration
- event
- functional
- jdg
- kubernetes
- security
- streams
- 8.1.0
- annotations
- asl2
- authentication
- aws
- beta release
- book
- bugfix
- cache
- cache stores
- certification
- codemotion
- codename
- data structures
- datagrid
- devoxxfr
- domain mode
- ec2
- embeddings
- github
- hibernate search
- Infinispan Query
- introduction
- java
- jboss cache
- jopr
- keycloak
- knn
- leveldb
- loader
- logging
- mac
- modules
- Node.js
- opentelemetry
- osgi
- overhead
- quick start
- rbac
- red hat
- redhat
- remote
- resp
- roadmap
- scattered cache
- scripting
- stable
- tracing
- vector
- voxxed
- wildfly
- as7
- asymmetric clusters
- asynchronous
- cdi
- chat
- clustering
- community
- console
- data grids
- data-as-a-service
- database
- devoxx
- grouping and aggregation
- infinispan
- java 8
- jboss cache
- jcache
- jclouds
- jpa
- judcon
- JUGs
- listeners
- meetup
- minor release
- off-heap
- openshift
- presentations
- product
- protostream
- radargun
- radegast
- recruit
- release 8.2 9.0 final
- remote query
- replication queue
- rest query
- spring
- transactions
- vert.x
- workshop
- administration
- affinity
- algorithms
- aliases
- amazon
- anchored keys
- api
- archetype
- archetypes
- as5
- as7
- atomic maps
- atomic objects
- availability
- beer
- benchmark
- berkeleydb
- bilbostack
- blogger
- breizh camp
- buddy replication
- c3p0
- cache benchmark framework
- cachestore
- cassandra
- cep
- cluster failover
- clustered cache configuration
- clustered counters
- cms
- colocation
- command line interface
- comparison
- compose
- containers
- counter
- cpu
- creative
- cross-site-replication
- crucial
- custom commands
- daas
- data
- data container
- data entry
- data-as-a-service
- database
- deployment
- dev-preview
- distributed queries
- drupal
- dso
- dzone refcard
- ehcache
- embedded
- embedded query
- equivalence
- example
- externalizers
- failover
- faq
- fine grained
- flags
- flink
- foundation
- full-text
- future
- garbage collection
- geecon
- geographical
- getAll
- gigaspaces
- git
- gke
- graalvm
- greach conf
- grouping
- hackergarten
- hbase
- health
- hibernate ogm
- Hibernate-Search
- hot rod
- hql
- http/2
- httpsession
- Ickle
- ide
- index
- india
- infinispan 8
- infoq
- internationalization
- interoperability
- issues
- iteration
- jboss as 5
- jboss asylum
- jbug
- jcp
- jira
- jta
- kafka
- language
- learning
- License
- license
- listener
- lithops
- local mode
- lock striping
- management
- migration
- minikube
- minishift
- multi-tenancy
- multimap
- nashorn
- netty
- nodejs
- non-blocking
- nosqlunit
- Open Source
- oracle
- paas
- paid support
- partitioning
- php
- presentation
- protostream
- public speaking
- publicspeaking
- push api
- putAll
- queries
- react
- reactive
- rehashing
- releaase
- replication
- rest query
- rocksdb
- ruby
- schema
- score
- segmented
- shell
- site
- spatial
- split brain
- spring session
- spring-session
- startup
- statistics
- store
- store by reference
- store by value
- substratevm
- synchronization
- syntax highlighting
- tomcat
- uneven load
- use case
- user groups
- user guide
- vagrant
- versioning
- videos
- virtual nodes
- vote
- voxxed days milano
- wallpaper
- websocket
- websockets
- wordpress
- workshop
- xsd
- yarn
- zulip