Tutorials The Weather App

The Weather App

Up to now we have been configuring Infinispan through it's programmatic API, but it is also typical for applications to separate code from configuration. For this purpose we can use the declarative configuration, whereby all aspects of Infinispan can be configured using an external XML file. First of all let's convert the configuration into XML format:

              <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                    xsi:schemaLocation="urn:infinispan:config:15.0 http://www.infinispan.org/schemas/infinispan-config-15.0.xsd"

                    <cache-container default-cache="default">
                        <transport cluster="WeatherApp"/>

                        <distributed-cache name="default" mode="SYNC">
                          <expiration lifespan="5000"/>
                          <groups enabled="true">
                            <grouper class="org.infinispan.tutorial.embedded.LocationWeather$LocationGrouper"/>

By placing this file in Maven's src/main/resources folder, it will be available in the classpath, so that we can use it to configure the DefaultCacheManager as follows:

              cacheManager = new DefaultCacheManager(WeatherApp.class.getResourceAsStream("/weatherapp-infinispan.xml"));
You are now ready to run the code:
          git checkout -f step-11
          mvn clean package exec:exec # from terminal 1
          mvn exec:exec # from terminal 2

Obviously, the output will be identical to the previous run, which is what we were expecting !


You have reached the end of this tutorial and, along the way, you have learned how to embed Infinispan in your application, not only to perform simple caching of data, but also for distributed computation and clustering. Infinispan offers many other interesting features, so please head over to our extensive documentation to learn about them.