Blog - page 11
Stay up to date with the latest articles and news from Infinispan.
Dear Infinispan community, We are pleased to announce the availability of Infinispan 10.0.1.Final, which contains several bug fixes. The release notes can be found here. As usual you can ask questions on the forum, StackOverflow and interactively on our Zulip Chat. Plea...
Dear Infinispan community, We are very pleased to announce the release of Infinispan 10.0 codenamed “Chupacabra”! We have been busy making many changes over the last months. Server Infinispan 10 features a brand new server, replacing the WildFly-based server we’ve h...
Dear Infinispan users, it has been a while since our last release and quite a few things have been cooking in the Infinispan furnace. Bear in mind that the list below should just serve as a summary and that dedicated blogs, documentation and examples will appear in the near...
July 12, 2019 Tags: release openshift kubernetes operator cloudbutton
Infinispan Operator 0.3.0 Infinispan Operator 0.3.0 is now available with expanded configuration and security options: Container Configuration With this release of the Infinispan Operator, you can configure explicit CPU and memory limits for individual containers. The de...
April 15, 2019 Tags: conference public speaking greach conf breizh camp voxxed days milano
* * Infinispan has been on tour!! I -[karesti] - had the chance to present 3 talks in 3 different conferences and countries during the last month: Breizh Camp 2019 the 22th March, Rennes (France) Greach Conf 2019, 29th March, Madrid (...
April 08, 2019 Tags: release openshift operator beta release cloudbutton
Infinispan Operator 0.2.1 We’ve just completed the release of the Infinispan Operator version 0.2.1. In this second minor release, we’ve added the following features: DNS Cluster Discovery Cluster nodes now discover each other using DNS ping, which uses name ...
April 05, 2019 Tags: release spring boot
Dear Infinispan and Spring Boot users, We have just released Infinispan Spring Boot Starter 2.1.5.Final and 1.0.7.Final. 2.1.5.Final * * 2.1.5.Final is using Infinispan 9.4.11.Final and Spring-Boot 2.1.4.RELEASE. Important Spring-Boot bug fix Previous versions of Spr...
March 07, 2019 Tags: quarkus graalvm native substratevm
Today, the Quarkus project was released as a public beta. For those of you not familiar, Quarkus allows you to write your enterprise apps as you have done in the past with Hibernate/JAX-RS, but also to compile these applications to a Graal-VM native image....
- release
- conference
- release candidate
- hotrod
- alpha
- event
- final
- beta
- server
- cache store
- performance
- presentations
- c#
- devoxx
- c++
- cloudbutton
- hibernate
- judcon
- configuration
- javascript
- jsr 107
- query
- spring
- spring boot
- transactions
- jgroups
- kubernetes
- spark
- data grids
- demo
- development
- JUGs
- openshift
- operator
- rest
- state transfer
- beta
- community
- cpp-client
- jbossworld
- benchmarks
- docker
- eviction
- infinispan
- persistence
- second level cache provider
- security
- streams
- hotrod
- client
- dotnet-client
- indexing
- jpa
- locking
- map reduce
- memcached
- quarkus
- c++
- docker
- announcement
- cli
- JavaOne
- jcache
- lucene
- marshalling
- memory
- minor release
- Protobuf
- radargun
- redis
- remote events
- remote query
- video
- cdi
- concurrency
- console
- cross site replication
- deadlock detection
- distribution
- jdg
- js-client
- listeners
- mongodb
- near caching
- testing
- jcp
- performance
- release candidate
- .Net Core
- asynchronous
- C#
- cloud storage
- clustered locks
- conferences
- csharp
- devnation
- distributed executors
- documentation
- functional
- gsoc
- hadoop
- interview
- jclouds
- jdbc
- jsr 347
- lambda
- maven
- monitoring
- native
- node.js
- off-heap
- partition handling
- podcast
- python
- radegast
- s3
- search
- snowcamp
- standards
- storage
- tutorial
- vert.x
- xsite
- alpha
- configuration
- event
- functional
- jdg
- kubernetes
- security
- streams
- 8.1.0
- annotations
- asl2
- authentication
- aws
- beta release
- book
- bugfix
- cache
- cache stores
- certification
- codemotion
- codename
- data structures
- datagrid
- devoxxfr
- domain mode
- ec2
- embeddings
- github
- hibernate search
- Infinispan Query
- introduction
- java
- jboss cache
- jopr
- keycloak
- knn
- leveldb
- loader
- logging
- mac
- modules
- Node.js
- opentelemetry
- osgi
- overhead
- quick start
- rbac
- red hat
- redhat
- remote
- resp
- roadmap
- scattered cache
- scripting
- stable
- tracing
- vector
- voxxed
- wildfly
- as7
- asymmetric clusters
- asynchronous
- cdi
- chat
- clustering
- community
- console
- data grids
- data-as-a-service
- database
- devoxx
- grouping and aggregation
- infinispan
- java 8
- jboss cache
- jcache
- jclouds
- jpa
- judcon
- JUGs
- listeners
- meetup
- minor release
- off-heap
- openshift
- presentations
- product
- protostream
- radargun
- radegast
- recruit
- release 8.2 9.0 final
- remote query
- replication queue
- rest query
- spring
- transactions
- vert.x
- workshop
- administration
- affinity
- algorithms
- aliases
- amazon
- anchored keys
- api
- archetype
- archetypes
- as5
- as7
- atomic maps
- atomic objects
- availability
- beer
- benchmark
- berkeleydb
- bilbostack
- blogger
- breizh camp
- buddy replication
- c3p0
- cache benchmark framework
- cachestore
- cassandra
- cep
- cluster failover
- clustered cache configuration
- clustered counters
- cms
- colocation
- command line interface
- comparison
- compose
- containers
- counter
- cpu
- creative
- cross-site-replication
- crucial
- custom commands
- daas
- data
- data container
- data entry
- data-as-a-service
- database
- deployment
- dev-preview
- distributed queries
- drupal
- dso
- dzone refcard
- ehcache
- embedded
- embedded query
- equivalence
- example
- externalizers
- failover
- faq
- fine grained
- flags
- flink
- foundation
- full-text
- future
- garbage collection
- geecon
- geographical
- getAll
- gigaspaces
- git
- gke
- graalvm
- greach conf
- grouping
- hackergarten
- hbase
- health
- hibernate ogm
- Hibernate-Search
- hot rod
- hql
- http/2
- httpsession
- Ickle
- ide
- index
- india
- infinispan 8
- infoq
- internationalization
- interoperability
- issues
- iteration
- jboss as 5
- jboss asylum
- jbug
- jcp
- jira
- jta
- kafka
- language
- learning
- License
- license
- listener
- lithops
- local mode
- lock striping
- management
- migration
- minikube
- minishift
- multi-tenancy
- multimap
- nashorn
- netty
- nodejs
- non-blocking
- nosqlunit
- Open Source
- oracle
- paas
- paid support
- partitioning
- php
- presentation
- protostream
- public speaking
- publicspeaking
- push api
- putAll
- queries
- react
- reactive
- rehashing
- releaase
- replication
- rest query
- rocksdb
- ruby
- schema
- score
- segmented
- shell
- site
- spatial
- split brain
- spring session
- spring-session
- startup
- statistics
- store
- store by reference
- store by value
- substratevm
- synchronization
- syntax highlighting
- tomcat
- uneven load
- use case
- user groups
- user guide
- vagrant
- versioning
- videos
- virtual nodes
- vote
- voxxed days milano
- wallpaper
- websocket
- websockets
- wordpress
- workshop
- xsd
- yarn
- zulip