Thursday, 30 August 2012
HotRod C# client Beta1 is out!
Thanks to a sustained effort from Sunimal Rathnayake, the C# HotRod client has evolved quite a bit:
the public API was polished and finalized
the client was upgraded to 2nd level of intelligence: that means that it can automatically piggyback cluster’s topology information from the servers. E.g. if a new server is added, the client is made aware of it and can start balancing requests towards that server
a pluggable load balancing policy was added (defaults to round robin)
various other bug fixes backed by an growing test suite
We’ve also set up a development setupiv document to speed you up in case you want to take a look at the code or contribute.
You can download it from here - please give it a try and don’t hesitate to post your comments to our forums, the mailing list or contact us directly on IRC for a chat!
Tags: csharp hotrod gsoc
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
C# client for Infinispan - alpha release
A while ago I was announcing that Sunimal Rathnayake would start the work for a C# Hot Rod client for Infinispan as part of the Google Summer of Code. After 2 months of heavy work Sunimal delivered an intelligence-one (basic client, interested in neither cluster nor hash information) implementation. The release distribution can be downloaded from here. Besides the required binaries and doclets, is also contains a sample application showing how the client can be configured and illustrating the basic operations with the server. This and more are being described in the readme.txt file in the distribution root.
And there’s much more on the way! Sunimal is working on enhancing the client to the intelligence-two level: topology-aware client, interested in cluster information - stay tuned!
Please give it a try and don’t hesitate to post your comments to our forums, the mailing list or contact us directly on IRC for a chat!
Cheers, Mircea
Tags: csharp hotrod gsoc
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
GSoC and Infinispan
I am delighted to announce that one of our submissions for GSoC was accepted! Sunimal Rathnayake will join the infinispan team for implementing a HotRod client in C#. This would allow Infinispan clusters to be consumed by .NET clients which something we’ve planned adding for a long time.
Welcome onboard Sunimal and looking forward to working with you!
Tags: hotrod gsoc