Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 7.0 is out

Dear Infinispan community,

Red Hat has just announced the general availability of Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 7.0, the commercially supported version of Infinispan.

Building on the solid foundation of Infinispan 8, JBoss Data Grid integrates with the rest of the Red Hat JBoss middleware platform to deliver top-notch long-term support, dedicated high-quality consulting and training services, and the best open-source expertise in the world.

If you want to give it a spin, go to the Red Hat JBoss Data Grid product page, where you will find download links for a free trial, documentation and more.

Posted by Tristan Tarrant on 2016-07-27
Tags: release jdg announcement red hat

Monday, 09 July 2012

JBoss Data Grid lands in Red Hat Summit!

It’s just over a week since Red Hat Summit/JBoss World 2012 finished and it was a great pleasure to be part of it. Heiko Rupp and I were speaking about "Effectively Manage & Monitor Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Nodes" where we presented JDG and JON at a high level and then we showed a demo of both products interacting with each other. The presentation’s slides are now available for download.

I was not the only one speaking about JBoss Data Grid. Both Manik, the Infinispan project lead, and Alan Santos, the product manager for Infinispan, were also delivering talks on JBoss Data Grid. Although their presentations are not up yet, you’ll be able to download them from here.

I also met some Infinispan customers, such as Erik who’s been using Infinispan at a well known telecommunications company, or two of the lead technical guys at a well known Geneva bank. We had some great conversations where we were able to synch up our roadmap with them to make sure any requirements they had are met in the future.

Of the presentations I attended, I was particularly impressed by Pete and Marius' 10 minute demo on going from 0 to a fully fledged mobile application running on top of AS7 in OpenShift in the "What’s New in Java Frameworks for Web, Cloud, & Mobile" BOF. I hope it was recorded cos it was very impressive stuff.

It was a great week and once again it was a pleasure to be part of the Red Hat Summit and JBoss World :)



Posted by Galder Zamarreño on 2012-07-09
Tags: conference jdg event jbossworld

Friday, 22 June 2012

The JBoss Enterprise Data Grid tour!!

It’s exciting times at the Infinispan team! Here’s some of my highlights of the last few weeks and events coming up.

JBoss Enterprise Data Grid (based in Infinispan) presented in Spain’s Red Hat JBoss Open Forum 2012

Yesterday I was in Madrid at Red Hat’s JBoss Open Forum 2012, where I presented about JBoss Enterprise Data Grid and Clustering in JBoss Enterprise Application Plattform 6

This was a great opportunity to introduce these new products to a Spanish audience, and as with everything in Spain, if you present in the native language, people understand things better and are more likely to get a better impression. 

Might sound odd, but presenting this stuff in another language other than English, such as Spanish, is rather difficult even if you’re a native speaker. If you’ve developed software in English, you’re used to speaking about it in that language, but if you switch and you have to talk about in another language, getting the fluency required to tell a story (i.e. present something) takes a lot of preparation (write up notes in that language!) and above all, rehearsing.

The effort was worth it though! Having finished my first presentation, the JBoss Enterprise Data Grid one, I was non-stop talking to the Spanish sales force, potential Spanish customers…​etc for the rest of the day, until I had to present again.

Last time I attended a JBoss middleware event in Spain was in Barcelona in 2006. A long time has passed since then, but what Red Hat Spain’s JBoss Forum shows is that JBoss Middleware is back in the Iberian peninsula, and it’s there to stay for a long time!!

Special thanks to Lucas Ponce who helped out massively with the live demos of both JBoss Enterprise Data Grid and JBoss Enterprise Application Plattform 6, and thanks to the rest of Red Hat Spain team who invited me to speak at the event.

JBoss World/Red Hat Summit and JUDCon in Boston

Heiko Rupp and I will be speaking about JBoss Enterprise Data Grid monitoring with JBoss Operations Network, which we’re both hugely looking forward to! So, if you’re around, don’t miss the talk next Thursday at 2.30pm EDT (abstract can be found here)



Posted by Galder Zamarreño on 2012-06-22
Tags: conference jdg event

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

You can now buy support for Infinispan

Yes, at last.  Intentions first announced last year, and beta programme launched a few months ago, Red Hat’s JBoss Data Grid (JDG) 6.0 is now in final, GA form.  This supported release is based on Infinispan 5.1.5.Final, and you can read more about it here.

It has been picked up by the press too.

Open source.  And enterprise-grade.  :-)

Enjoy! Manik

Posted by Manik Surtani on 2012-06-20
Tags: jdg announcement paid support



JUGs alpha as7 asymmetric clusters asynchronous beta c++ cdi chat clustering community conference configuration console data grids data-as-a-service database devoxx distributed executors docker event functional grouping and aggregation hotrod infinispan java 8 jboss cache jcache jclouds jcp jdg jpa judcon kubernetes listeners meetup minor release off-heap openshift performance presentations product protostream radargun radegast recruit release release 8.2 9.0 final release candidate remote query replication queue rest query security spring streams transactions vert.x workshop 8.1.0 API DSL Hibernate-Search Ickle Infinispan Query JP-QL JSON JUGs JavaOne LGPL License NoSQL Open Source Protobuf SCM administration affinity algorithms alpha amazon anchored keys annotations announcement archetype archetypes as5 as7 asl2 asynchronous atomic maps atomic objects availability aws beer benchmark benchmarks berkeleydb beta beta release blogger book breizh camp buddy replication bugfix c# c++ c3p0 cache benchmark framework cache store cache stores cachestore cassandra cdi cep certification cli cloud storage clustered cache configuration clustered counters clustered locks codemotion codename colocation command line interface community comparison compose concurrency conference conferences configuration console counter cpp-client cpu creative cross site replication csharp custom commands daas data container data entry data grids data structures data-as-a-service deadlock detection demo deployment dev-preview development devnation devoxx distributed executors distributed queries distribution docker documentation domain mode dotnet-client dzone refcard ec2 ehcache embedded embedded query equivalence event eviction example externalizers failover faq final fine grained flags flink full-text functional future garbage collection geecon getAll gigaspaces git github gke google graalvm greach conf gsoc hackergarten hadoop hbase health hibernate hibernate ogm hibernate search hot rod hotrod hql http/2 ide index indexing india infinispan infinispan 8 infoq internationalization interoperability interview introduction iteration javascript jboss as 5 jboss asylum jboss cache jbossworld jbug jcache jclouds jcp jdbc jdg jgroups jopr jpa js-client jsr 107 jsr 347 jta judcon kafka kubernetes lambda language learning leveldb license listeners loader local mode lock striping locking logging lucene mac management map reduce marshalling maven memcached memory migration minikube minishift minor release modules mongodb monitoring multi-tenancy nashorn native near caching netty node.js nodejs non-blocking nosqlunit off-heap openshift operator oracle osgi overhead paas paid support partition handling partitioning performance persistence podcast presentation presentations protostream public speaking push api putAll python quarkus query quick start radargun radegast react reactive red hat redis rehashing releaase release release candidate remote remote events remote query replication rest rest query roadmap rocksdb ruby s3 scattered cache scripting second level cache provider security segmented server shell site snowcamp spark split brain spring spring boot spring-session stable standards state transfer statistics storage store store by reference store by value streams substratevm synchronization syntax highlighting tdc testing tomcat transactions tutorial uneven load user groups user guide vagrant versioning vert.x video videos virtual nodes vote voxxed voxxed days milano wallpaper websocket websockets wildfly workshop xsd xsite yarn zulip

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