Monday, 13 August 2018
Node.js client 0.5.0 released with improved stability and better OSX integration
Infinispan Node.js client 0.5.0 was released last week. It comes with much improved stability under heavy load conditions and hence it’s a recommended upgrade for any current users.
On top of that, a configuration option called topologyUpdates (true (default) / false) has been added to disable topology updates. This can be useful when trying to access Infinispan server running within a Docker container on MacOs. Without this option to disable topology updates, Node.js client receives internal Docker IP addresses on first contact which cannot be accessed from outside Docker on MacOs. See this previous blog post for more details.
If you’re a Node.js user and want to store data remotely in Infinispan server instances, please give the client a go and tell us what you think of it via our forum, via our issue tracker or via Zulip on Infinispan channel.
Cheers, Galder
Tags: release javascript js-client node.js mac
Thursday, 23 February 2017
Node.js client 0.4.0 released with encryption and cross-site failover
We’ve just released Infinispan Node.js Client version 0.4.0 which comes with encrypted client connectivity via SSL/TLS (with optional TLS/SNI support), as well as cross-site client failover.
Thanks to the encryption integration, Node.js Hot Rod clients can talk to Hot Rod servers via an encrypted channel, allowing trusted client and/or authenticated clients to connect. Check the documentation for information on how to enable encryption in Node.js Hot Rod client.
Also, we’ve added the possibility for the client to connect to multiple clusters. Normally, the client is connected to a single cluster, but if all nodes fail to respond, the client can failover to a different cluster, as long as one or more initial addresses have been provided. On top of that, clients can manually switch clusters using switchToCluster and switchToDefaultCluster APIs. Check documentation for more info.
On top of that, we’ve applied several bug fixes that further tighten the inner workings of the Node.js client.
If you’re a Node.js user and want to store data remotely in Infinispan Server instances, please give the client a go and tell us what you think of it via our forum, via our issue tracker or via IRC on the #infinispan channel on Freenode.
Tags: release security xsite javascript js-client node.js
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
Javascript client 0.2.0 arrives with Cluster Topology support
Today Infinispan Javascript client version 0.2.0 was released, which includes:
Updated README file containing simpler individual examples on each main feature set.
Remote execution - Users can now load remote scripts into Infinispan Servers using the addScript method and these scripts can be remotely executed via the execute operation. An example of this can be found in the README file.
Server-side statistic can now be retrieved using the stats operation. Again, an example can be found in the README file.
The client now supports cluster topology updates, so it can handle remote notifications of server side topology changes, including addition or removal of server-side cluster nodes.
Using the cluster topology information and hashing algorithms, the client can now apply the same Consistent-Hash algorithm servers use to distribute data around the cluster, and hence can immediately locate the server where a particular key lives.
If you’re a Javascript user and want to store data remotely in Infinispan Server instances, please give the client a go and tell us what you think of it via our forum, via our issue tracker or via IRC on the #infinispan channel on Freenode.
Tags: release javascript js-client
Thursday, 18 February 2016
Infinispan Javascript client 0.1.0 is out!
Over the past few months we’ve been working on a Javascript client based on Node.js which can talk to Infinispan Server instances and today we can announce the first public release, version 0.1.0 which can easily be installed with the following command:
$ npm install infinispan
The client is still under heavy development but here’s a summary of its current capabilities:
Full CRUD operation support, e.g. put, get, remove, containsKey…etc.
Compare-And-Swap operation support, e.g. putIfAbsent, getWithVersion/getWithMetadata, replace, replaceWithVersion, removeWithVersion…etc.
Expiration with absolute lifespan or relative maximum idle time is supported. This expiration parameters as passed as optional parameters to create/update methods and they support multiple time units, e.g. \{lifespan: '1m', maxIdle: '1d'}.
Update and remove operations can optionally return previous values by passing in\{previous: true} option.
Bulk store/retrieve/delete operations are supported, e.g. putAll, getAll, getBulk, getBulkKeys, clear…etc.
Cache contents can be iterated over using the iterator method.
Cache size can be determined using the size method.
Remote cache listeners can be plugged using the addListener method, which takes the event type (create, modify, remove or expiry) and the function callback as parameter.
Sample code showing how to use the Infinispan Javascript client can be found in the client’s README file.
In future versions we’ll be adding remote execution support as well as cluster topology handling, including consistent-hash based request routing.
If you’re a Javascript user and want to store data remotely in Infinispan Server instances, please give the client a go and tell us what you think of it via our forum, via our issue tracker or via IRC on the #infinispan channel on Freenode.
Tags: release javascript js-client