Monday, 08 June 2020

Infinispan Operator 1.1.2 is out!

We’re pleased to announce version 1.1.2 of the Infinispan Operator for Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift.

Release highlights:

  • Simplified configuration for external services.

  • Improved readability of CR yaml output.

  • Now available from the Operator image registry at

Get full release information at version 1.1.2.

Our community documentation has also been updated and improved! Be sure to check out the Infinispan Operator v1.1.x Guide.

Update Channels and Automatic Upgrades on OpenShift

Starting with this release we are moving channels from a stable/preview structure to a micro-stream structure. This means you’ll get channels for each major.minor version of Infinispan.

For now version 1.1.x is available on the dev-preview channel but you should switch your Operator subscription to the 1.1.x channel before the next release to continue receiving updates.

If you use the Automatic Approval upgrade policy on OpenShift, your cluster is now running Infinispan Operator version 1.1.2 with the Infinispan 10.1.7.Final server image.

Get it, Use it, Ask us!

You can report bugs, chat with us, ask questions on StackOverflow.

Posted by Vittorio Rigamonti on 2020-06-08
Tags: release operator

Monday, 24 February 2020

Infinispan Operator 1.1.1 is out!

We’re pleased to announce version 1.1.1 of the Infinispan Operator for Kubernetes and OpenShift.

This release has focused on fixing bugs and improving robustness, mainly related to the following:

  • improving reconcile flow stability

  • reducing Operator CPU load

  • cleaning up logs

Our community documentation on has also been updated and improved. You can find some of the changes at:

Automatic Upgrades

If you installed the Infinispan Operator on Red Hat OpenShift with the Automatic Approval upgrade policy, your cluster should already be running the latest versions (Infinispan Operator 1.1.1 with Infinispan 10.1.2.Final).

We would like to hear opinions from you about the automated upgrade process, so get in touch if you have any issues or want to give any feedback.

Get it, Use it, Ask us!

Try the simple tutorial for the Operator, which has been updated for this version.

You can report bugs, chat with us, ask questions on StackOverflow.

Finally, a detailed list of issues and features for this version can be found here.

Posted by Vittorio Rigamonti on 2020-02-24
Tags: release operator

Friday, 24 January 2020

Infinispan Operator 1.1.0 is out!

We’re pleased to announce version 1.1.0 of the Infinispan Operator for Kubernetes and OpenShift.

This release includes a bunch of very exciting features! Let’s dig into them:

Full Lifecycle

Infinispan Operator 1.1.0 is rated at the Full Lifecycle capacity level, which means the Operator now provides advanced cluster management capabilities and functionality to handle demanding workloads.

One of the key new features in this release is graceful shutdown, which lets you bring clusters down safely to avoid data loss.

During cluster shutdown, caches can passivate in-memory entries to persistent storage along with the internal Infinispan state that maps which nodes own which entries. When you bring Infinispan clusters back, all your data is restored to memory.

Check out the Graceful Shutdown docs for more information.

Graceful shutdown also enables the Infinispan Operator to perform reliable upgrades.

When a new version of the Infinispan Operator starts, it checks for running Infinispan clusters that were created by an older Operator version.

If the Operator detects a cluster that requires upgrade, it invokes a graceful shutdown on the cluster and then brings it back with the new Infinispan version.

You can perform upgrade manually or automatically with the Operator Lifecycle Manager on OpenShift.

Note that Operators installed via the OperatorHub on OpenShift Container Platform are managed by the Operator Lifecyle Manager.

Cache vs DataGrid

This version of the Infinispan Operator delivers Cache and DataGrid services.

By default the Operator starts Infinispan clusters as Cache services, which provides a quick way to set up in-memory caching that stores data off-heap and keeps single copies of data in the cluster.

DataGrid services, on the other hand, are suited to more advanced use cases where you control and define the configuration that you need.

Cross-Site Replication

The Infinispan Operator simplifies cross-site replication set up with DataGrid services so you can back data up between separate Kubernetes or OpenShift clusters.

All you need to do is specify which type of external Kubernetes service to expose, the list of all backup locations, access secrets, and the local site name.

Find out more at: Cross-Site Replication

Automatic TLS configuration

If you’re running on Openshift and have a service that serves certificates, the Operator automatically asks for certificates sets up TLS for your endpoint connections. Encrypted by default with zero effort!

Get it, Use it, Ask us!

Try the simple tutorial for the Operator, which has been updated for this version. The tutorial shows how to install the Operator manually, but it can also be installed via the Operator Hub on OpenShift.

You can report bugs, chat with us, ask questions on StackOverflow.

Finally, a detailed list of issues and features for this version can be found here.

Posted by Galder Zamarreño on 2020-01-24
Tags: release operator

Friday, 12 July 2019

Infinispan Operator 0.3.0 expands container and security configuration!

Infinispan Operator 0.3.0 is now available with expanded configuration and security options:

Container Configuration

With this release of the Infinispan Operator, you can configure explicit CPU and memory limits for individual containers. The defaults are 0.5 CPUs and 512Mi of memory.

The Operator also lets you pass extra JVM options, which is useful for tracking native memory consumption or extra GC logging parameters.

Security Configuration

Starting with 0.3.0, credentials are automatically generated for data connector and management users when you instantiate the Infinispan Operator.

The default usernames are developer and admin for the data connector user and management user, respectively.

Generated passwords are stored in Kubernetes Secret instances. You can extract the passwords as follows:

For convenience, the default usernames are also stored in the secret. Using the jq command line tool, you can inspect both the username and password values with a single command:

If you want to set custom credentials for the data connector and management users, create Kubernetes Secret instances as follows:

When using a Credentials type authentication, the referenced secrets must contain username and password fields.

Trying It Out!

The easiest way to get started with the Infinispan Operator is via the simple tutorial. The Operator is compatible with vanilla Kubernetes environments, such as Minikube, as well as Red Hat OpenShift.

Available via Operator Hub

Install the Infinispan Operator directly from the Operator Hub, which is available out of the box on all OpenShift 4 versions. If you’re using a vanilla Kubernertes environment, you might need to install the Operator Lifecycle Manager before you can install via the Operator Hub.

The Infinispan Operator is also included in the community for Kubernetes Operators is available from

What’s Next?

The Operator configuration does not yet provide all capabilities available for Infinispan servers. We’re working through a process of configuration specification that distills the server configuration into a simple, easy to use, set of configuration options. The current proposal is being discussed openly here.

Infinispan 10 brings a brand new server that’s no longer based on WildFly. The Operator 0.x series will remain focused on Infinispan 9.x server, with Operator 1.x series focusing on Infinispan 10 and onwards.

Cheers, Galder

Posted by Galder Zamarreño on 2019-07-12
Tags: release openshift kubernetes operator

Monday, 08 April 2019

Operator 0.2.1 out with DNS ping and expanded customizations

We’ve just completed the release of the Infinispan Operator version 0.2.1. In this second minor release, we’ve added the following features:

DNS Cluster Discovery

Cluster nodes now discover each other using DNS ping, which uses name lookups. Each node publishes a headless service which they use to locate each other. Previously, Kubernetes APIs were queried to discover other nodes, but this required administrator rights. DNS ping does not require admin permissions.

Configurable Image

The Infinispan server image used by the operator is now configurable, e.g.

Configurable XML

You can now provide their own custom Infinispan server XML referencing an existing ConfigMap:

Note that this example requires a ConfigMap with the XML file to be created before hand.

Next Steps

We’re already working on version 0.3.0, and in parallel we’ve been working on our first OperatorHub submission. We hope to have some news for you very soon :)

Cheers, Galder

Posted by Galder Zamarreño on 2019-04-08
Tags: release openshift operator beta release

Monday, 04 March 2019

First OpenShift Operator pre-release for Infinispan is here!

Infinispan Operator is a new method of packaging, deploying and managing Infinispan clusters on OpenShift. You can think of the Infinispan Operator as the runtime that manages Infinispan clusters on OpenShift.

We’ve just done our first Infinispan Operator pre-release, version 0.1.0, which allows you to easily boot up an Infinispan cluster on OpenShift.

Using the operator is as simple as installing the Infinispan Operator (requires admin access) on OpenShift, and then create a YAML descriptor that defines the Infinispan cluster. The example below shows how to create a 3-node Infinispan cluster:

And then call:

$ oc apply -f example-infinispan.yaml

A more detailed tutorial on using the Infinispan Operator can be found here. We highly recommend you give it a go and let us know what you think.

Over the next few versions we’ll be adding more features that make the most of the capabilities the Operator framework offers to automatically manage the health and status of running Infinispan clusters.

Please also note that as we work towards the 1.0 release, some things might change :)

Cheers Galder

Posted by Galder Zamarreño on 2019-03-04
Tags: release openshift operator beta



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