Monday, 15 May 2017
NoSQL Unit supports Infinispan 9.0.0.Final
NoSQL Unit is a JUnit extension that helps you write NoSQL unit tests, created by Alex Soto. It brings the ideas first introduced by DBUnit to the world of NoSQL databases.
The essence of DBUnit or NoSQL Unit is that before running each test, the persistence layer is found in a known state. This makes your test repeatable, independent of other test failures or potential database corruptions.
You can use NoSQL Unit for testing embedded or remote Infinispan instances, and since version 1.0.0-rc.5, which was released a few days back, it supports the latest Infinispan 9.0.0.Final.
We have a created a little demo GitHub repository showing you how to test Infinispan using NoSQL Unit. Go and give it a go! :)
Thanks Alex bringing NoSQL Unit to my attention!
Tags: testing nosqlunit
Tuesday, 05 November 2013
Infinispan Arquillian Container 1.1.0.Alpha1 released
Dear Infinispan users, a new version of Infinispan Arquillian Container has been released into JBoss Maven Repository as maven artifacts. The previous version was announced by The blog post contains information related to setup of JBoss Maven Repository, including its address as well as address of the Infinispan Arquillian Container itself.
Maybe we should now call the project Infinispan Arquillian extension rather than Infinispan Arquillian Container because, since version 5.3, Infinispan Server has been based on JBoss Application Server 7 and the submodule called infinispan-arquillian-container could be removed.
As a result, the configuration of Arquillian with respect to Infinispan Server was simplified.
Developing tests with Infinispan Server
Now there’s only one way to compose the arquillian.xml file:
The property ispnHome no longer exists. The path to the Infinispan Server is now specified via jbossHome. The serverConfig attribute then specifies the correct configuration file for the server.
In order to run tests with Infinispan Arquillian extension, one should use the following dependencies: org.infinispan.arquillian.container:infinispan-arquillian-impl:jar:1.1.0.Alpha1:test
Now that we’ve configured the server to run in our tests, it’s time to introduce a few enhancements which will help you write tests more effectively.
You can still inject the reference to a running Infinispan Server by annotating an instance variable of type RemoteInfinispanServer with @InfinispanResource.
When there are more Infinispan servers to be injected, you can now use the following snippet instead of injecting each server independently:
Then you can retrieve individual servers by calling .getServer(name) on the servers variable. The name must correspond to an existing container definition within arquillian.xml. The results of this call will be of type RemoteInfinispanServer.
So far users were forced to start the Infinispan Server either before the whole test suite (mode="suite") or before each class separately (mode="class"). The annotation WithRunningServer enables users to automatically start the server before a test method and stop it after the method. Example:
Note that in this case containers should be marked as mode="manual" in arquillian.xml file so that Infinispan Arquillian extension can handle lifecycle of these servers by itself.
When @WithRunningServer annotation is placed on a class, the server(s) will be started before the first method call in the test class, and stopped when JUnit @AfterClass event is triggered.
Tags: testing announcement
Wednesday, 05 September 2012
Infinispan Arquillian Container 1.0.0.CR1 released
Infinispan Arquillian Container is an extension to Arquillian that provides several ways to interact with Infinispan, either with a standalone Infinispan server or just with Infinispan libraries. This extension can also communicate with JBoss Data Grid server via JMX.
It was released as Maven artifacts in JBoss Maven Repository. It is located at . More information on how to set up and use the repo can be found at
What does this Arquillian extension offer to you? Let me describe all aspects of this extension one by one.
Developing tests with standalone Infinispan server
When testing, you might want to automatically start the Infinispan server before the test and stop it afterwards. This can be achieved by configuring infinispan-arquillian-container via Arquillian’s configuration file. The following is a subset of attributes that can be specified and thus passed to the Infinispan server during startup: masterThreads, workerThreads, cacheConfig, jmxPort, … The complete list can be found in (all private fields).
Examples are not a part of the release, only libraries are. In order to check out examples provided with the project, one has to clone project’s repository: Examples are located in the respective sub-directory. |
The configuration file then looks similar to the following:
Whether these two Infinispan servers are clustered or not depends on the configuration passed to them via cacheConfig (file path) attribute or their default configuration (when no config. file is passed). The configuration in arquillian.xml file just says: "Start these two instances with whatever configuration is passed to them".
Complete example:
When we tell Arquillian to work with Infinispan server, we can inject RemoteInfinispanServer object into our test. Such an object provides various information about the running Infinispan server. For example, we can retrieve a hostname and HotRod port and use these pieces of information to create a RemoteCacheManager instance. Besides that users are allowed to retrieve information available via JMX from the server like cluster size, number of entries in the cache, number of cache hits and many more.
Complete example:
Vital dependencies required for the test to run are:
org.infinispan.arquillian.container:infinispan-arquillian-container-managed:jar:1.0.0.CR1:test org.infinispan.arquillian.container:infinispan-arquillian-impl:jar:1.0.0.CR1:test
Not only with standalone Infinispan server can Infinispan Arquillian extension work.
Developing tests with JBoss Data Grid (JDG) server
This time, the properties in Arquillian’s configuration file are different and correspond to properties of JBoss Application Server 7. The most important property is again the path to the server (jbossHome).
Are you interested in what the test looks like? It looks completely the same as tests for standalone Infinispan server, you just have a few more attributes available. JDG server usually starts all three endpoints (HotRod, Memcached, REST) at the same time while for the Infinispan server you have to specify which end point should be started. Furthermore, Infinispan server does not have the REST endpoint available out-of-the-box.
As a result, you can call the following methods with JDG in one single test.
server1.getMemcachedEndpoint().getPort(); server1.getRESTEndpoint().getContextPath(); server1.getHotRodEndpoint().getPort();
The difference is, of course in dependencies. Instead of a handler for standalone Infinispan server, one has to use a handler for JBoss AS 7. The dependencies then look like this: org.infinispan.arquillian.container:infinispan-arquillian-impl:jar:1.0.0.CR1:test
Testing Infinispan libraries
Sometimes we don’t want to use a standalone server. Sometimes we want to test just Infinispan in its basic form - Java libraries. Infinispan has been under development for years and during that time, lots of tests were developed. With tests come utility methods. Infinispan Arquillian Container enables you to leverage these utility methods and call them via an instance of DatagridManager. This instance can be easily injected into a test, no matter which test framework (TestNG, JUnit) you use.
DatagridManager class can be found at
Can you see the advantage? No? Let me point out some useful methods available in the manager.
List<Cache<K, V>> createClusteredCaches(int numMembersInCluster, String cacheName, ConfigurationBuilder builder)
creates a cluster of caches with certain name and pre-defined configuration
void waitForClusterToForm()
helps to wait until the cluster is up and running
Cache<A, B> cache(int index)
retrieves a cache from certain node according to the index
Cache<A, B> cache(int managerIndex, String cacheName)
retrieves a cache with that name
void killMember(int cacheIndex)
kills a cache with cacheIndex index
AdvancedCache advancedCache(int i)
retrieves an advanced cache from node i
Trancation tx(int i)
retrieves a transaction from node i
TransactionManager tm(int i)
retrieves a transaction manager from node i
…and much more.
The following test can be found among other examples in the GIT repository.
Required dependencies:
org.infinispan:infinispan-core:jar:5.1.5.FINAL:test - users should replace this version with the one they want to test org.infinispan.arquillian.container:infinispan-arquillian-impl:jar:1.0.0.CR1:test
Infinispan Arquillian Container was tested with Infinispan 5.1.5.FINAL and JDG 6.0.0.GA. Nevertheless, it should work smoothly also with other not-very-distinct versions. I’ll be updating the project to work with newer versions of both Infinispan and JBoss Data Grid.
Tags: testing data grids
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Executing TestNG tests relying on @Parameters from Eclipse
If you wanna run TestNG tests relying on @Parameters like the one below from Eclipse, you need to pass some value for the 'basedir' parameter, otherwise Eclipse will complain:
@Test(groups = "unit", enabled = true, testName = "loaders.bdbje.BdbjeCacheStoreIntegrationTest")
public class BdbjeCacheStoreIntegrationTest extends BaseCacheStoreTest {
private String tmpDirectory;
protected void setUpTempDir(String basedir) {
tmpDirectory = basedir + TestingUtil.TEST_PATH + File.separator + getClass().getSimpleName();
Having looked around on the web, it’s not clear how to do this and some people even seem to claim that it’s not doable. However, having looked at how Maven deals with this, you simply have to pass the parameter as system property and it will work. So, if you wanna run BdbjeCacheStoreIntegrationTest from Eclipse, simply pass a system property like this:
Otherwise, Eclipse will moan with a message like this:
Parameter 'basedir' is required by @Configuration on method setUpTempDir
Tags: ide testing