Tuesday, 08 September 2020
Infinispan 12.0.0.Dev03
Dear Infinispan community,
Infinispan 12 development release 03 is here!
Cross Site Replication
With the new asynchronous cross-site replication algorithm introduced in Infinispan 11, this release brings a long desired feature: conflict resolution.
It is possible to configure a merge policy where, in case of conflict between updates of different sites, the value can be merged. Some predefined merge policies can be found here.
See the docs for more information about conflict resolution.
Another small improvement has been made to cross-site replication in this release. When sites get requests targeting caches that don’t exist or aren’t started, sender sites stop retrying the requests, which takes the backup location offline. Administrators must then bring the sites back online and perform state transfer to sync possible out-of-date data.
Infinispan Server
This version includes a new version of the web console, including mainly fixes, but also the ability to filter between Strong and Weak counters and to remove counters from the list.
You can look at the release notes to see what has changed.
Our documentation has been updated with some additional content as well as improvements for clarity and technical accuracy, notably: * Infinispan Operator Guide * Server Guide * Guide to Cross-Site Replication * Security Guide
As always, the Infinispan team hope you find the documentation useful and complete. We’d love to hear from you and really value feedback from our community. If you think something is missing from the docs or spot a correction, please get in touch and we’ll get on it straight away.
Release notes
You can look at the release notes to see what has changed.
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We’re hard at work on new features, improvements and fixes, so watch this space for more announcements!
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Tags: release development
Monday, 27 July 2020
Infinispan 12.0.0.Dev01
Dear Infinispan community,
The first of our development releases of Infinispan 12 is here and it features our upgrade to Hibernate Search 6 which finally allows us to upgrade to Lucene 8.x. We’ve had to change a few things in our query implementation to accommodate the latest and greatest and to make the feature simpler to use. As expected, being a development release, there are some rough edges and we’d really love YOUR help in making sure that we get everything right for the final release later this year.
You can look at the release notes to see what has changed.
We’re hard at work on new features, improvements and fixes, so watch this space for more announcements!
Get it, Use it, Ask us!
Please download, report bugs, chat with us, ask questions on StackOverflow.
Tags: release development